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Found 1534 results

  1. Was on a multiplayer with a friend and was riding back to our boat with my tamed horse. All of a sudden my horse back stepped and pushed me in the water and I couldn't stop. I tried to relog on the game and it keeps showing "Not Responding" now. Any help on this please?
  2. I was playing multiplayer with a friend, and I planted a lot (and i mean a lot of grass seeds, like 100+) all in one single spot, placed a few away from the whole bunch. When i finished i tried to walk into those planted seeds and fell through the floor. Don't know what caused it, probably because my friend who hosted the match wasnt near me so it didnt load the flloor, but i disconnected and reconnected and feel through it again when i passed by.
  3. Teal'c Le Jaffa

    RESOLVED Shadow (i presume) bug

    Hello everyone, I wanted to play on a map i made on the "Editor" section. Problem is, when i'm on my map created with Editor, i have a king of "shadow bug". What's that shadow bug ? When it's the day, every shadow are vibrating when i move my character. When it's the night, i've something like black flash (all the screen), when i move the character or the camera. (Edit) It happens only if i put more than 1 land in the map. I tried windowed version, low details, low shadow, etc. Any idea ? Thanks, Teal'c. (Not native english, sorry for my mistakes) output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  4. So, sleeping in a bamboo sleeping pad on a ship out at sea at anchor seems to be ok. Sleeping on a moving ship crashes the game, frozen screen, boooo. Loading screen crashes at "loading oceans", have to CTRL/ALT/DEL to get out Very sad I just built my mining tool
  5. I need help to start the game YlandsLauncher.log YlandsLauncher-previous.log
  6. totallyruledup2013

    RESOLVED Server scroll doesn't work

    So i was trying to join my friend when i realized that the servers appear alphabetically and that he named his beginning with F so that will be down the list, but there is no way to scroll and the search bar function doesn't work
  7. So i start the game and perma stuck in this view with no button ( already try switch off antivirus and play as administrator) nothing change? Someone can help ?
  8. When clicking the login button on ylands.net and choosing to sign in with google it gets stuck at connecting for a few minutes then gives a "502 Bad Gateway -nginx" error. When going back to the site and clicking login it says connecting for a minute then it will give you the same error. I have tried it on Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. Clearing cookies doesn't fix it.
  9. Full Tilted Ice Cream

    RESOLVED My game wont launch at all

    I bought the game got the set up file and download it with no issues and then after installing the launcher and clicking on it it pops up on the dash then disappears nothing actually happens. I make the file run in windows 7 mode, and ran as admin and no change. I am have no file in my change log under game. Here is my DxDiag file.Unsure on what to do DxDiag.txt
  10. WijkagentAdrie

    RESOLVED Multiplayer raft

    I know people have asked for a submarine but I believe the raft shouldn't be one When placing the raft on a dedicated server it immediately went to the bottom like a stone. EDIT: Further analysis has shown that the floating capabilities of boats and ships are also not what they used to be.
  11. I was downloading YLands and I ran the setup as administrator with compatibility with windows 7 but the download suddenly stopped and gave me this message(the message is in the picture) what should I do? please help me YlandsLauncher.log YlandsLauncher-previous.log
  12. A3_Melle

    RESOLVED A horse bug

    Found another horse bug, don't know why it happens but it just happens Created a little video of the bug:
  13. Wenn using the bow (draw it to shoot) and than dropping it while the rope is pulled this happens: This is a static position cant switch gear/tools anymore, and wen forced manually (in the inventory moving stuff around) you get the error of the boat......
  14. Hey quick question, Is there any way to place a wall torch or lantern properly in Explore mode? I'm having trouble dropping the lanterns up-right, and can't seem to find a button to place / mount a wall torch, on a wall or anything! Anyone know how this works? Something like a drag action would be handy for lanterns etc, hold down right click and drag and object for example. Thanks.
  15. AlchemistDagger

    RESOLVED crash on startup

    hope this is where I am suppose to post this. hi, I played the free 1 hour game a few days ago and just purchase the game. When I opened the game, hit the start button, it crashed. It told me to send you these log files: thanks, AlchemistDagger error.log output_log.txt
  16. Kevinsuengue

    RESOLVED Multiplayer boats!

    When me and my friend try to sail our boats, me or my friend sit down in the floor and cant move until dead. Need to fix this please!!!
  17. When I cut a tree down, then It's fall down to the ground the sound of this is too loud. Fix it pls.
  18. The demo loads and runs fine, but its like its always night, even on the main menu page where your player stands its dark, I can see silhouettes of the trees and the player but nothing on the ground, its the same when I start a game, I can move around, pick things up, craft, but I cant see where I'm going. I tried /settime this lightens the sky a bit, but its not a true sky, no stars or clouds just black or grey. as I move mouse I can sometimes see my player in her underwear, I can see what I pick up in the inventory and on hotbar. Am running win7, i5-760, gtx275hd, 8G ram
  19. Hi Ylander Devs! The Hotbar Red indicator for a broken item can be broken! When repairing an axe the axe must be kept 'active' in the Hotbar or it will retain it's Red indicator as broken, although it IS actually Repaired. Please see images below: 01 Hotbar Red indicator for broken axe 02 Inventory confirms axe is broken 03 Cause bug by changing Hotbar item 04 Open inventory to Repair axe 05 Repair the axe while not holding it 06 The axe IS repaired 07 BUG the axe is shown broken Work around 08 Workaround - Place something else in Hotbar 09 Workaround - Place the axe back in Hotbar 10 Fixed - The Hotbar displays the axe as Repaired - Smashing! I came across this while playing a few days ago, added it to my list of things for feedback and have chopped a lot of trees to try and replicate the issue today, but it IS repeatable now I know what caused it, (changing to an empty hand before doing the repair). I have not tested this for other items. I hope this is helpful!
  20. Hi, after to days update, when i shoot a boar with a bow I cant skin it, and sometimes it slides over the terrain. thx
  21. Hi Ylander Devs! On my computer the Screen shot saved file names are not in the 24 hour file format. e.g. A screen shot taken at 17 minutes past 10 in the evening should be 22:17 but is saved as: Ylands_170505_101750 Please see image below:
  22. As title says, Yesterday i closed the game as i m usually doing before sleep. I trying loaded today, i was able to see my character in its currect situation and menu screen but when im entering the game it drops me on character creation find attached the save game PHALANX.rar
  23. So I made a grand journey to reclaim my stuff from the jaws of a mighty shark and once I achieved this, I hopped back on my boat. Feeling as if I should call it a day, I quit to main menu while I was sailing. My character was still manning the helm as I quit. The save screen is now stuck and is spinning perpetually. Help? EDIT: I forced quit and reloaded the game and my save appears to be intact. I guess you don't want to do anything while on the boat other than sail.
  24. I recently experienced that if i place sand or gravel ( not by pressing V, but adding ) on flat ground im able to build a small tower yielding 10-17 of the same resource even if i just had 1 in my inventory after mining it. If i dig a small hole and place sand the ratio is 1:1 as i would expect. Guessing its some sort of exploit or bug ?