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Found 34 results

  1. Hi, I couldn't stand crashing Ylands and I was reading about my problem whole nights. I think I've found why Ylands crashes. I hope this will help you make a hot-fix or at least find way around the crash for people with the same problem as mine. Well, starting point is the crash itself. I have old Radeon HD 6870 1GB. I had horrible FPS and random crashes, but after around 20-50 hours of gameplay (depends on explored map and progress... probably ship... it seems) Ylands suddenly crashes (freeze then turn to black and in the bckground Win7 (64bit) gives me this error: "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered". This is random, maybe once a 3-4 hours, but after 2-3 crashes game crashes all the time after loading. However, I coudn't understand why it happens only from time to time and in 50% or freezes game "awakes" after even 5-30 seconds later... And then I found out two things. First, that Windows tries to reset display driver if memory is low to save it... (after a while Ylands uses around 4.7GB from my 8GB of RAM - so, it should be ok??) and second one was this: https://docs.microsoft.com/pl-pl/windows-hardware/drivers/display/timeout-detection-and-recovery Well, it seems that Windows sometimes treat Ylands as frozen app and let it wait, but more often decides to "reset" display driver.., just for fun of it. Microsoft even describe how to "hot fix" registry to stop their great idea: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2665946/-display-driver-stopped-responding-and-has-recovered-error-in-windows Well, now I can die without regret. Again, fighting sharks. Best Regards, Bartosz P.S. Here you are, LOGs below. I have all drivers updated, system clean, nothing in the background, all run as admin, hardware checked for damages... Everything else works properly. BTW... Do I need bigger swap file in Win7 if I have 8GB RAM and only 1GB VRAM? Currently my swap file is 8GB on SSD... output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. Hi, Well, we had problem with slots before during "drag and drop" - now we do not even have to do drag and drop! Picking up items or opening containers is messing with slots very well even without our help. Just walk around and pick some items, open inventory and... Surprise! Try to move something here and there, drag and drop and after a while you will find more and more "broken" slots. The only difference is: items are not showed at the bottom of the window, but one and a half to the right... Also... sometimes drag and drop "miss" and you have two identical items, both in the same slot, but not combined as one... Second strange thing is... Lanterns are not working from time to time. I have 20-30 lanterns right now, and some of these are "off" and after a while on again or "half-on"... or... bright red...??? So, I must say - It was better before... BTW. It was in my game before, I thought it was made for a reason, but it seem unlikely... I like to collect mushrooms, so I have few containers full of different kinds... And I have found a glitch or bug - the buggy/glitchy mushrooms are only cave mushrooms. For some reason, the same types cannot be combined together, thought they are clearly the same type (not similar in look, but exactly the same). I thought at the beginning that I can collect only one big mushroom in one slot, but then I realised that some mushrooms can be combined together and others not - thought they are of the same type, for example glowing mushrooms. So, In one slot I have one, in second one three, in third 2 identical mushrooms, but they cannot be combined. Maybe the same cave mushrooms, but from different bioms are tagged somehow and cannot be combined? Have a nice day, Bartosz
  3. UrTypicalJedi15

    RESOLVED Inventory Glitch

    I was collecting quite a lot of resources so I decided to empty some out to collect others I needed. When I collected the items they went in my inventory, but instead of being placed in an empty slot, the items glitched into the bottom of the inventory. This would be fine, if I could still access them. I can't drag them around or use them at all. On top of all of that they still take up an inventory slot and I can't place another item in those slots to try and unstick the glitched items. I have tried many different ways to try and fix this and the only thing that works is killing myself and grabbing my items again and even then it happens again regardless of how empty my inventory appears to be. This might have to do with how fast I collect items, maybe I collect too many too fast and the collection gets screwed somehow but that's just a theory. If this could be fixed in the next patch or in a soon future patch that would really help. Thank you guys, I love the rest of the game and keep up the good work! I linked a photo, there are two items stuck at the bottom, a rope and unfortunately a saw, and I cannot access them.
  4. revisoryvirus

    RESOLVED Here are some bugs

    Hey. I experienced a few bugs today, this is what happened. (single player exploring) My ship had problems with turning, and I didn't notice before I was stuck on a shoreline. Because I almost couldn't turn, I didn't back up. So I started digging my ship free. My rope ladder on the left side of the ship suddenly loosened from the ship and went through the sand, I could just spot it, and when I clicked on it, I got teleported to my other rope ladder on the other side of the ship. All I could do was to break it while it was still visible. (after a relog my ship was able to turn quickly again) Later I found "trasure" beneath the ocean. I got a lag-spike and died by a shark. I spawned by the nearest yland(Should I not spawn at my starter yland?) I made a raft and found my ship when I climbed the rope ladder on my ship the screen turned white, but I could see the head of my avatar. A short while after I was suddenly on my starter yland, I did not die. I made a new raft and found my ship again, but the same thing happened.(should have done a relog, but I was too tired to try again)
  5. Hi, I started new game after my last one when game started to crash every time I loaded it. After many hours of exploring, building and farming - just the same - quality on lowest. Game starts with 40FPS, after few hours it's 15FPS, next day 9FPS and then crash and constant crashes load by load... Well, Ylands are unplayable for me after few hours. My system in short is: AMD Phenom II x4 965 3.40GHz 8 GB RAM AMD Radeon 6850 HD, 1GB VRAM Win 7 All the best, Bartosz P.S.: Is my system really too bad?? I can play Watchdogs and GTA V on High and 30FPS... I know my system is very old, but it's usually ok for my needs... And... if you see a problem, please, tell me - do I need a different processor (please, specify which one, what series - price is important for me) or 4GB graphic card should help me? Thank you in advance. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  6. This game is very addicting and fun to play, the only downside are the bugs making this game almost unplayable in multiplayer. Bugs: Items turning invisible when interacting/placing Relog causes the map to erase everything Random lag spike Climbing ship ladder teleports me to another ship Item in inventory turns invisible and not accessible Boat completely stopped working in the middle of sea Suggestions: Items in inventory/chest should be combined automatically Removing dead bodies!!!!!! There are dead bodies laying around my ship/base, preventing me from building Allow more than one key per door for multiplayer (playing as a group if only one player can unlock/lock door sucks) Building blocks should be easier for taking down by the player who placed it (building a base with stone block and messing up is a nightmare if I have to hit the blocks to get rid of it)
  7. I downloaded the free trial of the game and installed it, when I click log in it goes through and gives me this error. Also I would like to note that I have no files in the 'Game' folder so I could not get the output log. DxDiag.txt
  8. BUG: I recently been working with triggers, and found some bugs, moving objects after a number of times the relative position coordinates get messed, you can easily see in a recently composition i made (elevator) after a number of uses the lever starts being moved with a higher value of Y making it float on the air in the elevator. (used time triggers with move entity instantly relative positions, for levers, floor and player, some for going up, some for going down) Suggestion#1: Noticed that the event trigger: Ask Player, is not case sensitive, i know that it's to save the trouble of not having to input upper case versions of the answer. But i feel like it removes some custom answers, for example, if a player answers in upper cases, having as a reply: there was no need for yelling, just as an example. It would be wonderful if in the trigger there was a check option to enable or disable case sensitive. BUG screenshots, it seems to happen when i go both directions up and down, if i keep moving up it doesn't happen at least 99% of the times Time trigger to move both levers up 0.3 y (the second lever is bellow in EVENT#1 and it is the same except the entity id, because it's the other lever) Time trigger to move both levers down -0.3 y (the second lever is bellow in EVENT#1 and it is the same except the entity id, because it's the other lever) Hope you take this info into consideration when tweaking the trigger system
  9. As I've said before, absolutely loving this game. I do want to mention at least 3 bugs; The horse bucking (which is hilarious) sort of gives a lasting epileptic seizure ^^ Kinda funny but distracting lol. Another bug is when you use the sleeping mat, sometimes your character decides that it's not time to wake up yet and will go instantly back to sleep. I absolutely love the way the mats work though! Last bug (off the top of my head) is that things put into the hotbar (tools etc) seem to get bumped by objects you pick up; most notably if you're holding something. And lastly not sure if this is a bug; but rocks on top of the ground are difficult to target with the pick; only seem to be able to remove them with an axe. One question I have; can blocks/buildings be dismantled (where you can reuse the blocks or have some sort of supply return)? Couple suggestions; a checkbox in the crafting menu where you can display all recipes (the ones unlocked so far) or the ones you have materials in your bag to craft with. Another suggestion is larger storage items; you can end up filling 2-3 barrels with just wood byproducts (lol just an example). Lastly; an autosort of the inventory would be nice. Loving this game, I can't wait to see what ya'll come up with!