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Found 1534 results

  1. so when i start the game it gets a black screen and it says program not working. Normal it runs heavy games like pubg and ark. So i can't see the probblem here. my DxDiag.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. Hello, are composites from workshop disabled ? Or only i have that bug ? In editor i can use only my own composites, others from workshop not downloading i think.
  3. Uploading to cloud only gets so far, then it stops and the game goes to the main menu. I get the "Detected local unuploaded data for this sharegame" everytime I go to play. I have to click "yes" to use local data if I want to use the latest save. The save file is about 21 MB, when it was about 15 MB, there was no upload problem. I tried putting the sharegame in the single player save folder and uploading to the cloud but I received the "StorageService/Upload: Code: -1 API Code: Message: Request timeout" error. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  4. When placing scenarios and comps in folders they take 1 full day to show up or dont show up at all. So like if I give a friend a comp they can only put it to use a day later.
  5. Hello , I am experiencing some issues with the editor , when i go into it after i subscribed to the workshop there are no compositions , it used to work and now i dont see any of them even if i am subscribed to them on the workshop . Any ideas how to fix this ?
  6. Hello, I purchased today (28/5/2017) a copy of Ylands. I have installed it and when i tried to run it the graphics are not loading properly. Firstly i have a black background in the menu screen. Then when i tried to load a new game i could see the loading text but there were no backgrolund. When the loading was complete the game seemed to run (could hear ambient and interactive sounds) but i had a black screen. All I could see was the pop up text over usable items. I didn't give up. Fiddled with the graphics settings a bit and the best i could come up with was version that everything seemed as the gamma was set to maximum (white sky, no water, bright yellow ground). My PC specs are the following: AMD Phenom II x4 955 3.21 GHz, 8 GB DDR3 1600, Radeon R7 360 2GB GDDR5, Windows 7 64bit, Crosshair III Formula. Please note that i have and run Arma 3 in above average settings pretty smoothly. Is there something that i can do to run Ylands in an enjoyable level? If not, can i have a refund? I'm very pleased both with Bohemia Interactive (Arma 3, DayZ) and Bohemia Incubator (Project Argo). Please help!
  7. Suddenly i cant start game any more.. some error as last times when the servers where down. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. Just like the title said, the visual of the color palette won't change when I click the page (button inside blue square) in color picker , take a look at picture below, In previous version, it will change color palette to other page. I can't do that now, the visual is still like first page, but when I click the colors in the palette it will change my brush. I tried to restart the game, create new map, and the same problem is still there. Take a look at the .gif, sorry I still can't record video.. Here is my last log files: output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  9. On all the maps I have made, my NPC's always fall through the ground within 3-5 in game days. Only on servers.
  10. jirka.danek

    RESOLVED I can eat forever

    I recently discovered that the character is a great culinary gourmet, apparently just like Otesanek (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otesánek). He can eat almost all the time if he waited for 1-2 seconds, then even without warning. Perhaps it would be good to report hunger (like Minecraft) and probably add food to some nutritional value. Enable to eat if the character starves below a certain boundary. Of course, you can argue that the character feeds with berries on the video, but it is the same with raw and roasted meat in any form, whether whole or sliced.
  11. My fiancee and I play Ylands together and she continuously sees Uploading Sharegame Data 100% and the game just stays there. She force closes the application and your Yland is saved but the fact we have to force close the game is quite annoying for her. Other than that the game is great so far and please keep up the good work. These files are from her PC. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  12. Hello im the original owner of the game. i transfer host to my friend , but after that i am unable to host back the game to the latest save , only he is able to host back. Everytime he exit the game , i try to host back but it says the game was shut down incorrectly so the progress is stagnant on my own cloud and rollback all the way to the start. When he host back it goes back to the latest save. How do we fix this?
  13. I have not tried all the various colors, but when I dyed some items white, it consumed the black pigment instead. (Online MP, Explore NA 10) There was also a momentary glitch where it only displayed the contents of my key ring as items that could be dyed. Edit: It might or might not be relevant that I was using the _White, _Black, _Red, etc pigments found on the color golem. I have not yet crafted my own pigments. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  14. Version : Platform : Windows 10 Steam Bug : There is no Remove button on an Exploration MP server so you can never delete your avatar. Steps to reproduce : Since I have fallen victim to the "Name already in use" bug for linked accounts, I created a temporary character to continue playing on an online passworded server. It is an Exploration Game. I have noticed that I cannot remove that character. When I look at Single Player offline games I see Start New Game, Refresh, Remove, Play. When I look at an online private server game I only see Start New Game, Refresh, Join. The Remove button is missing.
  15. I mentioned this in the update thread, but I figure this bug is worth its own since it affects exploration so much. After starting a new game after the update, I built my Large Ship as usual. When I grabbed the helm to sail it, the compass widget is missing from the upper right of the screen, and the Ylander does not animate as if he is grabbing the wheel. I have logged off the server several times, and restarted the game several times (including to sleep last night). There is no change. The compass is present when sailing the Boat, which I used to get off the spawn island. The issue is present for me on both online MP, and offline SP. (I tried it in Creative mode last night.) I've attached the logs from my brief online session this morning. I have figured out a temporary workaround, so navigation is not completely dead for now. I look at my map to see what direction I'm facing, unlock the ship's camera and point it the direction I want to go, then start moving and line up the ship with the camera. It's clumsy, but it will serve the purpose until this is fixed. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  16. The hotkeys inventory won't return after exiting the raft (could be all sea craft) and I have to double tap Tab to get it to return or get back into the raft and exit. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  17. steam-76561198083329944

    RESOLVED Ingame purchase failed by using CNY

    I've tried all the amounts of coyns(1000/2200/4800) and recieved a similar error looks like below. I want to buy some coyns to claim blueprints, that's really cool. Hope you can fix this as soon as possible.
  18. I discovered a small bug when not updating the amount of soil in the hotbar when using Soil Container. Dirt placed directly from the inventory directly from the inventory is properly added and removed, but if added from the Container, the numeric state is displayed from the time it was last added.
  19. I can't make download from the workshop When i go from the game to the workshop, i get this: https://ylands.net/api/auth/callback?rememberMe=1&code=237db28a7fbe546d6f14a006e5a771525d1c120119b6e50fff8f46354244 {"api_code":null,"code":500,"message":"Internal Server Error","uid":1528123558758} I subscriped some Workshopmods, but there is no download. Yes i'am loged in BI and Ylands, Steamports open. If you have specialports, pl. let me now Greetings and thanks
  20. Reinstalled my Ylands server today and i need a token to start it up but when i click create token it just gives me the msg" You don't have any tokens at the moment" please help
  21. I was trying to upload my a simple creation on workshop but I got this error instead. I've tried with both chrome and mozilla got the same error.
  22. Played Ylands today in the morning from 9 to ~9:30 (Berlin). Then there was an update of the server. Since then i dont get the server started- What I tried together with the GPORTAL Support so far: 1. Generated a new token -> server not responding 2. Support moved my server to other cloud -> server not responding 3. Got Save File via FTP, deleted all Files, reinstalled server and startzed fresh without loading up the savegame, generated a new token -> server not responding Any ideas? Wanted to play on my free day....
  23. All of a sudden Yesterday, i was back on the workshop, trying to subscribe to new levels and some builds, and everytime i'd click subscribe from the list, it and accept the subscription, it wouldn't actually subscribe. So i figured "ok i may have to open the page itself", but when i do that, it just sits on "loading" forever. I wondered if it was my account, so i made a new one, same issue, different browser? same issue, Clear cache? same issue. had my Fiance create an account on her computer, same issue. Not sure if anyone else has posted about this, if so, my apologies, i looked around and couldn't find any other mention.
  24. I can not play the game suddenly today. Yesterday I was able to play on the PA server. However, I can not put anything · Because I pass through the ship I stopped. output_log.txt