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Found 1534 results

  1. Well, basically, if you plant too many plants at the same spot, you just fall through the floor, your ending up at the original spawn and still have your items. Plantbugg.zip
  2. How's it going! I've ran into a wonderfully inconvenient issue that has completely halted progress on weeks of work and potentially corrupted and ruined it. Every time I click on a new entity it will proceed to stack these on one after the next and they are completely empty. This has been causing the editor to unresponsive and I have to force quit the game as it gets stuck in the visual scripter. I have already lost hours and hours of progress due to this issue and now, simply put, it won't go away. Restarts fixed it once and now they don't. As you can see on this wonderful image, this happens every time I click on an entity. Entities that aren't even related cross over these empty boxes of nothing. The worst part is, even upon clicking into the entity that has info stored, those boxes with the clocks(??) still stay there. Unmoving, unwavering, taunting and laughing. Any input would be greatly appreciated as this is the furthest I have made it on a project of mine and now at this rate i'm just demotivated to even keep playing Ylands. This experience has just left me broken because during my time in quarantine this is what i've been focusing on. Thank you!
  3. I have a HOTAS system plugged into my PC (four separate USB devices). I have selected to disable controllers in the settings thus relying on mouse and keyboard only. This works correctly in-game, but in the game menu I do get possible interference from my controllers in the Exploration mode load screen. The highlighted section of the available save games will always move to the top (which is the create new game option). The only way to load my existing game is to double-click on my save game. This is not an issue for just loading an existing save, but it there are other actions that can be performed on an existing save, I would not be able to select these. To summarise, I cannot load a save game by selecting it and pressing the play button, as the selection always moves up to the top by itself and changes the context of the load button to create new.
  4. Hi Often I have a bug when trying to move an object with the green, blue, red arrows. When I want to click one of them to move the object, it selects the block behind the arrows instead. This is also the case with the rotating function. It seems to occur randomly, since I don't know what causes it. Here's a video of me trying to build my ship. note: it doesn't happen with other ships or on land. Maybe it is because I'm building outside of the ships bounds?
  5. Hello fellow ylanders out there and devs As the title says, when creating a new map, there is an option called "enable Punch Attack". I know there is a little ? where you "click" to get information about what this option does. But, in my honest opinion the option TEXT is contraditory. It's says Enable punch attack, but what it really does is disabling the generic character punch replacing it with the Wave Emote. This can mislead to people to click it because it says "ENABLE PUNCH ATTACK". In my view, this means "players can use punch melee attack", but what it does is disabling the punch action. This might not seem important, but, It can mislead people. Maybe replace the option text with "Replace punch attack", or something else? (i'm not vey creative for names :D) Sorry, I have to say this, BE SAFE OUT THERE, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND YOURS. Dark times are upon on us.
  6. Hey Bohemia Int. Thx for an amazing game. I simply love Ylands! I bought it for my kids too, and we're exploring our asses off ? Since the new update, a great one btw, the workstations are bugging me hard. When ever you're in PENDING tab at a workstation it automaticly flips to the RECIPE tap, of whatever you have selected on the left, when you press craft/feed/ignite, or if you right click on something to make it. It didn't used to do that, and it's making me crazy. I've attached a small video showing the bug - I'm using the Kiln in the video, but the bug is on every workstation in the game. https://youtu.be/M-u5ZvBrzJg Best regards Anders
  7. Hello everybody !!! This is my first message here so I wanted to say thanks for this wonderful game first. I've been expecting 1.2 so much, and I'm very glad to play it. But there's this tiny but very annoying bug now. I'll try to explain (sorry if it's not very clear, also cause english is not my mother tongue). Ok. So before 1.2, when I crafted something, I opened the workstation window, clicked "pending" to display what is currently crafting at the right, plus the "feed" and "ignite" buttons. So it was smooth : open, go to pending section, feed, ignite, craft craft craft craft ; a few clicks and the station was full. Now : I open the workstation window, click the "pending" section. Click "feed" and it takes me back to the "recepies" section ; so I have to click AGAIN on "pending" to ignite, and it takes me back to the "recepies" section again. Each click, each action, takes me back to the recepies section, where before it just stayed on pending the whole time (i know its just a few clicks but it's very annoying). If i missclick and want to cancel the stuff I put to craft by mistake, between each cancelation I have to click "pending" again to see the list. It was so smoother before. I don't know what has caused this. Could you guys look into it? Thanks And so sorry if it's not clear, I could give precisions if needed. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. Just made my way to an Arid island on my local map, and noticed that one of the Palm trees, instead of swaying side-to-side in the wind, expands and contracts, and looks like it's breathing. (Pretty sure it's just deforming in the wrong direction.) I've only found one type of tree that does it (so far). It's the palm with 2 separate trunks, and it looks like it's affecting every one of that type. This one I'm standing at in this shot:
  9. Its getting quite unbearable. I will include output logs here. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  10. I opened the Editor to work on my Wacky Painters game and noticed that when I ran it as a test, it looked TERRIBLE. Objects were not spawning at their proper rotation (although it's specified in the script, and Get Rotation would report the intended values). Also exterior light was flooding into what is essentially a completely enclosed room. It makes it extremely difficult to do visual design on a game. Editor testing mode: The Steel Rods being used as pixels on the wall are spawned at the wrong rotation, and light is pouring in through the ceiling. Exported (and what it should look like so far): With no changes to the code at all. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. How's it goin y'all. I just ran in to an issue here that I find... odd? I had paid for two dedicated servers no more than two weeks ago but upon me going and trying to start it up I noticed that it says I don't even HAVE any servers under my account. Just wondering if this was an issue anybody else is having and what I can do to go about resolving this. Thank you!
  12. I appear naked on the starting island (not where I left off). Leaving the game and reloading a new save does not fix the issue. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  13. Sailing my boat along the coast of an island during the night, back toward my camp site, and this error suddenly came up. I clicked "OK" and the game seemed unaffected (as far as I could tell) but I closed out of it anyway. This is a brand new explore map, generated after the 1.2 update. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  14. I kept getting errors on explore game. log_userscripts.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  15. Hello! I have several days playing a game mode called "Explore 12 Islands 1.2.5" and everytime I log out, progress get's erased. Everytime I log back IN, I start from 0 again. Is this normal? I cant progress, is it me of is it the server that doesnt allows save? no freaking idea.
  16. When you first open up the game it prompts you to create an avatar and name, this is rather a bad idea for those who already have created an account. I have not played since alpha and am super excited to return however it says my name is taken. My name is very unique and I am quite sure I have already had it linked to my BI account. Is there someone I can contact to fix this? Also I tried linking my account on mobile first but it said the account is already taken and can link. Well the BI account is mine so of course it's taken. This login process is overall very confusing and cumbersome. Anyway, so today I decided to try it out on my laptop where I originally first played with my 'xdeadstepx' account I tried linking my account again and it worked but I linked it with the mobile (which doesn't make since since it told me it was not able to link the account in the first place) so now I don't have my coins or the 2 premium items. Please help . I also tried to change my name on BI but it said it was taken as well really odd I've never had anyone take my name lol.
  17. After playing for quite a while 3+ hrs in game on the free to play, I decided to purchase the DLC. Didnt get anything from the DLC only unlocked the exploration part but did not receive the In-Game Currency, the outfit, and the pet. I restarted the game, restarted steam (From where I purchased), and even tried to reinstall DLC with no luck. I'd like to talk to staff or someone to help me with this issue. IGN: CHARCOALROGUE output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  18. Title. I'm literally stuck at this screen couldn't even click anything or type anything. The only thing I can do here is just rotate my character, nothing else. I downloaded the game from the Microsoft Store maybe the client is different when downloaded elsewhere. Would love a solution to this problem asap. Cheers.
  19. I'm not sure exactly how this happened, but my game loaded up a tree bent. I don't have any scripts, playable zones or anything that could have affected the tree.
  20. I have created a single player game, but when ever I leave it does not save, none of my equipment is in my inventory and my animals are no longer tame, does anyone know how to save it?
  21. Shadows cast oddly on mobile from trees. Try my Golf game to check this one out. Go to the middle of the map and look around.
  22. Pl0x3r_2605-686249c569d222da

    RESOLVED Wood duplication exploit

    I can make x4 small 1x1x1 wooden blocks with only x1wood log. Then I can drop all 4 of the 1x1x1 blocks and deconstruct each of them with my hammer to give me 1 wooden log each. Just thought I would share that I found this out, not sure if intended. ?‍♂️
  23. Hi, When I launch Ylands from Steam it begins to load but then crashes with no error message. I used to be able to play fine so I'm not sure what's happened, I've updated my system and my drivers are up-to-date too. In the crash file generated it gives the message "Write to location 0000000000000000 caused an access violation". I've also noticed that when it attempts to start the Ylands icon has a red ! I haven't noticed before? (screenshot included, it crashes straight afterward). I've restarted my computer, reinstalled the game etc etc but nothing seems to work. Other Steam games work without issue. My computer specs: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 8GB memory, Direct X Version 12 Have also uploaded output_log, output_log_clean and the error file caused by the crash. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt error.log