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Suggestion Is there a way to buy coins in small increments?
VolpeBR posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
Wanted to gift the exploration pack to a friend for 1760 coins. I have 710 coins but if I buy the 1000 coins I'm going to be 50 coins short and the 2200 coins are way out of my budget right now, is there a way to buy those 50 extra coins? Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this but I don't know where else to ask. -
Hi guys, Simple suggestion but one that would bring substantial improvement to quality of life. When writing a scroll, paper (Hopefully books one day 😉) could we have the ability to change the name of the object in question? This way I can see exactly what the scroll/paper is before i decide to pick it up. Thanks!
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Ships, despite being one of the most essential aspects of Ylands Adventure Mode, are seriously lacking, even after the amount of updates they have gone through. This post contains some of the suggestions I have for making sailing better in Ylands. ( 1 : More sails ) I know that there are already tons of different sail options, but there could still be more. The sails would most likely be cosmetic and wouldn't attribute much outside of what any other sail would provide, but the cooler the ship, the happier the sailor. I recommend adding Jib, Spinnaker, Genoa, Gennake, Code zero, and Windseeker sail variants. ( 2 : Steam Ship Animations ) Currently, the Steam Ship Hull is unanimated apart from the rudder. The propellers don't spin even when using the Steam Engines and it looks weird. I'd like to see this changed about the Steam Ship Hull. ( 3 : Boarding Planks ) Boarding Planks would be either a placeable article, or something that's already attached to the hull by default, or both. The Boarding Plank would extend/retract when the player interacts with it, providing decent means to disembark without falling between the ship and whatever solid body you're parked against. ( 4 : HUD Improvements ) Currently, the Ship Devices aren't displayed on the HUD, making them difficult to work with when piloting a ship. It would be helpful if the values of the Ship Devices that've been placed were displayed on the HUD when piloting the Helm. ( 5 : Increase Maximum Sailing Speed With Engines ) Of course, when using sails, the ship is bound to be slow, but it's the same speed when using Engines. Engines currently offer the convenience of propelling any one's ship up to the maximum current sailing speed cap without the need for full sail, but I believe they should offer a greater speed cap when being used. It'd make Engine's even more worth it to have on a ship. ( 6 : Fuel Reserves ) Currently, Engines can only hold a very limited amount of fuel, and must be refueled individually. I recommend adding some sort of placeable building that Engines automatically draw fuel from without the express need for the player to manually refuel the engines. ( 7 : Ship Hull Additions ) We already have respectable variants of ship afts and fores, but I want something that I can place that will match the exterior of the ship whilst reserving space in the middle. I would like to see some sort of Hull Extension that allows for the player to raise the walls, aft, and fore of a ship, allowing for a simple way to add multiple decks without ruining the generic aesthetic of a ship. There could even be variants with portholes in them. ( 8 : Centered Helm variants ) Currently, every Helm variant is an odd number of tiles wide while every Ship Hull variant is an even number of tiles wide. I would like to see Helm variants that are evenly wide, enabling them to be easily centered on any ship. ( 9 : Hull Reinforcement ) I would like to see some way for a Ship Hull to be upgraded in order to increase its maximum integrity. ( 10 : Engine Cosmetic Parts ) I would like a block that reacts to the Engines on a ship being on, specifically an exhaust port so that I can make working exhaust stacks and be cool. These are all of the recomendations I have for now. I'll surely return soon with more weird ideas.
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Linking boat hulls could give some creative freedom Basic boat hull parts for unique builds and freedom in sizes Hollow ship hulls - we need to be able to have a base inside our ships protected from the cold/heat while crafting A tow line/boat holder having a small boat to go to shore with would be kinda nice Scalable Mammoth size boat build much bigger than the large ship with possibility to have animal pens and stuff on Why can we only own a single ship? Fighting animals - i have the most adorable little pet terrorbird, but it would be alot more fun if i could order it to fight with me... Or at least have it attack whatever attacks me, so it doesnt just walk in front of me while i mine Factory options - it could be freaking awesome if it was made possible to automate some sort of mining/farming with conveyor belts and machines to produce different stuff to sell to trade npc's Planes - need i say more than aircraft carrier?
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G'day devs, I absolutely love the mystery ylands and how you unlock them by exploring... fantastic addition. My only problem is a lot of them don't explain very well what you have to do. While some mystery ylands are meant to trick you... like in the distress signal mission. But can i maybe suggestion having a small welcome message or arrival area where it gives you little run down on what to do. Like it distress signal... While exploring the dangerous snowy slops you've come across a camp who's in need of your help..... but something seems amiss. It's your mission to sort the situation out. or forest spirits. After days or sailing you've discovered Forest Spirits, a land where the spirits are in need of your help. Help set free the lost spirits of this land by finding their lost souls. Last e.g Imaginarium A friend has written to you in desperate need of your help. They have an art expedition opening in less than 2 weeks.... and nothing is prepared. Help your friend prepare before the show opens. I think having small messages like this will make it easier and more enjoyable for those less educated like myself. One other point is maybe letting players know that they can't leave the mystery yland without completing it. I left one of the ylands as I had no idea what to do during Far Reaches... and now I have to collect another 50 points to restart it. Cheers
Hello everyone! First time here, but been around and active on steam since early release. I've got a suggestion for exploration. The images below were recently taken in the Artic region, and the hills are screaming for someone to ski or snowboard on them. I think this would be a great addition to be added to exploration: crafting and using a snowboard or set of skis. Skiing and snowboarding would make great media for advertising the game during winter sport events (like the winter Olympics ?). They'd also give more options to creators looking to make minigames or maps ? Anyway, thanks for hearing me out and happy to finally come over here and post something. Love the game and the direction it's been going in; looking forward to the underwater additions coming up soon! ?
So got bigger islands which is awesome and able to build cars modern day stuff sort of, even buildings like skyscrapers, how about some modern ships even as big as a cruse ship, planes, hot air balloons, and as you get into the modern day buildings car, how about some tractors for better farming, construction vehicles to dig and flatten areas a lot faster and easier, kind of upgrades from shovels, pick axes, and planting by hand. with bigger islands, i'm sure this would be very useful and windmills, for wind power, or waterwheels to use the ocean currents as a power source, and more creative building blocks, like a rotery block so you can use it as a light house with the light spinning around on coast lines in bad storms.
Some suggestions, and one ridiculous question.
iamSleepl3ss posted a question in Suggestions & Feedback
Hey there! First, I just wanted to say that I'm very proud of how Ylands has grown. It inspires me to see Aleš and his team still hard at work chiseling Ylands to the best it can be. Second, I apologize if this seems intuitive, or obsolete by the Ylands Editor. I was wondering, in terms of the editor and coding, would there be a chance for users to put out certain modifications for Ylands? What I mean by this is packaged modifications that change how you would play your exploration game. Take for instance Bethesda's Skyrim and Fallout. Both games have a huge community of modders that provides functionality to the game such as custom armors, or lock-on targetting. What I wish for is some sort of marketplace/explorer where users can insert self-contained modifications into their Ylands functionality. One modification could be a change of the UI Design, another could be smarter AI or animals with behaviors akin to their real counterpart. Another more complex example, changes to the rendering pipeline / URP. Even better, a modification that changes animations. The best, a modification that completely revamps the combat. With respect to the developers, of course! I do not mean to patronize or belittle the great work they've put into Ylands! A nutshell version of this would be a functionality where users can share code and changes to their Ylands for easy integration. Other users could then view available modifications through an explorer tab, see one they like, and add it to their Yland with the click of a button. Next time they open up their Yland, the functionality is there! I understand these are ludicrous changes that would require taking Ylands apart, but seeing as Ylands is built in Unity and supports coding in C#, I would assume some sort of address library to hook into Ylands functionality would do wonders. I also understand that adding these modifications to your exploration game would kill any kind of compatibility for the multiplayer aspect of exploration... But on the flip-side, it would let creators be able to curate functionalities to be added through the Ylands Editor, and might later be included as an official feature in Ylands if their reception is great. This brings me to my ludicrous question. GIVE ME THE SOURCE CODE. I'll sign any NDA. Please. Wait, that's not a question. What I meant to ask is, are there any ways for users to help with the development of Ylands which does not border on legal terms? ? Sincerely, Me, I guess.- 4 replies
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When I generate a beautiful model in the code, but it can't be used by others, I need to manually place and color it a little bit. I need a method to turn the code generated entity into a component
I know Ales said something on a live stream about in the future being able to summon/unsummon animals as a solution for not being able to properly transport animals on ships. So i came up with an idea for making this a more interesting mechanic (in my opinion). Instead of just taming an animal and then being able to summon/unsummon it anywhere, what about some kind of cages that you can craft, so whenever you want to take an animal on your ship you have to put it in that cage and then put the cage on the ship. This way making them take some physical space and also making it more interesting. Also could allow for things like trading those animals between regions. I hope what im saying does makes any sense to you lol, tried to explain it as best as i could.
Here i am with another suggestion to improve (from my point of view) the game. I would love to see rowboats in game, and more importantly, to be able to attach them to a ship with some sort of structure, i think it would be amazing to carry around a little rowboat with my ship, for example, you maybe anchor your ship in a safe distance from shore, an then row to the island. I dont really know how hard would it be to make, but it would be amazing to see it ingame
So, i know its not a top priority thing, but it would be amazing to have some instruments on the game, i think it would fit the style of the game perfectly. Maybe not instruments playable note per note (even tho it would be amazing lol), but perhaps with a list of songs to play (like sea of thieves does). Just imagine being able to sit down and play some guitar songs, or play a masterpiece on the piano :o.
Allow any admin of a map to host it on a server
ocnoglittle posted a question in Suggestions & Feedback
We were talking about this during Adam's stream today. Currently, you have to be the person that published the map to host it on a server. One of my friends found a map and I wanted to make it into a server, but I was unable to do so. Even when she gave me Admin status for the map and removed the password, it belonged to her, so I couldn't change the multiplayer settings or find it in the list of options for my server. I understand we don't want people to be able to "steal" a map but once the map owner (the person that published it) gives someone Admin status, doesn't that imply a level of trust, and shouldn't it give control of the map? In the future, I was hoping anyone with Admin status could be able to host the map, even if someone else published it as a multiplayer map. Thanks! -
I’m falling in love with this game again but the user interfaces are really clunky and oversized. i feel that going back to a small inventory window like what we had in alpha would be great. the main menu could use an overhaul as well because finding things is sort of an issue. great work ylands team stay classy.
Suggestion: Its really annoying to have to click abunch of times to smelt large quantities of items/ores. So could you add a craft more option for stations too. To make our lives easier. Bug: Also I have just made an entrance to my home but for some reason I get stuck on air when trying to enter it. I kind of have to jump a few times and strafe to get in. Its pretty annoying. Heres the entrance. Theres nothing blocking it but you get stuck on it. Thank you for reading this
Hello. So as you may know Ylands have very nice looking underwater, unfortunately scuba diving are kinda slow so why not add a submarine to the game? Well in my opinion it would fit nicely to the game, also we could dive and explore underwater more quickly and without worries that we would run out of oxygen. Besides, submarines would be a great combat addition, there are servers where players like to perform ship combat, and ability to torpedo someone with submarine would be very cool. Please, at least consider adding it.
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In Ylands, the ladder is just like a short teleporter. I think for a better gaming experience for the next update Exploration, adding climbing animation when players climb it up/down would make the game better. Even it's just a little feature. Also, you can climb it down when you are still in the middle of the ladder. I'm trying to describe it, but it's hard, I hope you guys know what I mean.
This one is something @Mello1223 was talking about: For Custom Controls, we can use all of the following: Tap, Down, Double Tap, Up, Combo, Multipress. Can we get similar options for the buttons in the Custom Windows? And/or can we allow the Custom Controls to still work when Custom Windows are open (especially using ESC to exit Custom Windows)?
Instead of just the game name, can you also put the server name under the player name in the social tab (So I can see if lots of my friends are playing in the same server or who is in which server)? Also, for the recently played games, it would be super helpful to know which recently played game is which server. Some of the games I play have 4+ servers and I get confused easily ? Thank you! PS I know I already complained about the "recently played games" section not working well with Nitrado, so maybe both can be changed? ?
I know adding new images/icons isn't a priority, but can we get a way to search through the ones we already have? They already have names (you can see them after selecting one) but there are enough of them, that I sometimes have trouble finding the one I want. Thank you! -Ocnog
Please give us pre-removing-first-person multiplayer in the beta branches!
Sapioit-a933737c585f579d posted a question in Suggestions & Feedback
There seems to be no immediate plans to give us the first person back, so please give us the latest multiplayer version before the removal of the first person as a beta branch option! Unsupported as it is, it is a low-effort effective way of getting more people interested in the game and in getting the old people who left the game back into the game. The game is already free, but you could even launch it as a paid DLC, to have the people who already paid for it pay for it again.-
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Can we have access to the message/social windows while loading servers? I would love to be able to update my friends that I am trying to login. This would especially be nice when it takes 5+ minutes to load, and we are just staring at the twirly colors with nothing to do. Thanks! -Ocnog
Instead of following birds to get to the next island, can we follow dolphins? -Ocnog
Ok so ik this is like probably a bad idea... because you’ll probably have people pay to do this... but why not let people make custom biomes??? Like I don’t mean like multiple islands like the thing in explorer... I mean something every device can do. Because I know mobile can’t do explorer.,, or at least if they can it’s not showing up in all games... it will get boring in just 1 biome besides what if they want to take the creator cube off??? They will only get access to the stuff that is in that biome. Even animals. Also when in universal both pc and mobile should be able to use what pc and mobile can use. Or let them both use it? Also there is a bug the stone pickaxe tells people that terraforming isn’t allowed in this game or server or map or whatever... even if the player owns that server or map... also can you please add the option to spawn npcs??? Please?? They count as creatures technically... also can you add the option to terraform water? Please??? That would be so cool!!! Also can u add a submarine??? I wanna be able to explore under water! Also why add scuba gear and not a submarine? They go together. You don’t have to use my suggestions. But I think they are cool. Also can u use them for both mobile and pc? If you do use them?
I had a few suggestions: 1. Rake: I know it has been mentioned before, but an exploration tool that could smooth the terrain would be super beneficial. I was trying to fill in a hole from mined clay and then farm over it, but I couldn't get it to look smooth. I had been trying and trying to fill in with dirt and then use a pick to decrease the height a bit, but it just looked like a jagged mess. A shovel (flatten) ended up creating a terraced farm look, which was as good as I could make it (see image). 2. Bulldozer front for cars: this might be a bit too overpowered, but I am sick of having to jump out and chop down sumac because my car gets stuck on it. Plus it would be a super fun way to clear a forest. Maybe make it so more (ylandium only?) engines are needed to knock over large trees, but 1 engine can be used to knock down sumac and plants? 3. Baby animals: now that we have goats that produce milk, I really want baby goats. Thanks! -Ocnog