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Found 1534 results

  1. So I have recently been able to link my steam copy to my Bohemia account. however upon logging into the game i spawned right next to my old character. i was able to kill him to get my stuff back but now his corpse is blocking me from building the rest of my house i really don't want to start again (and as far as i know there is no way for me to login to that "account" anymore)
  2. Hello guys, sorry i couldn't expain the issue better in the title, here is a decription of what happend: Everything started after i was in my ship with my horse and i got stuck (probably because of land underneath me, or because of the horse hitting the ship as this guy said here). I left the wheel and tried to see what's happening, some sharks were attacking the boat (with the jittery animation) i tried to use the wheel again to unstuck the ship but i noticed that as the ship was moving the horse was "floating" above the deck and moving to the opposite direction of the ship, like it wasn't attached to the ground anymore (before that happend i was traveling with the horse standing on the ship without this issue), when i moved my ship enough the horse was floating in the air above the water, i went back to "pick it up", i mounted it and moved a bit but i couldn't use the ship anymore because the horse would always be "floating" and moving outside of it. I tried to mount it again and i fell into the water with the horse, then i insta died from the sharks (5-6 of them). I made a raft and went there to rescue my items but when i clicked release control the raft controls were stuck on the left of the screen and i couldn't see my hotbar. Shark killed me, built a new raft, grinded for new armor and items but the same happend again, as soon as i reached the area and released the raft controls. Built a new raft and this time i went to main menu and back to the game, now i could use my inventory items i tried to kill the shark and then i jumped to find my items, new shark appears, instadead. New raft, new gear, back to the same area, main menu and back to the game and this time i used the ladder to go up to the ship i used the wheel and the controls bug happend again i couldnt release the ship. Back to main menu, back to the game and i tried to sleep, i was hungry i tried to eat but only the eat animation happend, i opened the inventory and i had less berries in there than the hotbar. I tried to open a whicker basket but only the sound of it was happening, i couldn't open it, i couldn't eat, i couldn't sleep, i couldn't use the wheel. Closing the game completely and coming back everything is the same and if i use the wheel the controls keep getting stuck and need the main menu and back to be able to release them but everything else is now always stuck (eating, using the baskets etc) and i can't do anything. Is there any hope to fix the save file or its doomed and i have to start over? Here is a 4 minute video i recorded to show you what is happening: https://youtu.be/YpKFpQIefVg Down below are the output files, dxdiag and screenshot with the horse issue that i think caused this bug. In the first screenshot the horse is "left behind" floating in the air as you can see in the second screenshot that i "picked it up" by moving the boat to where it was. The next screenshot shows the stuck controls on the raft and the last one the food issue with the unmatching numbers between the hotbar and the inventory. The output files are from the last time i closed the game to try everything again and record the video, if you want the previous output files from the previous time i closed the game i have kept those as well.
  3. Ylands.exe may create a file within the Steam installation directory which contains privacy sensitive information, namely: Steam Id Username E-mail First Name Last Name Address, ZIP, City & Country Activated Subscribed Last logged on date Account creation date Account update date Owned applications in Bohemia Store This information is logged in a file called output_log_clean.txt typically found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data\ Contents would read: [IN] [08.12.17 09:54:17:08] Request #2: GET https://api.bistudio.com/user/api/v1.0/user?client_id=%...&access_token=... [IN] [08.12.17 09:54:17:21] Response #2: 200 {"steam_id":"...","username":"...","email":"...","first_name":"...","last_name":"...","activated":...,"subscribed":...,"city":"...","address":"...","zip":"...","last_logged_at":"...","created_at":"...","updated_at":"...","ownedApps":[...],"id":"...","country_code":"..."} Please fix as soon as possible. Public References: http://steamcommunity.com/app/298610/discussions/0/1499000547474366484/?ctp=4#c1499000547481022086 http://steamcommunity.com/app/298610/discussions/0/1499000547474366484/?ctp=5#c1499000547481081249
  4. When playing last night, a boat I built became a black silhouette, and when I touched it my game crashed. I tried logging into this server later and it asked me to make a new character. I did this, and was then taken to a limitless loading screen. The loading messages still appear at the top of the screen and the wheel at the bottom still spins, but without a percentage indicator. I tried force quitting and rejoining several times, and even left it running for about 20 minutes to no avail.
  5. In multiplayer, the map doesn't save on clients. Every time I rejoin the game, the map gets reset. This doesn't appear to affect the host. This is almost game-breaking to me because not being able to progress my map exploration is such a letdown. Please prioritize this highly.
  6. Crafting medieval window consumes hammer so it is 1 hammer for 1 window. Is this bug or is it on purpose?
  7. Upon dismounting a tamed horse, while in third person view, my camera movement changes and sort of locks up, only allowing me to look up or down. Pressing A or D also spins my character in place, if I'm standing still, rather than moving my character left or right. I've asked my friend, and he doesn't seem to be having this issue with horses. After experimenting a bit, I discovered that switching to first person and back to third fixes this issue. However this camera behavior change always happens when I dismount my horse.
  8. this morning I bought ylands I played for about three hours and everything was fine but then it crash like the game went off. it starts but in the game is a black screen I can se menu and inventory but anything else. sorry for my bad grammar I'm from Czech if u can lead me in Czech language it will be fine output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  9. Hi, I placed a metal container in the center of my large ship. When going into first person mode and walking into the metal container (side to side) the whole ship rocks violently. I've tested it against Pirate containers too and it has the same effect.
  10. Hi, Multiple poles, needles and ropes in my inventory. The recipe will not show. In general, I have observed a lot of inconsistencies in recipes being shown (they should show always if you have unlocked them). Hope you can take a look into this issue.
  11. A placed rope ladder can at times start teleporting you to the top of the starboard rope ladder on either a small or large ship hull. Once this occurs it will happen persistently until a game restart. It has happened to me with ladders placed either on the ship itself or on a land based structure.
  12. Sawing down one log into a wooden cube (1x1 size block) gives you five wooden cubes as a result, while sawing down one log into a wooden beam (1x4) gives you only one beam. It seems to be somehow more effectively to saw it down logs into a wooden cubes, which do somehow have 125% of the building value of the regular wooden beam block
  13. Hi guys! So I died and of course that means I only had the previous map left. The no new terrain is mapped on the map with the new character - not sure if that is also a bug or that is intended behaviour. However what is definitely a bug is that if I craft a new map, terrain will not start mapping on it until I reload the save, and then of course, being a new map, has nothing revealed. First I would love for the new map bug to be fixed, but also as a feature request one of these: 1. Either allow us to continue mapping with the old map. 2. Or allow us to combine the old and new map - "learning" what my predecessor discovered and adding it to my new map. Thanks!
  14. My game sounds are working perfectly fine, but that is the only thing that is currently working when I launch the game. It's as if it is not launching my game but i do hear the music from the menu. Anyone with the same issue or related to mine? I already tried launching steam in admin mode, veryfing game files, restarting pc. Everything used to work just fine before the last update. Current version where problem occured: Version: 0.6.41974
  15. There is an issue that me and my friend are having with being able to craft shovels. We have the required ingredients according to those we talk to (pole, log, axe) and its not showing up in crafting. We have both tried relogging and its on the official exploration #1 server. I hope that my log files help. I believe it extends beyond that because earlier I could not craft rope. This looks like a really good game though (:
  16. Hello Devs I have found that when I try to open a sleeping pad, either Bamboo, leather or straw, I get no option to open it. I look at the Pad as I have placed it down but I can't seem to open it. I get no Option. I was playing Multiplayer and I got it open but could not Close it because there was no option.
  17. StinkyDino

    RESOLVED Coyns Issue

    I've linked my Steam account and my Ylands account but I still only have 4600 coyns. Is there any fix for this?
  18. On offical server, explore eu 8, if you go left from spawn, there is a house, the one with a coffin next to it. If you use the ladder inside the house it will teleport you and insta kill you from fall damage. There is quite a pile of corpses where the ladder teleprts you, so i'm not the only one.
  19. After taming a horse and mounting it and riding it my controls were wonky after dismounting. For example, I could no longer look sideways with my mouse. and turning with keyboard keys became super sensitive. A light tape on the "D" key would sometimes turn me a full half-circle. Again in this situation I was not the one hosting.
  20. SergM

    RESOLVED No Sound

    good afternoon. Help. in the game there is no sound. the game is bought in Steam.
  21. When I go to launch the game, the steam window open for less than a second, then it closes. I cannot get it to run by administrator either. Also whenever my antivirus runs a scan it removes five threats from Ylands, I wanted to know why this was and how I can solve this issue so that I did not just spend money on something that I won't be able to use. I have Webroot as my antivirus
  22. stephencpu

    RESOLVED Pua.superweb

    When I tried to start Ylands on steam my Webroot SecureAnywhere says that Pua.superweb is present in the game. The Webroot erases what it calls Pua.superweb and then the game wont start at all? Any udeas?
  23. I have notice a bug, where an item in the inventory would have it's icon drawn off the inventory window, so i tried to restart the game but got stuck at "SAVING IN PROGRESS". No error, no nothing, white screen with this text on the bottom. I has been stuck like that for abour 25 minutes now, with about 5% cpu usage. I have found a "output_log.txt" file, and it has a lot of: " NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at YlandsClient.CombinedMeshManager.CombineIntoMeshes (TerrainChunk chunk, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 entities) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at YlandsClient.CombinedMeshManager.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 " output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  24. При включении русского языка, пропадают числа в инвентаре (количество ресурсов в стаке)
  25. TeodorLB

    RESOLVED Didn't save

    there is a save option that pops up when you close your game save right? i clicked save yesterday, and opened it again ot play today, and everything i did yesterday is gone, is this some type of bug? or is there another way to save a game?