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Found 1534 results

  1. When attempting to link my steam account to my ylands account, I receive this error .redirect_uri should match pattern "^\/.[a-zA-Z?=0-9-]*$"
  2. roomie101

    RESOLVED map not saving

    I have notice that while playing in multiplayer mode, that the map doesn't save where you been and just resets back to nothing until you open again in the next time you play. I am sure you know of this issue just wanted to inform you.
  3. My car has disappeared from my Yland. Small frame with 5 oriental chests, drivers seat, small steam engine and a front end. parked near my compound, after last save it is gone. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. Indian Chief

    RESOLVED Map eaten

    Hey Dev's, not sure if you've had this happen before, but I was eating a desert water melon and I switched to my map and ate it, now I can't find my way home. It was during a multiplayer game. Cheers
  5. Zachary Elvis

    RESOLVED Sharks

    When sharks hit my ship out at sea they constantly glitch hitting my ship repeatably over and over again. The sharks also spawn sometimes on top of my ship and kill me almost instantly
  6. I've tested and retested. I could play for ages (with no other issues) or do it when I first sign in. I go into the crafting tab and go to search for "ship", the game crashes. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  7. I put a wind turbine on a large ship and was powering a charging station. All was working as it should. I installed a splitter and then an energy stove. If I link the stove, the charging station shuts off. The output of the turbine is 20. The consumption of the charging station is 10, the stove is 1 and the splitter is 1for a total of 12 units of power. It doesn't matter what order I link the stove or charging station. The stove always works. The charging station only works if the stove isn't linked but still works if it is connected via the splitter. Am I missing something or is this a bug? Thoroughly enjoying the game! Thanks output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. i need help, i just open ylands 2 days ago and i can play it. but this day i want to play with ma friends and this showed up *ma other friends got it too so we cant play each other
  9. Hi, I'm playing Ylands everyday from the start of Ylands on Steam. I managed to make game playable (I had random crashes and after 50hours of gameplay - constant crashes). Well, game always crashes constantly when I have a ship (even if I'm not on it and far away). Game never crashes if I'm using olny boats or rafts. My system is WIN7, AMD Phenom II x4 965, Radeon HD 6580, 1GB VRAM, 8 GB RAM. Here you are my LOGs. Please, Help... ComR output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  10. found a structure/treasure generated embedded in stone. Player stuck sitting in chair in stone. In a cavern I found a table/checkered platform with items completely embedded in stone. (It has chairs, hat, book, tea cups, etc. - one of Alice In Wonderland theme, I believe) Used 1st person view/occlusion exploit to verify no access to it other than digging in. Also mined the whole area out to verify. A possible bug in that a player would likely never find something embedded like this, but more importantly, sitting in a chair embedded in stone gets the player stuck - can't mine anything and leaving chair doesn't put player back in "air" (player is stuck standing in stone instead). In this case, was able to use command "/unstuck 0" to get player to a beach. Workable, but frustrating. build (countless colors) , single player.
  11. _SmallKuca_

    RESOLVED Black Screen

    after update....when I start the game I have a black screen but I see a menu. I tried reinstalling it all but did not help
  12. Just got the game and tried to run it getting the following message, also followed the guide and performed all the steps prior to this message output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt DxDiag.txt
  13. I decided to link my account that I was already using on steam and once I did that, I had to create a new character on my server. The old character is there and I cannot kill that character with anything. I have also lost all recipes, etc.
  14. When adding a composition to an Explore save via the editor, the composition is incomplete. You can see in the screenshot what is placed in the world (left side) and what it should be (right side). Everytime I resave, remake or rename the composition, a different part of the composition is placed into the explorer save. It works fine in an 'editor save' file, but will not work in an 'explorer save'. It's also worth mentioning that when the composition is placed into the world, it does not stay selected as it does in the 'regular' editor, which doesn't allow it to be moved easily after placing. Though to be fair, I've never gotten to the moving part, since I can't get the whole thing in the world ; ) * The items in the screenshot are placed in the sky to assist in selecting it after it is placed, but I have the same issue if placed on the ground.
  15. I have had this bug happen a few times. I can't place tall objects like large masts with sail (I haven't tried regular masts with sail) or wind turbines. These are the only ones that I have had problems with. It happens on multiplayer and singleplayer. it either says "location too far" or "Not enough space". It says "Not enough space" even when there is nothing wrong! It eventually works after getting off and on the world, but I don't know why that works. Its super annoying and makes it really annoying to get off and on a lot. Please fix this bug in the new update. I would appreciate it a lot! It has happened on multiple worlds, and on different computers, though I don't know if anyone else has had this happened. I use steam by the way. It happens almost every time.
  16. Zachary Elvis

    RESOLVED Alchemy Problem

    output_log and output_log_clean (\Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data directory) I have a problem with alchemy... every time i try to make a potion it says Failed at the top of the screen, i have no idea of what i'm doing wrong.
  17. Goodday, Today me and a friend experienced this weird bug, and i didn't find a post about it.. so i'll try to explain it the best i can with my poor Englandish We are playing in a private online multiplayer world. We have Person A, and person B to make it a bit easier. Person A is the host of the server.. Person A has built two boats.. for both person A and B to explore more Ylands. After Exploring a Yland, person A and B return to their boats. Person B sees a blacked out boat, and is not able to control it.. Person A sees both boats perfectly fine and can control both of them. When person A controls the 'blacked out' boat, person B will see just the boat sailing along, without a person in it. Person B will see person A at the last place before he entered the boat. Person B will permanently see person A in that position, even if person A leaves the boat. (only re-joining will solve this) Both persons can still hit eachother, only person B doesn't see he hit someone. I hope this is somewhat clear, if not.. just ask me, and i'll try to explain it a little better. Kind regard,
  18. I got this game yesterday and have been enjoying it but it does crash on me after about a hour of play. I did put the crash files on here, hope it helps. I have notice my PC does get hot while playing but I have the temp up and it doesn't get too hot (43 C). error.log output_log.txt
  19. pls fix these bugs... players can put dirt in protective barier area... they can put full of dirt infront of your door... they can come near to your walls and Use 'C' to see in your base and use your storages,Chestsss and pick your items... THEY CAN STOLE YOUR ITEMS OUT OF YOUR BASE ,, THEY CAN USE YOUR STORAGES , CHESTS OUT OF YOUR BASEEE...
  20. When people try joining the world i have shared they constantly get host Unreachable and there nothing i can do to fix it, ive tryed turning my firewall off and opening ports and nothing works, been seeing this with a lot of other people and i hope it gets fixed soon. in beginning when i first got ylands i was able to share my world and couple of days later i was no longer able to do it, my game did crash while in my world and after that people havent been able to join.
  21. So I am trying to wear my southern uniform but the shirt does not show on my character model. I have tried to re-log but the uniform doesn't display on my character model. When I relog and look in my inventory the base shirt that I wear is black but on my character model, it is white still. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  22. When dropping a miners hat on the ground it will sometimes sink showing just a tiny bit of the upper portion of the hat that is too small to interact with. When placed on blocks, it will pass through the blocks to rest on the terrain below it. For example, if you drop it on a roof, it will fall through the roof, objects inside, and the floor. I have not yet been able to find a way to reproduce this effect on the ground, but when placed on blocks like stone panels, roof blocks, logs, etc... it happens consistently.
  23. After today's update (Version: when I scroll down to row 14 in the crafting menu, the applications hangs. Attached are my DcDiag and output files, plus a screenshot, where it hangs. output_log_clean.txt DxDiag.txt output_log.txt
  24. OK so i am here in MP (did not try that out in Solo), and i try using my flint lighter, and .... my avatar eats it. No more flint lighter. A little later, i try to open my map and... my avatar eats my map. No more map.
  25. SypherFox

    RESOLVED Bouncy Bouncy

    my chracter constantely bounces up and down and my Propeller pack stop working, when i 2 tap space bar the PP anamation starts but then stops. and ideas anyone?