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Found 446 results

  1. So this one is a bit strange but I have noticed at times whether using the crafting table or crafting directly and trying to place something, a few items seem to have a glitch where you have to attempt to craft it a few times before you are allowed to do it. I use this Iron cabinet as an example. I have over 100 iron ingots and a hammer in my inventory, but sometimes it tells me I do not have the items needed. I can exit the crafting menu and go back a few times and it seems to correct itself....it's just a weird glitch
  2. Hi, I was just in the editor, editing some groups with comps inside, when all of a sudden the header that says you are currently editing a group did not go away even though I was no longer editing a group. I was unable to get rid of it so I saved the map and restarted ylands. I thought that would solve the issue but sadly it just made it worse ? Now it will no longer allow me to open the map and if I switch to a different tab my map disappears. I really hope there is a way this can be fixed cause even though I do have some back ups, there is still a lot of progress to be lost. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt P.S. is it possible to send my map over to get it fixed? Thanks
  3. When i turn off construction mode of my ship in the editor, some of the blocks revert to their original color. As far as I know these blocks include: -all stone letters, stone numbers and stone signs -wooden pier supports The ship was a composition from before 1.7 and it doesn't seem to occur with new compositions. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. On mobile I can't switch between engines and sails to power my ship. There simply isn't a button for it. This mean that i can't drive my ship that only has engines. ? edit: the engines themselves are almost inaccessible to turn on manually
  5. Having items disappearing from the kitchen cabinets is perplexing but i think i found the cause. They never make it there! If you drag items from your inventory to the cabinet window, if you are not accurate or whatever ... sometimes the objects don't transfer... they "fade out" and disappear. If other find that happening, grab your logs and pester the devs .., it seems to be random and mainly on cabinets on ships.
  6. My boat and so all the resources I had disappeared after I loaded the game. I loaded mid-air on a boat, the game reloaded itself two times, dropped me on an island boatless, can't summon it anymore, and the save file size reflects that it's gone. I know this has already been reported. Is there a way to load an older save? I tried deleting the newest save file but the game just says that the newest save is unavailable and won't load older ones. This might be the end of Ylands for me to be honest: what's the point of playing knowing I can lose everything any moment. I wish I could at least get my resources back via the console command but /additem has been spirited away too.. SaveGames.zip Ylands_Data.zip
  7. I found a few of my islands that I had saved before the update with tier 3 Islands were only spawning tier 2 monsters. I thought this was a glitch that maybe only occurred with older maps, however today I went to a brand new map with a tier 3 island and found that it also was only spawning tier 2 monsters. None of the monsters dropped Ylandium crystal or dust. Only pieces of metal and stone chunks. I enclosed pictures so you can see what I mean. The golem was at the place where I am located on the map.
  8. Not a game breaking bug or anything. I just noticed that this pipe block used to have 3 colors and now it only has 2. I use it to make burners on my stoves. The black part I usually make a glowing orange.
  9. Hi! I've noticed a strange behaviour of the camera when playing on mobile: sometimes (usually when I start a new game and for like 10 seconds) the camera works flawlessy, then it suddently starts to jumps around at random angles, often pointing straight up or down. This makes the game unplayable for me on mobile. I'm playing on a Blackview BV9800 Pro and everything it's up to date. Is that a known problem or there's a fix? Thank you and keep up with the amazing work!
  10. In exploration i've been exploring a lot of new islands. before i did i had changed the settings in the options menu so that i can see distant islands (level of detail set to medium). But i found one island that seems to load in it's terrain chunks differently to the other neighbouring islands (like how terrain looks when it's level of detail is set to low or very low). The picture above shows the two neighbouring islands having visible terrain while the island i'm on doesn't have all of it's chunks loaded in, when i move to the unloaded area the chunk loads in as intended and unloads as i move away. I thought this rare bug might make players miss an island if they're looking for all of them on the ocean with the same view distant settings. I've attach the output logs if needed output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  11. So, I like to make a lot of blueprints, and currently the only way to export editor made compositions to use for blueprints is by using the legacy maps. I have noticed several times after making blueprints in legacy maps when I exit the game, it just hangs out at "saving in progress" screen and does not take me back to the main screen. I have had to use task manager several times now just to exit the game. Also is there any reason Ylands is running in 2 instances? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  12. Hi, i just lost about 5 wooden barrels full of stone chunks. I was picking them up at my home world and moving them to another world, when i joined the other world i noticed the stone chunks weren't in my ship anymore, so i guessed they would be on my home map (because it has happened to me before, that sometimes something goes wrong with my internet and some changes don't get updated), so i went back to my home base, and they werent there, so i basically lost all of them, all the time they had been on containers or my inventory. Also when I came back to my home world my clothing and ship changed their tinted colors again, note that none of the maps i was traveling are multiplayer, they are both singleplayer worlds. Sadly i dont have logs for this.
  13. I noticed this a while ago and mentioned it to Adam, but I wanted to make sure there was a ticket open for it. Without me doing anything in Editor, it will say my game was updated on a random day instead of the correct date. Other people noticed it for their games too.
  14. WaaZyy-5b00ce581b563a91

    UNDER REVIEW server wiping alone

    I bought a server and it resets itself, always when I play with friends on it the progress is not saved, it literally restarts on its own from scratch, when I log in the next day it has nothing, it loses all my construction and that of other players, as I do to be all safe?
  15. Hi there! So I've been playing around with a ship who's design is quite detailed, but it has next to no free-placed objects on board. When playing Exploration on my own offline/locally hosted maps I have no issues whatsoever. Upon sailing to a map hosted by someone else -Including the Official ones- however, I experience game-crippling drops in frame rates. I believe this occurs due to the mass of my ship 'bobbing' in the waves. I experience no issues when in construction mode or when the anchor is engaged which leads me to believe that there is a lot of resources being drained to sustain the free movement of the ship as it's rocked by the waves. I suspect this could be the servers desperately trying to synchronize the free movement of the ship as it moves unanchored in the waves as I have tried lowering the graphic settings as low as possible in spite of my rig being pretty powerful. Could this be looked in to? Maybe there could be a workaround regarding block-welding or a reduction in the amount of resources spent on making a ship bob in the waves? Whilst the ship design is pretty hefty, I suspect that as larger designs are inevitably going to be built in the future, this may be an impending issue. Thanks, Rob
  16. mates181setam

    UNDER REVIEW Joining

    I can't join to my friend and he cannot join my world cause it says we are banned. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  17. doesn't seem to be a big issue but had a forest underground that i clear cut and the Stack apon stack of logs that appeared pushed me through the dirt ceiling. was easy enough to get back into the world without dying.
  18. I lost everything after dying again and the icon did not appear on the map. After searching, I realized that the game just deleted my items when I died. I really pissed about this bug. Also, there is no way to actually melee kill the infested golem. You cannot dodge any attacks its gonna do and with the retarded change made to the propeller pack, this is making the game really unenjoyable. The golem are not balanced at all. If you don't have guns or a propeller pack, you are screwed. Also, who made the executive decision of changing the propeller pack duration to 10 seconds. That level of stupidity required to do that surprises me. Do the developers even play the game or test it before releasing an update? This is the second I'm posting about this bug. Also, I can no longer differentiate between coal and stone when digging.
  19. So, I got killed by a wholly rhino and respawned at my house and bed. I immediately checked the map to see where my body was at so that I can reclaim all of my items. However, I could not see the tombstone icon on the map and I am stuck trying to search for these items in this huge map. Please, give me a shortcut to find the items. I'm already utilizing free camera but that is useless. Is there a hack I can use? I had everything on me, even my drill.
  20. Hello! I accidentally deleted my save file while trying to copy it and now I cannot play exploration, is there a way to make a new game? I had barely progressed on the old one so I don't care about getting that one back.
  21. Ahoj, řeším problém, při prozkoumávání ostrovů (po updatu 1.6) se mi odbarvili veškeré věci na lodi do původní barvy , teda kromě dřevěných bloků ze kterých je velká část lodi postavená. Odbarvili se truhly, dveře, i brnění které jsem měl na sobě. Dnes se mi znovu odbarvili a k tomu jsem přišel o veškeré elektrické obvody. (loď jsem stavěl v editoru, i obvody jsem spojoval v editoru aby byli schované v blocích, teď již nejsem schopen obvody zapojit, musel bych rozbít půl lodi, bylo tam dost obvodů). A to mě přivádí k druhé věci, rozhodl jsem se tedy pro nějaké drobné opravy lodě v editoru, ale při získávání blueprintu jsem zjistil že se to vybrané části fotoaparátu nevleze (lodˇ jsem nezvětšoval), nebylo by možné výběrovou oblast blueprintů zvětšit (chybí mi asi 10 bloků) . Odbarvování věcí budu sledovat, když tak dám další informace nebo přiložím log soubor. Děkuji
  22. The title says it all. MP setting disappear... Havent got logs yet ..will do so when i get time. frustrating for me and invited friends..
  23. Since the chat changed, I have randomly been getting this text bubble at the start of some games or at the start of testing the game in editor. I am not sure what is causing it and will let you know if I narrow it down. "There will be some interesting info here"
  24. My wife created a new character in her name in my game, now I can't change it back (to Zitron)? It say "name already exists", no matter what name I put in?
  25. Rotating or just moving a group seems to change the rotation of blocks for some reason (this also happens with single blocks). However, the group axis remains the same. Here are some videos to better explain it. It's very annoying