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Found 1534 results

  1. I don't know if it's the bug. When I build a wall from blocks and then I'm not able to destroy it. (I know that a block can be pick up to 2 minutes.) And ulint founter is undestructible too. I tried it with stone and sandstone block. I used pick and hammer. Can I remove any building? And how? Thanks
  2. Hi folks, im playing Ylands for couple of hours and game looks great, but have some issues: 1. when i died, i cant respawn. i have to go to main menu and then respawn, but whole my world is wiped and im starting from zero. 2. i was digging about 3 hours, but didnt find single piece of iron ore 3. maybe its not in game, but i didnt figure out, how to create a chest for storage items 4. what is difference between fishing pole and fishing pole with lure? 5. why knife is broken after cca 10 uses and other tools are infinite?
  3. I've only just picked up Ylands so I don't know if this is an established or well-known issue, or even a feature, but I had a look through the other posts and didn't see anything similar. I'm trying to build a house on stilts on (over) the beach. I get some logs and place them vertically in the water, sunk one block into the sand, then rows of horizontal logs for bearers across the tops. I go to get more timber from some trees only a few metres away; when I return one of the posts is gone. I assume I missed it, and am replacing it when a bearer disappears, this time while I'm watching. Are the logs being damaged by the water? Is the sand the problem? Or is this just a bug?
  4. After Interaction with campfire to produce some food is interaction with other object disabled. 1 Start game 2 create campfire 3 interact with campfire. click produce any food and quit the menu 4 try to use some tools - interaction with other objects are disabled Build: 0.01.11067 Unfortunately that can't be reproduced with 100% success. Same issuse apears with - Tanning rack. Im going to try to investigace that issue to find more information.
  5. Custom survival yland was started as tutorial map. I wasn't able to reproduce it second time, but roughly these are the steps I made before: started the gamedeleted all previous ylands (including tutorials)selected survival mode, setup the new yland mapwas spawned in a water and all the tutorial stuff was generated around even if the terrain was randomly generated
  6. Character disappeared while playing the game (connected to another player's yland) and camera couldn't be controlled (before I was trying to craft something and I think that it didn't show up in the inventory as it should). Pressing escape button didn't show in-game menu, but when the game's window lost and gains focus again, menu appears and is controllable. Output log attached. output_log.rar
  7. The game becomes stuck in infinitive loading screen, when trying to continue the Learn yland. This happens only with one specific Learn yland save. Note: The yland was originally created by another player, my character joined the game and was killed by falling down. After trying to quit to the main menu, the game was stuck on "saving" message and I was forced to close it. I ran the game again, pressed respawn and killed myself by falling down again. Since then, every attempt to load this specific yland fails. output_log.rar
  8. The game crashed after I launched it for the very first time (by clicking Play in launcher); with text "Starting" being displayed in the progress bar at the moment. Less than a second before the crash, I clicked left mouse button once - which may or may not be related. All subsequent launches were fine. I have not installed or launched any other version of the game before this one. I attach the related dump and log files, hope it helps. crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt
  9. So in my attempt to link my steam account to the Bohemia account, I got a message saying that my steam account is already linked to another Bohemia account, something I don't remember doing. Years ago I attempted to link my steam account to the BI account through the Ylands game, and got a email is already used or some other message, and haven't tried since. I wanna nip this now and be able to use my steam progress for the mobile version of this game. I was told that if I can't link the accounts on my own, I have to ask a developer to help, hence why I'm posting this now. Can someone help me with this?
  10. Whenever i try to start an adventure world says my data was corrupted and to contact the developers
  11. Blackfox Kitsune

    RESOLVED Building blueprints bug

    building some of the ingame blueprints has a bit of a strange bunch of things suddenly going on since 2 updates ago. Problem 1: blue prints i was previously able to build, now suddenly come up that i don't know how to build them Problem 2: finding this most of all on big ship or large building blueprints, when trying to add items or resources, it keeps taking you to the blueprint shop, sometimes does nothing at all, Or worst of all randomly stops building the blueprint making all your stuff go poof into nul space most of the time. i'm not sure what's happened but blueprints are a bit broken right now.
  12. Hello, after spending a long time gathering all the ingredients for the Zirconium rifle (those components were tricky!) I attempted to craft the weapon in the metallurgical furnace. However, despite having all the ingredients, I only have 4 items unlocked. Orchicalcum ingot, molten axe, mark 1 helm, heavy alien boots. I don't understand the reasoning behind those specific unlocks as it comes off as arbitrary to me, as I've never held some of the items required. I've also read through your wiki page and couldn't find a clean answer. Is this a bug? Why can't I craft the Zirconium rifle? What do I do to unlock this recipe and any others I run into issues with? I will no longer play this game until I understand what I'm doing and it makes sense. I can't afford to spend hours grinding a game simply on a whim.
  13. Hi, I tried searching for a way to change my in-game name but I didn't find any so I post this request on this forum. I installed the game and first launched it while i was with friends at home and they had the "amazing" idea to block my actual nickname which contains the n-word. Of course it was not my intention to put that nickname on my character and i want to know if it's possible to change it as "Nebus" or "N3bus". I also think that the possibility to change the character name more than one time could be a nice feature !
  14. Dmitriy Greenwood

    Name Change Request

    Hello. Help me rename my character name in the game from "Dimaa" to "Robinson" or "Robinzon" or "Greenwood". Thank you.
  15. Hello! I tried searching for a way to change my in-game name and apparently the only way to do this is creating a topic here in the forums. It would be very useful if you were able to do this in game more than once (maybe once every x days?). I set my name to "SirVolpe" back when the game launched because I thought I was creating a character name and would like to change it to "Volpe", "VolpeBR" or "VolpeDasFuchs" if possible. Also on the character topic, I tend to roleplay in-game a lot so a way to create characters that show their name in game instead of your account name could be very useful for that!
  16. I recently recieved an exploration giftcode via email that seems to have bugged I can provide all information nessacary to prove and remedy this situation I'm unsure if that will need to be provided here or also via email due to the nature ofo the support needed.
  17. When and resprawn, I do not see my loot box to recover what was in my inventory
  18. Hello Yland's staff members I was playing this game in 2020 and choose a random username It is "Bobymarley" and I would like it to be changed to "antogno" I hope it's appropriate to post it here, if not i am sorry Thanks
  19. I died with all my items on me losing all my items that I've gathered in 2 days. Was inside a pre built ruin and died. Went to where the grave is on the map and nothing is there. I cannot destroy the ruins to see if they are inside a hollow spot or whatever.
  20. I'm following the story line. and now I got to make Tropical Specimen Pack. It appears, the recipe to make one is each one of 'grass rope', 'coral pieces', 'crownfish', 'panther hide', 'purple orchid' and 'amber orchid'. I gathered all of them except for the orchids. I found the orchid and tried to root them. but It says I only can get 2 grass not the actual orchid. now I'm stuck on the story line... edit... Oh. my mistake. I just found out that I should use the knife to get wholesome plant... think it's the new features... haha.
  21. Hi, I had an issue after migration from windows 7 to windows 10. The game didn"t start anymore, I stayed stuck with a black screen, I could play once and changed the graphics quality in the unity launcher. After impossible to start. I soluced my problem with adding the parameters -show-screen-selector in the starting option and being able to change the graphics quality. since my game works. I hope this will be usefull
  22. I found a bug on the initial map, a hand drill does not work, it is impossible to extract iron glands under water. https://streamable.com/qpfgd6 video demonstration
  23. Hi there, I've recently upgraded from an AMD 2600X to a 5900X and very much enjoying it, but unfortunately when playing my beloved Ylands it now black screens and hangs completely. All USB power drops off (all my RGB non-sense stops - so can prove that), and the power button no longer works to kill it. I have to turn off at the plug outlet. I've tested turning off various hardware settings since the upgrade to see if that helps. No other games crash, including other Unity-powered games. Things I have tried: Dropping DDR profiles to non-overclocked Rolling back AMD drivers to May's stable version (was running October's 22.10.3) Monitored airflow and temps for CPU and GPU - nothing extreme happening Running in Ubuntu with Proton Finally, I disabled SMT (hyper-threading) mode on the CPU and dropped the core count from 24 to 12. Since doing this, Ylands no longer crashes. Can it be that Ylands cannot cope with large core counts? Thanks, BertiiTheHero DxDiag x12.txt output_log x24.txt output_log_clean x24.txt
  24. Hello, I have issue with editor. After update I can´t save my game and evry time I try to test the game at first this show, then it start but won´t save. If someone know how to fix this, please write. Thanks.