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About Deadeye_Rob

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  1. Deadeye_Rob

    Ylands on nintendo switch soon ?

    My son (who was newborn when I first played Ylands in 2016) is looking forward to getting this for his switch. He can't wait to play his dad's contribution to the game: The Fortress Library. It's such a positive thing to see this game evolve onto another platform and I hope it does well!
  2. Hi guys! With 2023 coming to a close I must say it's been a blast playing Ylands again and I'd like to leave a suggestion that could make 2024 a year of further awesomeness! It's fair to say that Ylands is a nautical game, and as such a large percentage of maps are ocean. Whilst there has been great strides to diversify and populate the ocean floor, there is still limited reasons to dive down there for prolonged periods of time. With this in mind, I would...
  3. Still here! Still having fun since 2016!
  4. Deadeye_Rob

    Display cases/Weapon racks

    I'd be in support of this. I can vouch for how easy it is to design and code something like that.
  5. Deadeye_Rob

    Suggestion: Editable written object names.

    A good example of this is the way Zoologist Note Scrolls are easily identified.
  6. Hi guys, Simple suggestion but one that would bring substantial improvement to quality of life. When writing a scroll, paper (Hopefully books one day 😉) could we have the ability to change the name of the object in question? This way I can see exactly what the scroll/paper is before i decide to pick it up. Thanks!
  7. Hi guys, For those who already own (or are thinking of getting) a Steam Deck, you may run into an issue where your copy of Ylands wont recognise the location of its save files. After doing some tinkering with my device (and obtaining the advice/guidance of others credited) I have written a relatively easy to follow guide on how to apply a simple fix that will ensure you can enjoy Ylands on your Steam Deck. I published the quickfix guide on the steam...
  8. Hi guys, I haven't played Ylands since last Christmas, sadly my once-loyal gaming laptop finally decided to fry itself after about a decade of loyal service! I still maintain a strong online presence within the community however as I strive, work, graft and plead my way into affording a replacement. As I scan through my old uploads, I found a couple of screenshots that I took years ago which I believe really encompasses the spirit of Ylands. I enjoy travelling...
  9. Deadeye_Rob

    Remove stereotypes of Native Americans

    Just curious, but which elements of the Native American set do you find stereotypical? As for hostility I'd put forward the case that pretty much all NPC's with the exception of merchants are to be considered hostile. This includes a very diverse selection of cultures and denominations. There are Spanish Conquistadors, Indo-European hunters, Ancient Romans, Nordic tribesmen and even the odd loon who wears a cactus for a helmet! I would not say that...
  10. One of the best aspects of Ylands has always been engaging with the multiplayer community. I love visiting player-built ports to trade and re-supply. If I could criticise anything however, it would be the limited (to no) choice regarding operation of a server. I would love to see a return to player-hosted servers instead of forced to rent.
  11. Deadeye_Rob

    Dev Diary #262 Changing Challenge

    If a rebalance in combat is on the table, could you look into the prospect of shields and other forms of offensive/defensive equipment we could toy around with?
  12. Deadeye_Rob

    Dev Diary #245 Fun Energy Wanted!

    Here’s a few from my list: ENERGY GENERATION Whilst it’s very convenient to have a recharger on a ship, it does offer an endless, illogical supply of energy for engines. I think that energy generation should follow in line with basic physics in that I must be obtained from a fuel, or renewable source. Thus introducing a whole new market for energy generation. Maybe solar, oil, wind etc. STORAGE We have Power packs, which are a great portable start. I...
  13. Deadeye_Rob

    Dev Diary #241 That One Recipe You're Missing

    This sounds like an outstanding idea. I’ve got a ton of accumulated exploration points that are pretty much worthless once unlocking islands. By using them to purchase recipies would introduce a ‘progression loop’ which would keep players interested. I am opposed to the earlier suggestion to monetise Exploration points however as it would set a dangerous example. Good job guys!
  14. Deadeye_Rob

    Retain energy connections in game blueprints

    I didn’t know about this. Thanks @zarwil, you’ve saved me against a potentially expensive mistake!
  15. Deadeye_Rob

    Community Corner #1

    what I immediately see…