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Found 1534 results

  1. Hello, i was wondering where i would put the files for my friends save game so i can continue on it, because when he shared it i got the file, but have zero clue where to put the file on my side, and when i try to play on his saved game (when he is offline but shared me the file) it says unavailable. SO where do i put his file, i cant find a saved game file location, and i am using Steam..
  2. Every time i die, I have one of two options.. "main menu" or "new game".. I don't respawn in the the world with nothing on starting island with the ability to retrieve my old body like in previous versions. Instead when I try to continue, I simply load the save point of my death. Please advise!
  3. Just noticed that the username that shows up on both the main menu and the coyn shop is really really weird for me. Have a look at this! What does it mean? It should just say handofthesly which is my Steam username (has recently changed from hannibal). Has it got something to do with the original standalone launcher and save files? If you know how to get it to just show my normal username would be awesome
  4. So i left the game to see if there was any crafting recipes on the net, and the message popped up and said that the game would save, i closed the game, have now opened it, and it havent saved, im quite some time back in my game.
  5. Returning to the game an hour or two after I was on it last and I loaded into my game but a lot of my progress was lost, so I returned to the main menu and I deleted my game save as I was a bit mad about losing 2 hours of progress but when I deleted the save another save replaced it but this save was 3 minutes after the save I just deleted, I then continued to delete my saves and each time the time was increasing by 3 which means my save is there somewhere but my game is not loading my latest save.
  6. After I got the free trial I bought the full game on steam but because of the trial it says content locked and I can't install the full game that I just had bought I think they need to delete the trial from my account so I can download the full game from steam.
  7. Reinhard Schmidlin

    RESOLVED Error loading a save game

    I was really anxious about this game.The game went very well for a couple of hours.I decide to go to dinner and close the game, when Ireturned I load the game I had all my inventory but everything that I built was not there. My house, my ship,my crafting stations. , WTF?Is this a common bug or a weird one.I know that the game is in alpha, but man this sucks
  8. Hi I was playing yesterday and I made a ship of 4 large masts. During the construction of the ship, whenever I build something and if I take what I put the ship jumps sideways. By putting a chest on the ship on a polar island, I ended up putting my ship on many pieces of land because the ship jumped that way, and it was a great punishment to get him out of there. Fortunately all the effort was not in vain, I recovered the ship.
  9. Just bought the game about a half hour ago and installed it but the game continues to crash on launch only giving me a white screen and a popup saying the game has crashed and to upload the contents of a specific folder to the devs. I had played the trial version a few days ago with no issue whatsoever but the steam release just refuses to work error.log output_log.txt crash.zip DxDiag.txt crash.zip DxDiag.txt error.log output_log.txt crash.zip DxDiag.txt error.log output_log.txt
  10. Hello, I've bought the game around one hour ago on steam. I've already played it via 1hour trial and as far as i remember i had a possibility to - after clicking New Game choosing ?sandbox? or something like that. Right now after i've installed game via steam all i can choose after clicking New game is this "image" which redirects me to the workshop in browser. I can add that i've managed to join my friend multiplayer session but I cant create my own Any ideas what to do to make it work ? Already tried to reinstall/verify files/clear uninstall(with revo uninstaller) and then install - nothing helps. Thanks for help in advance
  11. Just bought 5 copies for me, my wife and the kids through steam. I am assuming the system got flooded because the game is not working. Some have installed but won't do anything and my sons says download paused and the content is locked. Hop you fix it soon, the kids are excited to start playing!!! Thanks
  12. Hi, I've downloaded Ylands to try it out for 1 hour, but I can't seem to be able to make it work. The launcher works, it downloads everything it needs, then it says 60 minutes left. I click PLAY, the game launches, but I'm stuck on with a scene view with 2 mini islands and a boar. I know this is supposed to be the starting menu, but I don't have it. System Specs: -Windows 10 x64 -Nvidia GTX 1050 4GB VRAM -8GB RAM -DirectX 12 If anything is required just ask me and I'll post it as an EDIT.
  13. Hello, I've found quite a big problem I believe: I'm trying to run previously working maps (the test map for the ship stats) in the editor but I keep getting errors about game logic: "INVALID GAME LOGIC OBJECTS NEED TO BE FIXED FIRST" "[EVENT LISTENER 1 ID:4] ENTITY REFERENCED IN FIELD OBJECT DOESN'T EXIST". This exact game logic used to work before last update I've also deleted all game logic, replaced all the blocks but the error keeps appearing. I've added the logs. I'm trying to make a system where if I shoot at an archery target, certain blocks move up an X amount of blocks. Adrie output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  14. Once again I have the same problem as outlined in this bug report. Why does this continue to happen? I have never seen this problem before.
  15. Hi, I purchased the game earlier. I received the email confirming purchase along with the download link. The updater after logging in tells me that I am in my 1 hour trial period. I have used up 35 of the 60 minutes so far. How do I get the full version loaded?
  16. When i click on the Exe icon or try to use steam to launch the game this error pops up. I did play for about 2 hours this morning and took a break for an hour and now this.
  17. FlopjackFlumbery

    RESOLVED Game won't download

    I have downloaded the Ylands launcher, but it will not download updates. It says Download Failed Ylandslauncher.exe Createylandsdirectories.exe
  18. my game is not updating to version 0.6 i am stuck on version 0.5.37830
  19. All goes well until it starts to download vcredist_x64 at that point it just freezes i tried to kill the programs with the task manager go to the file and install it manually, but it doesn't work, too.(Yes, my background changes every 30 sec, that's why i have different backgrounds for both pics)
  20. I have been playing this game a number of months but was away for a few updates. I am now using the STEAM version. In trying to make a boat (the small sailboat) I get a message in red that it REQUIRES BLACKSMITH STATION: https://imgur.com/fQo44b7 I have never needed to use a Blacksmith Station in the past to create a boat. I tried both a blacksmith Forge and a Smelting Forge and a Foundary and it won't let me make the boat. I saw someplace a mention from someone you have to SPAM the button but even punching it over and over, I cannot make the boat. I have tried in the water, along the shore, and next to the Blacksmoth FORGE. i have also relogged as well as exiting and relaunching the game. Please let me know what I am missing? I have made these boats countless times in the past with no issue but that was before recent updates.
  21. The DS server for explore mode (snailzone) needs a restart, don't know if the last patch is the trouble maker but wenn you want to create anything while "burning/melting" it takes ages to get done, seconds seem like minutes.
  22. I cannot get an interactions window with the stone masons station...also the woodworking bench. I have tried the others ( smelter...blacksmith, foundry etc ) and they seem to work, but with the stone masons station all i can do is punch it or walk on it!
  23. I downloaded the free trial of the game and installed it, when I click log in it goes through and gives me this error. Also I would like to note that I have no files in the 'Game' folder so I could not get the output log. DxDiag.txt
  24. The new update message can't handle " ' "'s and gives weird codes:
  25. It started after two sharks jumped aboard my large ship ...and i managed to kill them however as they "died" and turned over, they caused the ship to sink at the stern and a third shark made a meal of me. I respawned on the beach and could see my ship with the dead sharks floating in the air above the deck, however when i tried to move i sank into the ground and fell down through a network of unexplored underground caverns ..a long way down...and then died. Respawning again, same issue no matter which way i tried to move ..or even jump. re logging did not help. After 5 attempts i gave up and am starting a new game. Which is a shame as the current game was really interesting and a weeks work of crafting and exploring. Also a couple of times when releasing controls of the ship, my avatar jumped and got stuck in the cabin roof ..had to use fist to smash the roof panels around me to release my avataar would be nice to have a previous save logon feature .