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Found 321 results

  1. Not sure why, but this has happened 3 times already. I leave explore and it shows me the spinning circle, then it freezes and the game becomes unresponsive. It does save my progress so I'm not terribly worried about it. Just don't like shutting the game down with windows prompts. Attached the output logs. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. Hi since a few weeks I cant play anymore I have a crash at launch. WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/PostProcessing/Uber' - Pass '' has no vertex shader WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/PostProcessing/Uber' - Pass '' has no vertex shader WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/PostProcessing/FinalPass' - Pass '' has no vertex shader WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/PostProcessing/FinalPass' - Pass '' has no vertex shader Shader 'Hidden/Ylands/FXAA': fallback shader 'Hidden/FXAA II' not found Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 19) Crash!!! Files included Thanks for help output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  3. After several periods of lag and connection timeouts, the last one wouldn't let me log back in to the MP world. I did try a SP world and I was able to log in and sail back towards the MP world. However, the MP world still was not reachable. Another player is able to get back to the MP world so I'm attaching my output logs and a screenshot of the message. Please let me know how to proceed. This MP world has my PB on it and I don't want to lose another one. Thanks, Sandy output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  4. So this one is kinda weird. It started happening after I placed my iron ladder(Short one) onto my ship. I had to break a few blocks to place it. But now when I go to place blocks in a way, it is denied saying there is no room. I even have a back wall to my ship I cannot place anything on it or near it. I did do a full game restart and it fixed maybe one or two spots, but the issue is still there. Not sure what else to do. Here is a video of what is taking place. Also I included the log file. Thank You Blindobi Blindobi_Ylands_2021-02-07_10-17-35.rar log_2021-02-07_161503clean.txt
  5. I'm currently playing an Exploration map on the current version of Ylands on a multiplayer server with a friend. I seem to have glitched or broke the rabbit bait. I place rabbit bait down not knowing how it worked ( that it was for taming not hunting) we shot an arrow at the rabbit spooking it wait from the wait i when to pick the bait up after some time had past because i notice the rabbit wasn't coming back. Picking it up glitched it in my inventory, first it was invisible so I left the game and came back then the bait was back but I couldn't drop, destroy or trade it (an fail message pops up) and dropping it duplicated a glitched version that my friend picked up now he is stuck with the bugged item as well . It can be moved around in my inventory but that's it. It counts as a space as well. please how do I fix this. I really don't wanna start a new game.
  6. I will join the crowd and start putting my crash logs here Hopefully more data = more fixes and a better game for everyone ? output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  7. Is it possible for an Yland to generate without a cave? I've been searching this Tier 1 tropical rainforest with no success. It's strange because the Tier 1 Yland right next door which is a similar shape has a cave which I've marked on the map with a star.
  8. Encountered a little party happening with some boars and rabbits. They seem to get stuck between the shack and the log pile in this particular Random Encounter, the one with the bamboo shack and outhouse and banana trees. There are 3 boars and 3 rabbits in this screenshot!
  9. Below it says you can use ANY mushroom, but i have 83 cave mushrooms and it doesnt recognize them
  10. Game crashed to desktop while I was moving some items to a chest on my boat output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. I was on my friends new Exploration map, and all of the animals were glowing for a few minutes, but then stopped. I am not too worried about this part: Main bug: the ship control started being a problem. Game was confused about if I was sailing the ship. If I let go of the controls, it still had the map in the top corner, and I could not access my hotbar (especially a problem because I was starving). Then if I held the helm, my hotbar came back, but I could not use the items, obviously. I also could not steer or stop my ship. This could be lag, but I haven't run into it before. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  12. So while making my game for the BI competition, I noticed a pretty annoying bug: Lets say you have a player role you spawn in as and have 3 skills equipped to that role. Naturally, you spawn in with all 3 of those skills in your skill hot bar. Now, when you spawn in as a player role that has NO skills attached to it, and enter a trigger zone that has the following tiles: Only one of those skills appears in the hotbar: The same thing happens if you have in that trigger zone the tile that allows you to change player roles (a role containing skills). Because of this, I believe this is a bug. I would like to get a person from the ylands teams opinion on this please.
  13. Every now and then, when I'm editing my scripts, the zoom function just stops working and sometimes will randomly return, but a lot of the time it won't. It's rather frustrating as some of my scripts are pretty large. I'm posting it to try and see if it could be any problem on my end. Thanks!
  14. Particles on items and characters not work after patch 1.4.0 or 1.4.1 (only on dedicated server,?) In editor and editor test work correctly.
  15. If players go to the edge of my play area, they get stuck and can no longer move. Luckily most of them can use /killme or a custom control I have set up to move you back to the entrance of the maze, but this is still super annoying. Moving using those methods allows you to move your character as normal again, without restarting the map.
  16. When using custom controls, plant is actually part of "building." If I uncheck "plant," I am still able to plant as normal. If I uncheck "building-place block" I can no longer plant ?‍♀️ along with all the other building functions that I wanted to keep. Speaking of planting, I also can no longer free-place seeds as just items (not planting) no matter what map (sandbox etc.) ? ...I did some more testing and discovered I can scroll through V, then select a different object, then select the seed, then press V again (just watch the video lol). That is definitely not functioning as intended.
  17. The move to inventory tile (combined with an event listener that sees if something leaves the inventory) sometimes duplicates the items instead. It seems to have trouble with the whole stack or individual items that don't stack. If it is part of a stack, it works as normal.
  18. Description: I dug a hole in editor, but at certain angles, the terrain reappears. I can still walk through it. The map I sent Adam a while ago (Halloween-published files) is the video, but I'd bet this happens to multiple maps.
  19. So I have been having multiple problems with the game timing me out. I mainly play on YWD servers. Journey to the 12 Kingdoms and Origins. There is now a 5th server for Origins that is only listed in multiplayer lobby (Nitrado server) Anyhow when it goes to time me out or I see the spinning wheel of death...I wait for it to bring me back to the main screen, and sometimes it never occurs. I end up closing the program with task manager when this happens. It just happened again so I decided to come here and attach the input/output logs, but guess what? They aren't in the folder for the time played. I don't always have to close the program this way, but thought you might want to be aware. When it odes timeout again and closes properly I will send you the logs. It's been crashing so much lately that I will add the logs here soon when it does occur again.....fair warning, since the update this has happened so much I think you will be seeing a lot of these logs. (With the exception of the logs that do not save)
  20. So I was trying to make script with a Crude mace that, on a heavy attack, would launch a large rock forward to hit and damage an opponent. I have made similar scripts a multitude of times, but I wanted this one to deal crushing damage since it is launching a large boulder. I noticed that when I set the damage type to crushing in the throw command, nothing would happen, and nothing in the "On entity hit" and "On ground hit" parts of the throw command, such as particle effects and sounds, would happen either. I tested the same script on other weapons and it was providing the same results, so I changed the damage type next, and after changing just the damage type to Pure, everything started working as intended.
  21. On the left side of the boat, the mast will not place next to the other mast. In fact it "forces" the placer to move to the left and won't allow to place against the other mast. On the other side, it works perfectly. The whole ship, on both sides, is made exactly alike. I can label this as a "game" issue. Three will fit on the right perfectly while, on the left, they won't come close and go "red". The left side was snapped after it moved but, trust me, it won't place on the left side next to the back mast.
  22. Creator Club Info Cannot change profile info. Does accept the changes but on refresh reverts back.
  23. Join button missing in creator club page on some browsers: