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Found 1534 results

  1. Logged out of my explore game for lunch ... took ages to save... actually hang at saving screen. After waiting 35 minutes restarted computer., then after looking at emails etc resumed my game. Came back and did a little survey around base... met two wolves who were not friendly. Then i noticed my car was missing! Did a wolf take it for a joyride? Searched around my base... looked around where it was last seen ... nothing...not even a burnout mark from the tires... after climbing to a high point and surveying the whole area , concluded, someone or something with bad taste in fashion and style took my ugly car. I attach the files from that game in the hope that even if the car cannot be returned, at least i can find some parts to sell as scrap.. .output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. juggernaut1021

    RESOLVED cant continue game

    game has been working great, but all of a sudden i try to continue my game and it wont load. when i click on play, it goes to wanting to create new character.
  3. Hey guys - since the latest update - after between 20 seconds and a minute of playing - my computer hard crashes, either with a BSOD (sorry, didn't get the error message) or locks up necessitating a reboot. I tried uninstalling, deleting saves (just in case) and reinstalling, to no avail. Attached is DXDIAG log and OUTPUT_LOG. Hope you can help as I've really been enjoying the game and am about 20 hours or so into one of my games. output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  4. Hi. I play in my server./ Multi mode./ I have a little problem. My character is die offline mode. I eat full, and log out. If i log in next time then my character is die. "you not eat long time" Why? Other character is die some times. pls help... Thanks.
  5. hey I have been having issues where when i try removing energy streams on my boat the game crashes.
  6. I started a discussion on Steam(link to the discussion: http://steamcommunity.com/app/298610/discussions/0/1620599015883685394/?tscn=1514257809 ) with the same title as this one and, after several people answered, came to the conclusion that after placing the computer on a ship it will glitch the boat and cause it to not turn left or right. I didn't create a backup save to go back to so now I am stuck with a boat that I worked on for hours that can only go forwards or backward. Is there a way I can remove the computer from my save, or remove it from the game entirely. If I could, I could remove the computer, go into the world and save it without the computer, create a backup, and reinstall the game so the computer is back. But, I don't know if that would break the game/save and cause an even bigger problem because there is an item missing. I can't just go and break it because it disappeared, but maybe there is a way to make it reappear. But I don't know it if there is. These are the only things I could think of with my limited computer skills. Is there any way I can fix this? If not that is okay, but I would love to know if there is.
  7. I've been playing for quite a while on my first base and when I went to go eat dinner, I went to log out as usual but it stayed on the screen saying it was saving the game. I went to dinner and came back and it was still on that screen. I restarted my laptop and chose my continue game. It then sent me to the character creation scree and it started me over on a new game. Is there anything I can do to get my game back? Zandarius
  8. Patrick Van de Putte

    RESOLVED fatal error

    OAuth Login: code -1 api code message: cannot conect to destination host
  9. I think there needs more attention to this bug that seems to commonly arise. When my friends and i are trying to join each others game being hosted it sometimes throws an host unreachable error message then boots the connector from the server regardless of load percentage. We've tested out creating two servers(worlds) from my end. Everyone connects fine the first go through and can reconnect with no problems for a time being. Variables that i've noticed that were at play during reconnection issue. Eventually i tried logging out and waiting for my world to save for a good 5 minutes then was forced to force close the game due to some sort of freezing while saving. I reloaded immediately after to check for any data loss and it appeared to be fine. Later in the day my friend attempted to join and was met with this error. On world two i left the server open to the public and during a player join my friends experience an alteration in game hud while the game froze during the entering. After the game unfroze my friend decided to relog to fix the gui issue and was met with host reachable. And alas we come to our final world. My friend hosted a server and during an attempt to reset the server, to display the unlocked yet still undisplayed schematics in crafting inventory, i was met with the host unreachable error. Conclusion, it seems that improper / untimely crashes and errors during resets cause sometime of error preventing further connections from client side of hosted servers.
  10. after 50 hours of play, I happened to die several times, but the last time loaded for the new caracter, it begins with the lifeless gray hearts and the dark screen with the quick menus and the map , without being able to do anything stuck, you know if can you do something? I would not want to lose everything done output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. When exiting game the mostly white game save screen does not terminate or seem to exit ever. Screen seems to be up indefinitely. Not sure if it is saving my hdd to the cloud here or what. This is the early access version on Steam: Build (countless colors)
  12. I've only had it running for about 40 minutes in total. Got it last night with my boyfriend but his is game working well. Can anyone help me out? If you want to directly contact me, you can find me on Steam here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070398177
  13. gbkisses

    RESOLVED Iron ladders

    Hi Bohemia, Congrats for the game I find it awesome. I'm coming here regarding an issue I have with iron ladders. (at least one !). Im playing SP only atm and the (pre built) house I'm using IG got an iron ladder. I've experienced weird teleports sometimes when using it. it TPs me on the top of a flying air tesla cube. So i die electrified or I just have the time to jump to death on the groung (just to avoid loosing my items). I've experienced this bug several time just by trying... I just wanna be sure it's a bug, and would like to know if it's ossible to correct this issue. I've attached the request files and remain at your disposal for further information (screenshots of my beautifull deaths available). Cheers you all ! output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  14. Hi, due to no dedicated server we bought another copy and host on my second PC with a new steam account so the game is always open. The host will always starve and die but this is ok as its just for hosting the game. The issue is that my character when i log out on my playing account will still be dead each time i come back from starvation. My brothers character remains alive and ok as does our friends character. I am using the same network but a different pc and different account to the hosted game so this shouldnt happen# any ideas? thanks
  15. Hi, I started new game after my last one when game started to crash every time I loaded it. After many hours of exploring, building and farming - just the same - quality on lowest. Game starts with 40FPS, after few hours it's 15FPS, next day 9FPS and then crash and constant crashes load by load... Well, Ylands are unplayable for me after few hours. My system in short is: AMD Phenom II x4 965 3.40GHz 8 GB RAM AMD Radeon 6850 HD, 1GB VRAM Win 7 All the best, Bartosz P.S.: Is my system really too bad?? I can play Watchdogs and GTA V on High and 30FPS... I know my system is very old, but it's usually ok for my needs... And... if you see a problem, please, tell me - do I need a different processor (please, specify which one, what series - price is important for me) or 4GB graphic card should help me? Thank you in advance. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  16. First of all sorry for my bad english, I have a problem with the Host Unreachable; I open all the ports that you say in this post: http://steamcommunity.com/app/298610/discussions/2/1620599015865077154/. But the problem persist, i have done a lot of test and i think that the posible solution maybe is the time out when you enter to a server, when the server is new created i can enter without problems very fast because there are a few entities only, but when the server have more entities and i try to enter when i arrive always to 25 seconds more or less i always get the message "Host Unreachable", i try a lot of times entering and always more or less 25 sec latter i get the error. Sometimes load to 55%, other times to 60% but all the times after same time in seconds, so the problem i think that maibe is the time out, of course the other problem is my bad connection i have only 3MB but i can play to other games withouth problems. can you check this?is posible to test with more time?Thanks a lot!
  17. Hello there I've played Ylands in the past via the old launcher but now on Steam I'm getting a fatal error at startup, it looks like it's trying to get user profile info but fails.
  18. Игра нормально запускается все работает, но нет текстуры просто черный экран. Игру удалял заново устанавливал не помогает, драйверы последние на компьютере. Видеокарта Nvidia 840m. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  19. Hello, I encountered quite a nasty issue earlier this evening. I logged out while designing a ship and when I came back I was killed by "unknown reasons". I respawned on an island that wasn't the main spawn island (the default island everyone starts on, and where my base was). When I finally returned to my home, I found that the Ylandium protective barrier no longer belonged to me, but belonged to my previous character that had the same name. I find this particularly annoying since I have spent many days building up my home, and no longer have ownership of any of it. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  20. Hello, I'm currently playing with my two mates and we have big problem with map, I mean how the map works. We all have crafted map but the problem is that only mine map is working normally and properly. Because when my friends quit the server, and join back, everything what they had explored is reseted and the map is unexplored, just mine is in the same state as it was before I quit. I would also appreciate if developers would add some feature for server hosts to delete every item what is on the ground because it's probably lagging server and somewhen you don't want to take everything from ground to fill your inventory, destroying items is not that bad idea but it takes some time which can be used to do more useful things. And the last thing is question/suggestion - Can we somehow place seeds symmetrically? If not, it would be good to have this option. EDIT: We have gone to the cave and killed 2 Mutated Leopards, the wiki says that we are supposed to get 2 ylandium dusts from each other, unluckily the first dropped just one and the second also just one. Just Mutated penguin drops 1 dust. EDIT 2: Soo I just linked my steam with BI account through the game and had shock.. After the link, my character has been somehow lost, I could have joined to the server but i had to create new character and appeared on basic spawn, my 2 mates are okay and my old, previous character was standing there so they killed it and took all the stuff and put it to the chest, so everything is alright but now they have to come for me with boat, I think its a big bug. output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  21. Hi, I just bought the game with 2 friends of mine but whenever ı tried to create multiplayer room they cant enter or it says "Host unable to reach" When they create room ı keep waiting in loading screen like 10 min but still cant enter. Can you help me with that problem we realy want to play this game. Now ı heard ı had to upload this two log files to quick fix here you go: output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  22. When in first person on board a large ship, if I walk into an object built onto the ship, I begin pushing the ship rather easily. This is more pronounced when strafing to the side against objects. Example of objects: the mast, the helm, a stove, etc. Makes it easy to just propel the ship forward over shallows and land, but also makes free building things carefully while in first person (the easiest way to place things) maddening and dangerous.
  23. When trying to go to multiplayer game, from the game i'm in, it will not let me pick " joinable " from the multiplayer page ( screenshot included with this bug report ) thus my wife can not join my game. It has worked fine in the past, up until the last update. DxDiag.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  24. When hitting continue to join back into my own singleplayer world I was prompted to create a new character. I did and was placed on the starter island with what was in fact a new character. This was on a world where I have logged probably 20+ hours. There are two possible causes that I believe may have lead to this error. 1. About 10 minutes prior I encountered a bug which caused me to teleport to a random ysland when interacting with the ladder on the large ship. Perhaps when the teleport happened it registered as a player death? 2. After this happened I was looking through game settings and decided to link my Bohemia and Steam accounts. Perhaps this registered a new ID to my profile causing the game to assign a new character to the new ID. I have yet to search the world for my previous character as I am unsure which ysland I was teleported to. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  25. Fell through the earth again lost everything ... unstuck commands not helpful log files attached Game hung.. avatar goes nowhere... just floats there re logging returns to same situation . Very frustrating after 3 days of work etc. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt