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Found 1534 results

  1. Hello once again Devs While chopping down a forest I found a bug that does not render tree stumps. The Tree is cut down then the Stump instantly disappears, but it is still an Object that I can walk on. From a certain distance, it renders but close up it does not render as an object.
  2. when i want to join server it's downloading data from server so it download like 30% or 50 % or 70% or sometimes 98% of the data then it goes back to menu and say host unreachable. pls fix it. unplayable mp
  3. Hello again! Encountered a bug I havn't seen before. This occurs on OFFICIAL EXPLORE PA 15. I am trying to craft a Guardian Helmet. It appears in the crafting menu as craftable. I have all the ingredients. When I click to craft I get the "FAILED" message. I tried reloading the game, reloading Steam, loading another Yland and coming back to this one - nothing worked. This same server occasionally blocks me out of the crafting menu. When I click the tab it does not switch, and clicking the "O" hotkey does nothing. When this happens, reloading the server fixes this issue, but the Guardian Helmet remains uncraftable. Attached are my output files and DXDIAG report. Thanks! DxDiag Ylands.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. I spent a solid 5-6 hours building a ship in Single Player Explore mode (because that's just how I roll), only to find out it can only travel in straight lines.. and really only backwards because there's a beach in front of it. When decorating the cabin of the ship, one of the last touches I added was placing a Computer I had discovered on an Iron Table. As soon as I placed the Computer, it disappeared, and the ship listed heavily to one side, tilting about 30 degrees. I didn't think too much of it, and the ship righted itself a little while later. That's when I went to take it on its maiden voyage, only to discover it can''t turn. I tried restarting the game and replacing the helm. There's plenty of clearance under the ship so it's not stuck on anything visible. I'm assumed the Computer glitched out and did... something? to my ship. I've found my ship in Editor mode (thankfully I was only one island away in a known direction when I built it) but I wasn't able to find the Computer, including inside the hull and under the ground. Any suggestions?
  5. I wanted to add screenshots, but my save file is corrupted or something now and I had to start over. First, the dye stand: I was messing around with colors just to see what was possible to dye. I changed the color of charcoal to white and the color of copper bars to a blue color, however I didn't have the materials to actually dye the item. Again, I was just messing around. However, once I did this the color of the charcoal icon in the kiln was white. When I went to the furnace the copper bar icons were blue. Second, the character bug: I've had some horrible luck on my new start and died a few times, not a big deal, however the result is strange. Each new character I chose Head 1, Face 3 (or 4)? It is the larger face with a big mustache. Whenever I exit the game and relaunch, it defaults to head 1, face 1. So the only way to maintain the appearance I want for this character is to not die and leave the game running. Both of these aren't game breaking and are really not a big deal for my play through, however they are bugs and I wanted to point them out. Regardless, I love the game, keep up the great work! TLDR: Dye stand changes icon colors. Character appearance changes when I exit and relaunch the game.
  6. This bug is still happening even after the update. It keeps happening a lot to me. I have to log out and log in every time this happen, it's annoying as hell. I can't move the bugged item and can't move other items to it's place
  7. I bought the game on steam as soon as it was available. Last week I played the game without any problems (both offline as well as online). Today i wanted to play the game again, but is keeps crashing on startup. I get a black screen (no sounds), ans when i click it is not responding. according to the output_log the SceneManager is missing. "The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'SceneManager') is missing!" output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. Was told to resubmit here: I haven't tried with solo play but when i joined my friends room i drowned because I didn't see my breath bar. Another friend who was also playing didn't see their breath bar, but the host can see his breath bar; Here are the files requested: output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  9. I can't craft the sewing kit on official MP. When I click craft it returns "Failed." I have the required supplies.
  10. I amcurrently in the middle of the ocean sailing and every direction I turn it pops up the message stating nothing is in that direction and to turn around. this happens even when facing any direction.
  11. So I recently tried to do alchemy but every time I try to make something it just says Fail up the top. Can someone please help me understand how this works?
  12. Iron hammer can't be put in the crafting order by using blacksmith station using the same kind of iron hammer. Although it was been described that the creation of the iron hammer can be done with any kind of hammers, but it does not approve the iron kind of hammer, forcing players to use stone hammers instead to put the iron hammer into the crafting order. DxDiag.txt
  13. For whatever reason the workshop doesn't work for me. I think its best described with a picture. Anyone got any ideas?
  14. After today's update "Joinable" is stuck on "no". Cannot make games multiplayer, even new ones. Please advise. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  15. Joni Vainio

    RESOLVED FPS problem

    Hi! I bought this game about week ago. My FPS is dropping from more that 100 to about 10-15 after a while of game play. After that drop happens, FPS stays there between 10 and 15 until I load that game again. I've been trying to use every visual settings from low to ultra and even with lower resolution but nothing seems to help me with that. After that drop I can't even save the game. I changed Ylands.exe file properties to use windows 8 compatibility mode (with administrator mode) and without full screen optimization. Since I changed these settings I had no trouble anymore in single player but today I started to play with my friend (I was hosting) and that problem was there again. I noticed that many times when that happens I use campfire, not sure yet tho that this is related to this problem. My specs are i5 6300hq, 8bg of RAM, GTX 1060 6gb. Any idea how to solve this or is this already known issue to developers? output_log.txt
  16. Hello guys! First of all, awesome game, congratulations to the developers, keep up the great work. So my friend whenever he tries to open up the craft menu , randomly after some secs the game crashes. Is this a known issue? thanks! His CPU is Pentium G4560, 8GB RAM, GTX 1050 graphics.
  17. i had a issue with my game so i loaded the game up and i went on my world and then when i got in it suddenly froze and then stopped responding help please
  18. Hi, My horse spawned a little below the ground and now after i tried restarting the horse is stuck below the ground with the character on it. Included the save file along with logs for reference. output_log.txt PAKISTAN.rar DxDiag.txt
  19. Hi, I have problem with interaction with objects. I can't do anything after loading my map, there is some kind of bug. Also my friend has problem with connection when i publish my map. This problem appeared when playing multiplayer, then my friend disconnected and after trying to connect again, I could not interact with objects and she couldn't connect. Please help I attach log and my map. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt BONCZKIDWA.zip
  20. this bug is annoying because you cant access the items that are in the bugged slot. the items marked with a red circle are in the slots with the red X's so i cant put anything else in that slot and i cant access the item in that slot. When will this be fixed? i dont really know when it happens, i think it happens with the torch when i make a burning torch when i have the normal torch in my hand. I think this is when it happens, dont quote me.
  21. I tamed a horse with food. I right-clicked to mount it. I pressed W and S. The horse moves in place. Unable to unstuck. Please help. Attaching logs and save game. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt savegame.zip
  22. I have noticed that I have all the materials need to craft something but it recipe is not showing in the crafting menu. For example I have a wooden needle and some yarn but I cannot create a sewing kit, and another example I have a pencil and a blank piece of paper yet I cannot create a map. I knew what was needed for those items as I check via the wiki, I assume this is a bug.
  23. Hi, I'm playing an multiplayer game visible to others with password. As I have reached to the point where I need an Blacksmith Forge, I can see it in the catalog, and I have all the missing recepies except Anvil. I have all the materials that the Wiki says i should have, 1x Iron Ingot and a hammer. But I can't find the Anvil in the catalog is this a bug or should I do something to unlock it? Same thing is for the Saw. thank you, best regards, Nysse
  24. Repost from a http://steamcommunity.com/app/298610/discussions/2/1499000547472710184/ by a request from a developer When map and recipies being transformed to a new character after the decease of the previous one, paper map cannot being updated anymore, same with new-crafted ones. It saves the already existed drawings and does not reveal lands any further untill the game restarts. Not tested in multiplayer. DxDiag.txt
  25. Hi, When I try to craft new Iron Hammer in Blacksmith station I can't do that becouse I need "any" hammer in my inv. Even if I had a Iron Hammer already in inv. I can make Iron Hammer when I have Stone Hammer, not "any" hammer. It is little bug, but also anoying like others with BIG craftings building in Exploring mode.