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Found 290 results

  1. I'm gonna cut right to the chase. A few days ago me and a buddy played for about 2-3 hours then he started having some problems. Every item he placed was invisible for him, although I could see it just fine. When he reconnected he saw it, but new items he placed were still invisible. I was the host and had no problems. Yesterday I joined his server that he had been playing on for a couple of guys. It started off fine but after a few hours every item I tried to place was invisible for me. The host could see them and a reconnect fixed it until I placed something else. I attached the logs as requested on the Steam forum. Haven't played since we encountered this issue so the relevant info should be at the bottom of the logs(I assume). Thanks. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. Hi, I just bought the game with 2 friends of mine but whenever ı tried to create multiplayer room they cant enter or it says "Host unable to reach" When they create room ı keep waiting in loading screen like 10 min but still cant enter. Can you help me with that problem we realy want to play this game. Now ı heard ı had to upload this two log files to quick fix here you go: output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  3. When in first person on board a large ship, if I walk into an object built onto the ship, I begin pushing the ship rather easily. This is more pronounced when strafing to the side against objects. Example of objects: the mast, the helm, a stove, etc. Makes it easy to just propel the ship forward over shallows and land, but also makes free building things carefully while in first person (the easiest way to place things) maddening and dangerous.
  4. I need some help from a ylands veteran... How to find my body/if not possible then how to use the editor to get my loot back? I lost all my stuff... I had a single player game and logged off in a safe area. Just mining under ground. I logged back in just now to the 'create new character' screen. How can you die in a single player game when you where not even playing?! I also can't find my body or any of the loot that was on it. I checked in the tunnels under ground because I thought it might have fallen through the world but no my body is not there.
  5. Heda Beru Kom Trikru

    How to Fix a few bugs

    Hey guys recently I posted the list of bugs I've encountered and I think I found a universal fix for most of those bugs lol It started when me and a close friend tried to replicate the bugs and crashes to see if we could help fix them for people as we both have coding knowledge. So between us we narrowed it down to 5 maybe 6 things that could cause these errors. So we tried all of them and nothing. Was kinda getting annoyed then Alina said Hey az you think windows updates could cause it? Well... it turns out it can.... was literally right in front of us all of the time this is because when windows updates it updates its library's which adds new commands and other assets which is needed for unity.... and of course this game runs in unity so when you don't update windows it doesn't have the commands needed for the game so the game tries to execute the new commands which don't exist yet and it can't so boom crash... This was what was happening to me, But as far as of right now I hope this helps someone out. ~Thanks Az/Alina
  6. Hello once again Devs While chopping down a forest I found a bug that does not render tree stumps. The Tree is cut down then the Stump instantly disappears, but it is still an Object that I can walk on. From a certain distance, it renders but close up it does not render as an object.
  7. for example when i pick grass from the ground i wont have it , i mean when i look at my inventory there is nothing in it, everything i pick from the ground it wont be in my inventory.
  8. Heda Beru Kom Trikru

    List of bugs I've encounterd

    Hello there! Just a small list of bugs I've encountered ad the thing's I've tried to do to fix. My game is currently unplayable... Errors I've encountered 1. Fatal error (fixed) 2. Access violation (believe I'm still getting this) 3. Crash when scrolling down creative cube (this is caused by the Ship mass recipe bug you guys are aware of) 4. When painting sometimes I crash just after it has finished painting 5. And the main one that makes my game unplayable game seems to just randomly crash out of no where like every 5 mins I can't find out what is causing this few missing commands in the dump file but other than that Some times when I save my game it just keeps endlessly saving (I know you guys are aware of this and I know it can be temp fixed by closing the game via task bar) Thing's I've tried to fix the following: Allowed though my antivirus Allowed though my firewall Allowed though hips Allowed though auto containment Allowed though virus scope Allowed though Website filter Game is being run as admin Steam is being run as admin graphics card drivers are up to date systems spec have been met have ran it in windows 7 compat mode no other programs have access to it added api.bistudio.com to allowed tryed all diffrent graphics options tried in all modes (creative and survival) cleaned out all traces three times (uninstalled and cleaned) Think I've tried a few other things kinda lost count Ha. I've attached my output logs systems details and Dx-Diag log in there as well along with crash reports and dump files. The output logs are from a fresh install that I did do recently. ~Thanks Azriel Ylands Errors.zip
  9. Sean Wilkinson

    KNOWN ISSUE Ladder on boats.

    Hi, probably will keep updating on bugs. Just a quick one, if you punch a ladder on a boat, it can make it "move" to an undesirable location, usually below its original location. Now if you use this ladder thats "moved" (presumably still attached) it can make you warp straight through the floor. Easy to solve, don't punch ladders on boats but yeah, any fix?
  10. when i kill my self and i create a new character it wont be spawn and the screen will be freezing just can exit the game
  11. the large ship no longer stays still when trying to place stuff on it, it seems like the outline for placing stuff can no longer pass through objectives and thus just smacks the ship about
  12. After the update, I placed the Protective Barrier to a new location where I was setting up my home. https://imgur.com/kqMbCMG I decided to remove my old stuff from the tower that turned into a temporary base. The I've destroyed the smelter but the blacksmith is still there but can no longer be used when I do a 'right click' on it. https://imgur.com/Ow5Y2PI I tried logging in and out a couple of times to see if it goes away, but it doesn't. Here are the out_log: output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt P.S. earlier in this game, I was building my large ship when the last piece of the wooden panel wouldn't stick on the ship. There was no warning or anything, it just doesn't want to place. I logged in and out to see if that works but didn't. I just dismantled the panel instead and made a new one.
  13. Hello again! Encountered a bug I havn't seen before. This occurs on OFFICIAL EXPLORE PA 15. I am trying to craft a Guardian Helmet. It appears in the crafting menu as craftable. I have all the ingredients. When I click to craft I get the "FAILED" message. I tried reloading the game, reloading Steam, loading another Yland and coming back to this one - nothing worked. This same server occasionally blocks me out of the crafting menu. When I click the tab it does not switch, and clicking the "O" hotkey does nothing. When this happens, reloading the server fixes this issue, but the Guardian Helmet remains uncraftable. Attached are my output files and DXDIAG report. Thanks! DxDiag Ylands.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  14. Robin-230ee54b7a856a47

    Freezing Bug

    Hey, found another bug in ylands last update After a ship trip, i got the message for freezing, later on a island it doesnt dissapaer, it doesnt disappear while standing beside a fire too after reconnect the message dissapaer but i got damage till death
  15. I wanted to add screenshots, but my save file is corrupted or something now and I had to start over. First, the dye stand: I was messing around with colors just to see what was possible to dye. I changed the color of charcoal to white and the color of copper bars to a blue color, however I didn't have the materials to actually dye the item. Again, I was just messing around. However, once I did this the color of the charcoal icon in the kiln was white. When I went to the furnace the copper bar icons were blue. Second, the character bug: I've had some horrible luck on my new start and died a few times, not a big deal, however the result is strange. Each new character I chose Head 1, Face 3 (or 4)? It is the larger face with a big mustache. Whenever I exit the game and relaunch, it defaults to head 1, face 1. So the only way to maintain the appearance I want for this character is to not die and leave the game running. Both of these aren't game breaking and are really not a big deal for my play through, however they are bugs and I wanted to point them out. Regardless, I love the game, keep up the great work! TLDR: Dye stand changes icon colors. Character appearance changes when I exit and relaunch the game.
  16. Hi, after the lastest patch i discovered a bug in multiplayer. When i try to build a ship hull fore ore a shipp hull aft as the host, the game starts to laag and the modell pushes the boat. Additionally I cant build these objects. Its now very difficult to build a large ship in multiplayer, because the players, who joined have laags when they are on the boat. Pls fix these two bugs ASAP.
  17. I was playing in official eu 5 then i disconnected i and backed tomorrow and now i cant join in the server. Why??
  18. This bug is still happening even after the update. It keeps happening a lot to me. I have to log out and log in every time this happen, it's annoying as hell. I can't move the bugged item and can't move other items to it's place
  19. Was told to resubmit here: I haven't tried with solo play but when i joined my friends room i drowned because I didn't see my breath bar. Another friend who was also playing didn't see their breath bar, but the host can see his breath bar; Here are the files requested: output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  20. Game crashes when enough recipes are gathered and you have to search/scroll to find items to craft. Really like the game but this makes it really hard to play the games plz fix as soon as possible:)
  21. Zelda13366

    Disapearing Base Peices

    I went to collect logs, came back and pieces from my base were just gone. Like random parts of the cabin wall and roof. I'm playing on single player. Anyone else have this happen? Is it part of the game or a bug?
  22. Re-fund

    Ship Stuck!

    It seems like the water surrounding my ship is bugged out, which you can clearly see in the picture I posted (the water in front of the ship looks like its kinda chopped off). I can't move my ship at all and I already checked the bottom, there is nothing touching the ship making it unable to move. I think this happened when I accidentally placed some dirt onto the ship causing the ship to tilt forward. I removed the dirt and the ship returned back to normal but apparently this bugged out the water for some reason. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  23. In the new update every thing is good also mp is good and playable and fps is better than before but there are bugs with crafting and sometime 1_you cant open crafting menu. 2_Cant craft anvil it shows a massage failed 3_ Cant Place some of the objects like stove Pls some one help
  24. You need a stone hammer to craft an iron hammer even though it says you only need ''any hammer'' to craft it. usefull for when you want to craft more iron hammers for your friends.
  25. this bug is annoying because you cant access the items that are in the bugged slot. the items marked with a red circle are in the slots with the red X's so i cant put anything else in that slot and i cant access the item in that slot. When will this be fixed? i dont really know when it happens, i think it happens with the torch when i make a burning torch when i have the normal torch in my hand. I think this is when it happens, dont quote me.