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Found 1534 results

  1. are you planning to make a joint game mode from your phone and computer?
  2. Rogueliker

    RESOLVED Need a name change

    Hi! I would like to change my account name/displayed name in game and I would appreciate being contacted in a message. I tried via the account page here but it didn't take. Thank you!
  3. Hi, My longest game just dissappeared. Map shows my mother-ship in the middle of big Yland, but there is no my ship anywhere. Thank you for very stressfull game. Regards, ComR
  4. Create.ylands, log in. It shows me one very old, blocked game which I can't delete., "Frostbite Hardcore Survival" I uploaded Caverna Magika, but a script is broken which blocks further progress in the game. Can't see the game, it is not on my list, just the old blocked game. Couldn't update the changes, so I uploaded Caverna Magika 03 and waited for something to show up. It never did. Those games are invisible to me. I did notice hardcore seems to be a blocked word now. Is that my problem? Please help, I have another game, but I don't want to upload it when I have this problem. Thank you.
  5. TylerHibbz27


    I just tried to launch with 2 other friends but mine says i crashed before i even load into the gameerror.log
  6. I like to create a lot of environments that's are specifically made for night-time. This makes it very difficult to work with, since the editor is daytime! Ex:
  7. MelonJuice-dc568c65dc2e2d28

    RESOLVED Can I have my user changed?

    I installed this game around 2 years ago, only just picked it up again and I've got a user from when I first started that I don't exactly think is cool anymore. Can I get it changed? My current user is Circuit, I'd like it changed to Crocus. Thanks!
  8. In game I'm trying to buy coyns but I can't I'm clicking buy button but It doesn't open the steam's buy screen, I could see before the update.(I'm using last version PC)
  9. Hi, Since the last update i'm having regular crashes with sometimes several minutes of gameplay lost. I did notice that most crashes occurred not long after an alt+tab for web browsing and such, or when using Spotify. I have a dual sreen setup and i tried both windowed en fullsscreen mode, but the game still crash. Although the windowed mode tend to crash less (just my impression though) Log files attached : output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  10. "Problem with your data. Contact admin if it persists." After I join multiplayer and was immediately banned by admin, all I get is this message when I try to play Exploration. Just made the most awesome glass ship... output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. As the title says, some workstations built on ship would rotate itself upon "feed" and "ignite" actions. Attaching screenshots just in case. How to replicate: Build a ship Install a workstation that has "Feed" and "Ignite" functions, i.e., stove, blacksmith station, kiln, and a few others. Feed or ignite it (either by hand or button) and the workstation will rotate right away. Thank you for your time, have a good day.
  12. Hi guys, I appear to have just lost my ship to a pretty nasty glitch. Naturally its exceptionally frustrating as it had all of my kit, and rare equipment on board. Now all gone! I paid a visit to my regular polar headquarters and suddenly my ship -and me- appeared to have spawned bellow the seabed and falling. After a few seconds, I spawned on the island coastline. My ship however, was gone and couldn't be re-summoned. It was as if it had simply never existed. Has anyone experienced any thing similar?
  13. TLDR: v1.8.0.115385 Rafts not automatically claimed when crafted and mounted Rafts cannot be claimed via Q Radial Menu Cannot leave starter Ysland due to above issue Steps to Reproduce: Clear world + character progress Start exploration game Choose 'no tutorial' Craft raft and mount it (observe that it's not automatically claimed) Exit raft and press Q looking at it (observe that there is no claimed raft and no option to claim it) Sail to edge of map Press M -> Region Map (observe that you cannot choose another Yland) Heya, I recently played the game before the update on a fresh start and crafted a raft which was automatically claimed and sailed to another Yland with it. When the 1.8 update dropped yesterday I managed to convince my sceptical friend to try the game with me and we did a fresh start as I did before. However, with the update it seems that rafts are no longer automatically claimed - nor claimable - meaning you cannot leave the Starting Yland. My friend quit pretty shortly after and I didn't explore the rest of Noob Yland but from what I recall there is no metal on that Yland, making crafting a boat or ship impossible - rafts are the only option. Am I missing anything here or is this a bug?
  14. Have I downloaded a different build ? . "Awesome" achievements or as my version says "Amazing" Achievements"? This is My version
  15. not sure if you're aware of this but yesterday i noticed that when i equipped my character with fur boots the leather shoes appeared on my characters feet
  16. Hello, my account Name ist NoNac and i want my name in Ylands to be NoNac aswell. Is that possible?
  17. Hello, I played this game for a few hours and enjoyed it very much. So I bought this game, but when I wanted to play an exploration game, I deleted my current game. I couldn't start any game anymore, so I wanted to link my account to be able to contact the technical support of this game, and by doing that, it deleted my account and my purchase of the game. Now I have lost my first account (the one before I linked it) and that deleted my purchase, yet I paid it well ... Please help me find my old account and the paid version of the game I bought.
  18. Hi, I have made this little rhino for my island and I was testing the scenario whilst the graphics were on the mobile settings. During that test I saw that the rugby ball that is being used here is presumably in the wrong orientation and so it doesnt align with the rest. This happens for both of the high and low quality mobile graphics and not for the pc one. Thanks
  19. my friends list is gone i have friends it just will not show up
  20. someone here trying to get help and getting a little frantic (they don;t seem to know where to go) https://steamcommunity.com/app/298610/discussions/0/3038228835120862664/
  21. I have create a game with editor when 1.6 version. and it's running good, but when i update to 1.7. The game can't running, whatever press F9 or F10. And there is no any any any information show to me. The editor just no any response.(I can run another game.) I have save all components, and new a map, put them in. but still can't running it. And i can't save the game. once i try to save. the console show me saving....and then it never show finished. I hope to know what could i do for check what happen with my game? How can i find the problem? how can i running it again? Really need help, thanks~ If you need my yca. i will send it.
  22. I've eaten 14 toadstools and they don't seem to stop my starving status. I can even eat them after i'm full ?. Just to be sure, i made a logic in the editor that tells me how much of my hunger has been restored from eating food. boletus mushroom gave 5 points and sorrel leaf gave me 1 point, but toadstool gave me no points.
  23. Not sure if this is a bug that affects everyone's buildings. But I noticed a new random encounter today and it appears as though the corner spikes are not turned correctly. I think it should be a pyramid shape?