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Found 1534 results

  1. Hey guys, I received the coyns from the exploration pack again when logging in today. I already received the coyns when the pack was first split off, so now I have twice as many coyns as I really ought. This isn't a negative, but I also didn't pay for these which is a bit of an issue.
  2. I don't know how it happened, but I do know when. for some reason, a bug occurred when I was hopping between worlds in Exploration Mode that caused all the placed blocks on my ship to disappear. It also made it impossible to disassemble the ship for re-construction. Before: After:
  3. When i turn off construction mode of my ship in the editor, some of the blocks revert to their original color. As far as I know these blocks include: -all stone letters, stone numbers and stone signs -wooden pier supports The ship was a composition from before 1.7 and it doesn't seem to occur with new compositions. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. My boat and so all the resources I had disappeared after I loaded the game. I loaded mid-air on a boat, the game reloaded itself two times, dropped me on an island boatless, can't summon it anymore, and the save file size reflects that it's gone. I know this has already been reported. Is there a way to load an older save? I tried deleting the newest save file but the game just says that the newest save is unavailable and won't load older ones. This might be the end of Ylands for me to be honest: what's the point of playing knowing I can lose everything any moment. I wish I could at least get my resources back via the console command but /additem has been spirited away too.. SaveGames.zip Ylands_Data.zip
  5. I have just reset my character again in exploration and just like the first time I have spawned as a new character without a new PB. I thought this issue had been resolved? Is this still an issue when resetting your character or has there been an update to find a broken PB or something?
  6. So as the title suggests, I came across some lit candles and noticed the flame was bigger than usual so I checked the ones on my ship and the effect must be on all of them. Made me feel like the whole place was going to set on fire. Nobody light your candles until they fix this ?
  7. raven39221

    RESOLVED Exploration Bug

    Hi there I'm Raven. (raven39221 on Steam) and I have a problem. Before Ylands got it's first MAJOR update I owned the game. Back when it was in Early Access in fact. Before updating the game the developers promised that we, the people who already had the game from the start, would still have our Exploration for free. In my case, Steam visibly shows me that the Exploration DLC is in fact there, but in-game I get a prompt to pay. Why is this... I have supported this game for years now. Now when I FINALLY return to it, it's free and I don't even have my dam Exploration DLC working. Please help me... I don't have any files attached except these images because this seems to be something not related to the game itself.
  8. but if i create a account this appear i tried with another e-mail but nothings works
  9. As you can see on the compass, there should be a random encounter here. I checked with freecam and there was nothing underground nor in the sky. edit: after some more exploring i found lots more empty encounters. On one island more than half of them didn't pop up.
  10. As in the title. I had a save in the game but it was removed and i don't know how to start a new one.
  11. Yo HasLEGO

    Menu Scrolling (Beta)

    In the crafting menu I can only scroll when my cursor is either in between the pictures of the items or next to them. For some reason scrolling doesn't work when my mouse is on one of the pictures.
  12. hello each time i re launch my game, i have to re map my keyboard keys, since i use a french keyboard azerty and not an american one qwerty. and every time on launching the game i need to re set my movement keys and the up and down keys for editor, and most of the time, in editor, my z key ends up making my camera go down instead of going straight forward, very annoying when trying to build in editor.
  13. Hi, so this is a bug report i forgot to make a few days ago. I was sailing normally in my ship from world to world, when i got into a multiplayer world, there i realized that my clothing that was customly tinted chenged its color to the original one (the elven clothes), and my ship's hull, wich i had with a custom color also got back to its original colour, i got back to my singleplayer world and restarted the game and everything, but the colors where gone, i had to repaint all again. Sadly i didnt took any sccreenshots, but you can believe me hahaha. here are the logs: output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  14. I just finished building a barn with a fence, tamed 3 horses, and as soon as a tamed horse goes into the barn, it disappears. I've had other tamed animals disappear even when they aren't in a barn or fence, but not this fast. Right after I watched the second horse go into the barn and disappear, I left the game. So hopefully, my logs might help with this. Thanks. Sandy output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt log_userscripts.txt
  15. I know other have posted this issue already, but i feel the need of posting it too. (and yes, im copypasting what i said on our discord's bug reports channel lol) Now i'm actually scared of going to multiplayer maps, today i went to locust just to find out when i spawned that my ship was completely destroyed, lost every freeplaced block and all colour. Restarting or respawning didnt work. Luckily i went back to my sp world and the blocks were back, but the colour wasnt, i'll have to paint everything again (everything was dark coffee and the sail was red), and as soon as i put it in construction mode all the parts that still had their colour just lost it too. I know it's recomended to have a good internet connection to play, but playing with a slower connection shouldnt mean that you could always loose everything Heres some pics about what happened and the all mighty logs lol: output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  16. WaaZyy-5b00ce581b563a91

    RESOLVED server wiping alone

    I bought a server and it resets itself, always when I play with friends on it the progress is not saved, it literally restarts on its own from scratch, when I log in the next day it has nothing, it loses all my construction and that of other players, as I do to be all safe?
  17. SamuraiGoatman

    RESOLVED Social Not working

    I tried to click on social and it's not working at all I don't know what's going on can someone help me out ?? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  18. Need help about the social and messenger tabs, They don't open, also I can't seem to be able to chat with anyone and I can't see my avatar and my clan is somehow deleted any Help? I also Put in the tags What is not Working. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  19. Miguel Preguisa

    RESOLVED Cannot log in

    I had to play as a guest when I was trying out an experimental branch and now I would like to play on my own account. Which seems not possible anymore. I am now logged as "Guest1234" I think and I found no "Log out" button. However, I suppose the Link button under the Profile tab should be used in that way? When I enter my age (why?), email and password, this comes up I checked both my email (yes, it's the only one I use without a typo) and password. Could log in to Bohemia site with it. It was the same in my password manager. Still didn't work. So I changed it. Again, logged into my account on the Bohemia site but the game still gives me that popup. I can normally log here on the forum to my Workshop page.
  20. This might be a longshot question..... A few months back @jchob rented a server in exploration. He named it Locust and it became a glorious experiment. The players that came there pushed the server to it's absolute limits. There were hundreds of buildings....and yes, lots of lag in places LOL My question is this Jchob missed the server rental fee by one day, and all was supposedly lost....but is it? Could it be possible the map and all it's structures is stored somewhere??? He looked everywhere in his files to find the saved game, but it was also gone so he could not restore the server and the map. So....my question is, does Bohemia have that file somewhere in the cloud? Is it possible to bring the map back to exploration? Can anybody there send the map game file (including all the buildings) to @jchob so he can bring this amazing place back? There are a few people that would be happy to contribute to the server fee if there is a way to restore that map and all of it's amazing buildings. If not....then can it be possible in the future to save these efforts? I mean....can the owner of the map can save the file just in case another calamity such as this occurs?
  21. During starting the minigames-server The right translation is: SPIELDATEN WERDEN ENTPACKT
  22. so i was in editor and i noticed a particular roof block had been replaced by a different one and when i tried to find the roof piece that was originally there, i couldn't find it. has it been been removed or something else?
  23. lady_whynot

    RESOLVED Ship movement

    Here my ship is neatly "parked" anchor below . Than i looked out Now after logging in, my ship is outside the port. The direction is north Logging out and logging in again did not change anything. It seems that it is due to the narrow box (parking lot). If so, how big does it have to be so that the ship is not moved.
  24. Barbute Helmet Elven tunic(Updated to correct color after a time) Elven pants(Updated to correct color after a time) Elven boots(Updated to correct color after a time)
  25. Hello, I've been waiting for some time to be able to import sounds into ylands editor, and 1.6 finally came! However I have been experiencing some troubles with the music library and i'm not really sure if this is because of bad scripting or because of how the midi files are played in game. I have made a playable piano with importing 25 key sounds. When sitting at the piano, it opens a custom UI displaying the notes (see image bellow) and with custom controls it play the key sound (and the note in the UI will light up). Problem is, sometimes, some sound won't play, especially when doing chords. Sometimes sounds will get cut and stop playing, and sometimes some chords won't play at all. Here is the instruction when pressing a key : Currently this is plugged on every key TAP event. For further testing, game is uploaded as "Piano Training Ground", I can also send the composition if needed. Thanks in advance, Kind regards