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Found 1534 results

  1. I am hosting and have had no issues. But my friends sometimes spawn on a random island and cannot get back to me. Please make it a priority to add a teleport command for the server host so they can teleport people to them. Unstuck doesn't always bring you back to your original spawn island so maybe that's where to bug is at but we still need the teleport command for the server host.
  2. Hey there, So I bought the game about a week ago, and the first day we had a hiccup. and the game could no longer be loaded by anyone except for me. so we chalked it up as unlucky. and made a new game. for the next several days we had little to no problems, as we worked hard to complete our boat so we could take on a long expedition oversea, shortly after departing. it all went to shit. My brother started glitching up and down on the boat, the boat then sank halfway under the water, and commenced about 2.5 hours of nonsense to get the boat fixed up, get him back to his dead body. ETC... Needless to say I could go on for quite awhile longer. But we made it to another island, and when he died, it spawned him back at the original.. "Go figure!" several more hours of nonsense, but now we've managed to both return to the island. alive and well. And after one of the 10x or so he has to relog every hour to fix the random inventory bugs, or the floating heads. or the fact he is walking like a horse whilst off his horse. He could no longer re-join. and now everytime he does, it loads to 100% and during that time my game becomes frozen. until he cancels. at which point i'm able to play just fine.. TL;DR LOTS OF BUGS and nonsense lead to a corrupt save.. Please help. ANY help would be highly appreciated. This game has the potential to be magnificent. but at it's currently barely playable state, there's nothing more terrifying than the idea of the game RANDOMLY corrupting, after hundreds of hours of work.. Also when trying to attach my save game to this post I keep receiving this message Allowed file extensions are: jpg, png, gif, zip, rar, log, txt, jpeg
  3. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Multiplayer + Cars

    Hi all, So I've just released a multiplayer game mode that has a lot of cars on it, I have built islands with tracks on them using the terrain forming tools in the editor, and have joined them together with roads. However, so far I've lost most of my cars through them falling through the terrain while driving them on these islands / roads. I've filmed a video that will demonstrate. Is there any way this could be fixed pretty please? It cripples my game mode for multiplayer. It doesn't happen at all in single player on this game mode, it started happening when I joined as a guest to my server running this game mode. Thanks! * Edit Also two more bugs occured while I was testing as a guest on this multiplayer session - While in 3rd person camera view mode, and driving a car, the auto-follow camera view would not trigger, and I was not able to get it to trigger, meaning that I was having to adjust the camera view with my mouse, while steering the car with my keyboard... tricky! This works fine in first person mode, and in single player mode, so just 3rd person as a guest on multiplayer. Secondly, as a guest on multiplayer - driving a car often jolts, visually it looks like network lag, rather than low FPS or graphical lag. Furthermore, the animals do this jolt movement as well.
  4. Just got the game and I wasn't expecting any performance issues, sadly that's all I got. The game runs at a constant horribly low FPS. When I turn the camera, load a new area or enter an area densely populated by trees it spikes even worse. I've tried adjusting in-game settings, optimising settings through the Nvidia Control Panel, setting usage priority, launching in various dx settings, and while on the lowest of the low settings there is an improvement, it's very marginal and hardly worth the poor graphics. I would really appreciate some solutions I could try, otherwise I will be refunding the game Specs: Windows 10 64-bit i7 4790K Processor Nvidia GTX980 16GB Memory 2560x1440 G-Sync Display
  5. I builded my ship so sweet, 2 days, with my friends, we builded Decos, and this stuff, to make it look the best, wanned to make Photos for steam, and afer a restart because the inventory bugged again, everythink was away.. is there a build limit fir the ship ? If yes, REMOVE IT, it was so hard to do, and now i dont wanna play the game again, because that think, and this trash inventory bug.. Good Day
  6. When I started I never had this issue it only happend when I built a ship, then everthing I placed was forever invisible the only way I could fix it is to leave the game and come back but even then when i placed any object it was still invisible.
  7. Hey Devs, First off, absolutely loving this game so far! Encountered an issue today where I was on my horse and I glitched through a hill and got stuck in the middle of the world. I've tried the /unstuck commands to no luck Attached is my save file. Any chance you could try to save my save? If not, hope the save file can at least help you guys out Thanks, Mike EXPLORE.rar
  8. Daniel Deight

    RESOLVED Save map proggres

    I have really fine problem... After maybe 10 hours play and open my map, we reset connection of the server and i forget my map progress, is not funny
  9. Bought YLands and Ive played with friends since starting. First few times I played i could join normally but, after awhile i have to reconnect because its not loading. When i try to reconnect i get Host Unreachable 90% of the time. Help? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  10. Silwercastle

    RESOLVED Ice black

    Dug up ice on frozen island. In the crafting section the uses shows up as black blocks. If you use map with a crafted ice block it show at the bottom of the map and does not fade out as the rest of your hot bar.
  11. I've seen this happen in many games, it s a glitch that happens when you are near a wall and move the camera. It s not a huge problem but you can sort of cheat using this method.
  12. I get the "host unreachable" message every time i try to connect to an official server. Can play on some private ones, not all.
  13. So my brother is hosting multipayer and i was playing in his server and everything was fine until i placed objects/blocks and they vanished. But after that i could still play but i always have to have more than 1 of same objects in my inventory so i could place objects. After playing while i got another bug and only thing i could do is moving ( i couldnt choose objects, place them or anything.) I restarted game and then tryied to re join the server and got stuck at 100%. After that i have not been able to play the game anymore. My brother is hosting server and he can join the game but he cant do anything also. Please fix this!! We cant play this game anymore if you guys dont give us new multiplayer update!
  14. Hello. I am having some issues with a multiplayer server i sett upp. Me and a friend are playing together, and my friend has to log inn and out to see when something new is buildt on the boat. This sometimes happens on land aswell, but it is constantly broken on the boat.
  15. HI, i got a big problem, i want to create a propeller pack but i cant craft the soldering iron and the magnyfing glass but i have all the material to craft it in my inventory
  16. Last night my ship became stuck on sand. I started to dig underneath to free the ship (worked), I accidentally hit the ship ladder which it fell to the ground. I accidentally clicked the right mouse button while looking at the ladder which then caused me to climb down into Earth and kept falling until i frozen to death.
  17. Serina Danae Brown

    RESOLVED Floating heads!

    I've had to create three different maps now because after a while I get to a point where I have everything I need to start building a more advanced base, and all of a sudden I can't see anything! Just my floating head! The ground# and the ocean! My structures are gone! I can't see items! I can't see foliage! I can't see the ship I'm standing on! Nothing! I've been pretty alright with it hapoening, knowing how new the game is... But this is the third time I've gotten pretty far and lost everything. I haven't deleted these map seeds because I'm hoping one day this problem will be fixed and I can go back to those games... But I'm just not ready to start over again....PLZ HELP!
  18. Mavrosh

    RESOLVED No Colors?

    My friend bought this game for me. And when I loaded in all the colors where gone. I couldn't see anything but shapes. the odd thing is is that I can see inventory items in full color, please help me out!
  19. Steve Buscemis Alter-Ego

    RESOLVED Can't connect

    Everything works well at the first time. Then, when I tried to connect again to the friend server, the tells me "The host is unreachable" or I start connecting and get stucked at Recalling buildings (100%). Tried some public servers, could connect 1/5, 4/5 the same issue. Thnx. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  20. Hello, I have a problem with the game. It seems to crash right after I launch it. I am running the 09/12/2017 update (0.6.42044). When I click play on steam, something starts loading, then the screen goes black and stays that way. If I then click the left mouse button, the screen goes white and I get the classic "Ylands.exe is not responding." Thanks a lot in advance. DxDiag.txt output_log.txt
  21. When I get on a boat after swimming, I end up swimming on the boat like I’m in water, just wondering if anyone else is having problems like this?
  22. Mycernius

    RESOLVED Colour Problem

    When I turn the game on and join a server my entire screen is Green, I have tried to change some of the settings but nothing fixes it. The weird part about the game being green is the fact that if I go into my inventory my character will be the selected colors I chose him to be. please help if you can.
  23. nator316

    RESOLVED Dupe Glitch

    I continued to pick over 300 sticks from a single tree or rock in explorer mode.
  24. Hello,This has happened to my friend and I twice now, We've lost two islands that have 5+ hours of work on them each. My friend hosts the server off his PC. I will be playing and get stuck somewhere, and as so as I do, he is unable to place things or do anything interactive with the server until I log. Once I log, the server goes back to working, but as soon as I try to join back, it bugs the server again and I get stuck at 100% (Recalling Buildings) and never get logged into the server. Once I disconnect, server goes back to normal. I've included my logs as well as the server hosts logs. PLEASE HELP! My Ylands logs.rar Echo's Ylands logs.rar
  25. I cant connect to any server output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt