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Dev Diary #108

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What’s up Ylanders!

I’m happy to make your acquaintance, my name is Tomáš Gestinger but you can just call me TG to avoid the confusing Czech/German combo ? I‘ll be filling the role of Content Specialist which is a fancy way of saying I’ll be the person responsible for helping all of you with your wonderful creations, showing them to the world, and for making sure your voices are heard here inside the office. The content you create or want to create is going to be my bread and butter. I’ll be working closely with Adam so you’ll soon see both of us moving through the forums and other places.

To introduce how I got here, I have a pretty diverse background – I used to be a teacher, which is what I originally studied, then I moved on to game design, content production and management, and other boring stuff. I’ve been designing and producing different types of content for a while but the Ylands editor is a whole new level of excitement for me so I can’t wait to see what we’ll be able to create! My goal is to make sure the creative community surrounding Ylands can grow, to challenge all of you to make awesome stuff that will shape the future of the platform, and most importantly I want us to have fun with the game. ? I'm a sucker for good stories, especially interactive ones, so you can expect some of that showing up in my work too.

If you're interested in some totally not boring and random stuff about me, the next paragraph is for you! Video games are a huge part of my life and when I'm not working on one, I'm usually playing one if there's enough time. My favourite game of all time is Gothic 2 (best game ever, fight me) and I love RPG games in general. Because of my love for storytelling I also love reading and playing DnD so if you have any tips on good books and/or role-playing related stuff, let me know. ?

Since we’ll be working together a lot you can always contact me or @ me with your creative troubles or ideas and I’ll do my best to help. Or just send me your freshest memes, I always appreciate that. ?

See you around and stay classy!

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  On 12/12/2019 at 4:48 PM, TomasGestinger said:

My favourite game of all time is Gothic 2

Gothic 2 with the expansion is objectively the best game ever ?

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Its great to see the BI team in their natural habitat, its so rare to see them these days?

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  On 12/12/2019 at 8:24 PM, Oliver Hope said:

Welcome TG! If I may ask, what subject/s did you teach?
Here’s a meme


Thanks for the meme.? My teaching years were pretty diverse, I worked as an English teacher, an assistant for problematic students and I even worked as a preschool teacher for some time. It was a lot of fun and I use the knowledge and skillset to this day a lot, but it didn't give me enough creative fulfillment.

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Hello Tomasgestinger and welcome , I have a question for the next dev diary: I was looking for old content and a screenshot of a map reminding me how an island were surounded by other small islands also full of small cove. This kind of island could take a lot time to explore it was great because each small island could hide a secret or entrance to a cave. My question: did you plain to give us more option to generate islands? And if so, what options will be available ? Thx

Desktop Screenshot 2019.12.13 -


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It would be nice if the algorithm allowed for the possibility of a large island sometimes being an archipelago instead, or a medium island with a few small bits of land offshore.

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