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Found 1534 results

  1. I am playing explorer in EU16 multiplayer and i can log off just fine. I then return to the game a few hours later or the next morning and i am greeted with "oh snap! you died from lack of food". This happens every time for the last couple days so please help as this is very frustrating having to find my equipment and losing all the progress i have made on my map (yes all that information vanishes as well). I looked but was unable to find a thread concerning this. Great game btw
  2. Hi, I've never reported here before so bear with me please. I have been going through the painful process of getting my ship out of the too-shallow water I built it in and have suddenly begun to fall through my ship, the world, and eventually freeze to death (guess hell froze over). This has happened to me twice in a row. I've worked around getting stuck inside the geometry of my ship but this is new! I did a search and it seems that someone had a similar problem with an invisible ladder in their hut. I would attach my save files if I had any idea where to find them!
  3. *** URGENT FIX NEEDED *** Hi Bohemia admins, I had to post here so you can tell the correct people. I tried to log feed back/bug reports today on the new Forum for Lucie - the new Incubator game. But it wont allow anyone post anything because of a forum error. Here is the error : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The reCaptca is not working on this forum site ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. I have noticed that when dropping stacked glowing mushrooms from inventory to the ground, the stack changes from 20 to 1. If placed into a container, the stack remains 20.
  5. I was hosting a game for a friend, I went to go out - knowing I would probably starve to death and come to pick up my items later. I had my character lie down on a bed (upper floor up a ladder) in a small house we had found. When I starved to death, I could not find my inventory next to my tombstone indoors I thought this was a bug if dieing on a bed incase the world did not have my coordinates, just the item I was using (the bed). However I after realized all my inventory was on the roof! After building a ladder I was able to retrieve. TLDR: When a character dies indoors, items are 'dropped from the sky' and will land on the roof X,Y,Z instead of the the characters Z position.
  6. Build: Hosting Multiplayer: Not dedicated What Happened I was playing multiplayer (not using DS) with a friend and had just started using the Seed Packet Box. I placed 3 groups of 60 cotton seeds into the seed packet box and kept them in separate stacks, ready to plant 3 plots of 60 cotton. I dragged one of the three groups of cotton seeds onto my avatar from within my inventory to equip it, and used hotkey 0 to start planting. I found that the number of seeds in that hotbar slot did not decrement as I planted them. I assumed they were being fed in from the other groups of seeds in the seed packet box, but after planting all three plots with 60 seeds each, all 180 that I had, I still had two full stacks remaining in the seed packet box, and could still plant more. What I expected Planting seeds from the seed packet box should decrement the correct seed stack until it is gone, after which you can no longer plant until another is equipped. Steps to Reproduce Open the editor Place down a Seed Packet Box and 2 cotton seeds Test the scenario Pick up the seed packet box and cotton seeds Drop the cotton seeds into the seed packet box Enter the seed packet box and separate the seeds into two stacks Drag and drop one of the seeds onto the avatar to equip it Exit the inventory Switch to cotton seed on your hotbar Plant an unlimited number of seeds
  7. On dismantling this alchemist pants, it gives acai berries instead of rags. The shoes gave rags, but im not sure of the other sets. This was found in the map, not crafted.
  8. I'm trying to open ylands through steam but it's only opening the game window - never loading anything. I tried opening it a few times, restarting my machine between tries, and also left it for a while in case it was just loading, but I'm getting the same each time. I've not played it since before Christmas, and today got windows updates and the ylands updates. Anything anybody can suggest would be great - cheers output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  9. Hello, This happened twice now on the same server my friend is hosting (non dedicated) where I'm playing as a client. I've placed a car chassis the first time, but couldn't place any driving seats on it. I decided to relog, only to find the chassis has disappeared completely. My friend was on the other side of the island, came to have a look but couldn't find it either. All my materials were used up. So I tried it again, made another chassis, placed some seats, an engine and made part of a car body. Drove it around for a while and used it, then we both logged off. I wasn't using the car when I logged off. After logging in today, my new car has disappeared again. I can give you my logs for now, I'm awaiting my friend sending the map and his logs. I hope you can recover my car. Adrie output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  10. Upon startup of Ylands through steam, The icon will go to the system tray. After a few seconds, I'll be able to select the icon and hear some ambient ocean sounds and music, But the window remains gone. Whenever I press ALT+Enter, The window reverts to a 0x0 square on the top right of my monitor. In the config files, The Window size and resolution are always Defaulted to 0 x 0, Regardless of any changes I save to the file. Are there any other strategies I can try to get it going? DxDiag.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. So i bought Ylands today, and I was so happy to actually get to play it but when i opened it the menu was normal except everything was a shade of green. I thought it was most probably only the menu so I made a character and jumped right into the game. Nope, the game was a shade of green aswell. Edit : I updated my graphics card's drivers and now everything is black instead of green. My specs are : 1st Gen i5 760 2.8 GHz Nvidia GeForce GT 220 1 GB VRAM 4 GB DDR3 RAM DirectX 11 Windows 7 64-bit I don't think it's a driver problem, as the only drivers that are not updated are my sound drivers. Picture 1 : Main Menu Picture 2 : Loading Screen Picture 3 : Me underwater (colours are fine there) Picture 4 : The game Picture 5 : After the new graphics card drivers Main Menu Picture 6 : After the new graphics card drivers Loading Screen Picture 7 : After the new graphics card drivers Me underwater Picture 8 : After the new graphics card drivers The game
  12. Hello all! I can't even begin, without saying how much I love this game! But today i stumbled opon a horible issue. I was on my car and i decided to try it in a cave (cause the entrance was close and easy reachible). So I managed to get inside and everithing went well. But when I tryed to drive away I sat in my car and then (by mistake) misclicked RMB wich made my character fall threw the map and dye. I wasn't so bummed out, because I knew that I will regain my map, keys. But right after I created my character nothing happened so I decided to exit to main menu. Right after I returned and recieved a "create new character". So i created and sudenly when i spawned i noticed that I(my previoce save) was standing next to me. I thought that killing him will regain my stuff back(it did, but THE KEYS AND MAP WAS GONE). It realy shocked me, so I realised that I migtht lose ownership of my forcefiled. I ran quickly to my house and foud out that i can't turn it on. (the game is multi and single player, I played it only alone) I'm no dev but maby, is there a way to revert my progress till i whent in the cave? Or to regain ownership back. I realy love this game, and It's realy painfull to lose it all. P.S. Every time the menu shows that my character is dead.
  13. If i use my ladder on boat i'm teleport to my ladder on my house... i have try to destroy my ladder in my house and after i have use my ladder in my boat i'm teleport under the map and i'm dead... fix after restart server... output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  14. Themairiedebruayenfeu78

    RESOLVED not launch

    good evening, I just bought the game, it does not launch, thank you kindly help me output_log.txt
  15. Playing this game for more than 5 minutes causes incredible frame drop for me. Frames go down to about 11 FPS. Once that happens, exiting won't save the game state anymore. All progress is lost. As you can see in the log files I have optimal specs for this. It's not related to the visual settings - even lowest will always result in the same. Likely this is related to this error being raised in the coroutines in each frame update. It looks to me like there is a problem writing down the serialized data to files (or memory): NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ylands.Character.SerializeToBinaryImpl (ylands.BinarySerializer bu, ylands.ObjectWriteContext context) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ylands.Entity.Serialize (ylands.BinarySerializer bu, ylands.ObjectWriteContext context) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ylands.WorldBlockData+Serialization.Serialize (ylands.WorldBlockData self, ylands.BinarySerializer bs, ylands.ObjectWriteContext context) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ylands.WorldBlockData.Serialize (ylands.BinarySerializer bs, ylands.ObjectWriteContext context) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ylands.WorldData+Serialization.SerializeToBinary (ylands.WorldData data, ylands.BinarySerializer bu, ylands.ObjectWriteContext context) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ylands.WorldData.ToBytes (ylands.ObjectWriteContext context) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ylands.CommonSaveData.SerializeWorldAndSettings (ylands.WorldData world, ylands.ObjectWriteContext context, Boolean cacheSuppliedObjects) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ylands.YlandSaveData.SerializeWorldAndSettings (ylands.WorldData world, ylands.ObjectWriteContext context, Boolean cacheSuppliedObjects) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ylands.YlandSaveData.SerializeGameState (ylands.GameState state, ylands.ObjectWriteContext context) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ylands.DefaultSessionHostRole.SerializeGameState (ylands.YlandSaveData data, ylands.GameState gamestate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ylands.DefaultSessionHostRole+YlandSaveLogic.SerializeState () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ylands.GameSaver+<SaveCoro>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) ylands.GameSaver:Save(Boolean, SaveGameCause, Boolean) ylands.GameSaver:Update() My game version is 0.6.42165. Please fix this ASAP, as the game is NOT PLAYABLE in this state output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  16. I have over 150 hours into this game and loving it immensely. But........... I have just tried to log into my current character (who is very much alive) and when you select the game the screen normally scrolls to the sky with all the loading messages, but for me once the screen scrolls to the sky, there are no loading messages, and after 2-3 sec's I get a Character creation screen. I press escape to return to main menu, and it doesn't matter how many times I try this I get the same new character screen. If I create this new Character I am spawned on the same Island with all my buildings, boat, and chest (with items in) as if nothing has happened. Except my character has nothing in his inventory, no broken barrier, no note from my previous character, no container bags as I would have got if I died. I do backup my saves but this is still a loss of 2-3 hours if I go back to a previous save. Very frustrating as this is the 2nd time this week, hence why I am posting here. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  17. Hello, Today I found a Top Hat in an underwater wreck. I had one previously, but never equipped it. Upon equipping the hat I noticed it changes my character head model or perhaps just the hair? I made a gyazo gif of it. Gyazo Gif
  18. Antimidation

    RESOLVED Ship hull bug

    I have to admit having never running into this issue until somewhat recently. When you place the ready made hull of the ship down and attempt to build on it with the pointed bow piece and also the rear stern piece, the ship starts to flip around as if it's the piece your are placing instead....i never had this problem with the smaller ship hull, now that i've made the larger hull and attempted to build on it, this bug appears. I cannot build on the ship at all, every time i attempt to move the piece into place the entire ship flips on it's side or upside down or high in the air. To be sure I have reset my game and also made sure the anchor was down before building...none of these have fixed the issue. For now, is there any work around for this issue? I feel like this problem is pretty serious, especially when one of the main themes of the game is sailing.
  19. Hi, We're actually 4 players in a session coop for exploration game. We work a lot on our boat, and got a navigator who gives direction with map. Problem is only the host player's map doesn't reset after a deconnection. Each time we reconnect, all other maps reset and it's very annoying in order to progress on the exploration stuff (especially considering our host doesn't want to do the navigator...) Is the bug known and a fix is soon to be released ? Another anoying and probably known bug is every player non-host putting an object on a ship (vehicule?) cannot see the object until he reconnects to the server.
  20. I have this glitch where all the sails,blocks, items, helm and v placed items that were placed on The Hull of my ship disappear, which leads to me being stuck in the middle of the ocean. I’ve exited the world and reloaded it and it takes a few tries until the blocks load back onto the hull, I have tried going out of view range and coming back to see if it was just a visual load in glitch but it still didn’t work. This is a great game and I really want it to be the best it can be.
  21. Hello Ane, I have only really started looking into this issue today after getting countless reports from my community saying that they cannot load into my server. It seems that after a while of playing and leaving the server does not allow players to reconnect from WAN. However, from LAN there is no issue. Is there some "mechanism" some where that hold on to the IP/port and not releasing client IP/port and thus refusing duplicate connections? Solution I will try will be to restart the physical box, not able to do that at the moment as they are people on the Arma 3 servers. Will update again, but in case you guys get a chance to look into it, I would greatly appreciate you pointing me to the solution Regards, topper
  22. So I go to my large ship I built a while ago. Every time I go up the ladder to get on it the game teleports me to the top of the last ladder I used. In this particular case it teleports me from my ship to the middle of an island in a house I used before I took to the sea. The ladder on the other side simply puts me half way up and I fall into the water. So I ended the game and reloaded it. Now it teleports me to the other ladder I used on the other side of the ship. I included a video clip for more reference. This error has not gone away and only since latest update. There are a million more bugs but I figured Devs are hard at work on the small ones but this effects my game play a lot. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  23. The current armchair collision box model seems far larger than the actual chair, leading to weird situations: Even after moving the chair a little bit further I still wasn't been able to pass. After moving it to it's final position I was able to pass : I also checked it without the painting at that location, to make sure it wasn't the painting or the combination of the 2 blocks.
  24. Each time i try putting the new Anchor lever the ship shaking crazy and tipping over
  25. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    RESOLVED inventory item bug

    not sure if this has been submitted as i didn't see other poses regarding it (i didnt look to hard) so I will summite one as it is really annoying. not sure when or how it happens but its to often. item in the inventory get stuck off the inventory menu dialog page as you can see the cross bow and Flint lighter are below the menu, (have had it down as far as the quick slots at the bottem of the screen. These bugged items still are usable only if in a quick slot but you cant access them or remove them, only way to remove or fix this is 1. restart your game, or 2. if youre lucky and its in a quick slot. you can freeplace the item on the ground. interact with something while changing to a tool. then picking that placed item back up, bringing it back to a useable item back in your inventory. another bug related to this one is when you have these bugged items, it fills a spot in your inventory but has the item avatar off the menu. so you have a filled empty slot. As you fill up your inventory slots, sometimes it will permanently drop an item you tried to pick up with your filled inventory. These stone chunks you can not pick up and now litter my cave. you cant build over it either so this can screw up someones build if it happens in the wrong spot.