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  1. Here is the fix for that problem hope its helping someone Video (bug fix)
  2. When playing as a guest on a friends server, stepping foot on our ship causes the inability to move normally or sometimes at all when stepping back on land. We've come to call it sea-legs. I've embedded a YouTube video of this happening which shows how movement is effected for the guest after disembarking. The only button pressed after leaving the ship is 'w' and this just spins the character on the spot and sometimes will move them forwards in a zig-zag motion. It should be noted that it happens only to the guest playing, and we have tried it with each one of us hosting and every time the guest always gets sea-legs. output_log.txt
  3. My experience: Often, when i go into the crafting menu, i crash. At first i just thought of it being a random crash, nothing special about it, so I just restart my game, but then I try again, and i crash again, then again, then once more, then again, i tried about 10 times before i just signed off and cooled down playing something else. I come back a couple of hours later or maybe the next day, getting on, trying to craft the things i tried yesterday, but no, crashed again. The Bug: Something in the crafting menu is definitely causing the crash, I have an idea what items that might be causing such a crash. How to trigger it: It happens mostly when i type in Sh when getting a Ship or L or La for Large Mast with sail, but ngs might be causing it, as far as i know this happens for only me in our group, and i have not seen anyone else report this. The crash happens in both Creative and Exploration while searching for the same things. the things that is not causing it: I have checked around, my PC is more that capable of handeling this game, and network can neither be the problem, as it is really good (75/75 Fiber). Task manager reveal that there is no stress on the game, running very smoothly, and there is absolutely no lag even on Ultra Setting, so i am assuming this to be a game bug. It is possible to play, crafting still works about half the time, but it gets annoying to crash and reload into the game and multiplayer all the time, and loosing saves in singleplayer. i hope with this semi detailed bug report this can hopefully be solved in a future patch, some bugs like invisible things on ships, or ship going black, it is early access so i don’t make myself mad over it, but fixing such a bug i feel is soon necessary to be able to progress is a very fun game.
  4. I'm trying to play the game with my friend but for my friend it's unplayable because 80% of the time the things he craft would turn invisible! Cutting down trees also turns invisible. Another bug is climbing ladders will teleport him to another ship and dying will teleport him to a different island (he died on an island and not at sea) These are my logs, if you need my friends log I can send that also! Thank you for the awesome game! output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  5. Rafael Bernardi

    RESOLVED Horse won't move

    my horse doesn't seen to be stuck in nothing, he just won't move, i can't dismount and i can't kill him either. I tryed all the unstuck commands nothing works, i'm starving to death and i don't want to die
  6. Hello everyone! One of us died while sailing around in the sea - somehow his spawn changed since that. We are currently not able to find him anymore, because we don't know on which yland he is. Did anybody else experience smth like that? Any possible solutions maybe? Thanks in advance Greetings!
  7. Threw

    Ship glitch

    So here we are again with a new bug, after sailing to a different yland, I got off the ship then later when I wanted to get back on and sail on the game glitch. I got up the ladder then I saw nothing but stars, 3 seconds later I was back on spawn yland, created a small boat sailed all the way back to the yland where my ship was at, tried again and yet again I got spawned on spawn yland. So after playing this game for 35 hours I have 3 corrupted save game the only game that was working fine was this one and now i lost more then 15 hours off grinding. this save file is probaly also corrupt because I had to restart 4 times before my whole ship even was loaded in completly to later on screw me over and spawn me on spawn yland. Are there a lot off problems with MP?
  8. In several occasion, the editor doesn't let me choose labeled enemies. For example: Interact with entity- labeled entity Labeled entity count changed Actions: Preform action with entity - Labeled entity Change Entity Labels I thought it's not implemented yet, but i'm able to set it once on fresh editor scenarios, then the side bar where i could select labels doesn't appear.
  9. Bug: When you have food selected and the hint says to left click to eat, if you scroll quickly over to another item on your hotbar then left click before the tooltip disappears you will consume the item. The delay takes far too long to switch to the currently active item in your toolbar... I accidentally lost my map this way, #8 was my food, #9 was my map. went from just eating to wanting to read my map and ate my map.. (Edit: This was in multiplayer)
  10. My friend got stuck in the ship then died of being to cold after restarting the server the next day, he was able to connect but not able to create new character or respawn. In the editor I was unable to find is ID/character so I could delete it saying it didnt exist. We tried hosting by different people but it didnt work.
  11. Im playing on a Server I host myself together with 2 friends and I cant open any chests anymore. I cant dig the ground, animals dont move etc. This is already second time, that I have this bug. Restarting the Server doesnt help, only starting a complete new game helps. I think the bug occured after one of my friends died but iam not sure. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  12. When making thread at the loom, the count of cotton currently held in the inventory does not update. In the attached screenshot, I've just started the 8 yarn jobs. Starting with 24 cotton, I should have 0 left in my inventory. However the count has not updated and still reads 24 and the icon remains active. Exiting the interface and opening it up again updates the count correctly. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  13. I'm not sure if this is intentional behavior or not. Sewing kit completely disappears after making a sail (large or small). I would expect making a sail to consume the life of the sewing kit and for it to be 'broken' if it's reached the end of it's life after making a massive object like a sail, however the sewing kit completely disappears from the inventory.
  14. So when I was geiing off of my horse My camera was jacked was trying to record a video but OBS is not good with amd. Just get on and off a horse.
  15. Hello. I am having some issues with a multiplayer server i sett upp. Me and a friend are playing together, and my friend has to log inn and out to see when something new is buildt on the boat. This sometimes happens on land aswell, but it is constantly broken on the boat.
  16. Serina Danae Brown

    Floating heads!

    I've had to create three different maps now because after a while I get to a point where I have everything I need to start building a more advanced base, and all of a sudden I can't see anything! Just my floating head! The ground# and the ocean! My structures are gone! I can't see items! I can't see foliage! I can't see the ship I'm standing on! Nothing! I've been pretty alright with it hapoening, knowing how new the game is... But this is the third time I've gotten pretty far and lost everything. I haven't deleted these map seeds because I'm hoping one day this problem will be fixed and I can go back to those games... But I'm just not ready to start over again....PLZ HELP!
  17. Hey Devs, First off, absolutely loving this game so far! Encountered an issue today where I was on my horse and I glitched through a hill and got stuck in the middle of the world. I've tried the /unstuck commands to no luck Attached is my save file. Any chance you could try to save my save? If not, hope the save file can at least help you guys out Thanks, Mike EXPLORE.rar
  18. I've seen this happen in many games, it s a glitch that happens when you are near a wall and move the camera. It s not a huge problem but you can sort of cheat using this method.
  19. So my brother is hosting multipayer and i was playing in his server and everything was fine until i placed objects/blocks and they vanished. But after that i could still play but i always have to have more than 1 of same objects in my inventory so i could place objects. After playing while i got another bug and only thing i could do is moving ( i couldnt choose objects, place them or anything.) I restarted game and then tryied to re join the server and got stuck at 100%. After that i have not been able to play the game anymore. My brother is hosting server and he can join the game but he cant do anything also. Please fix this!! We cant play this game anymore if you guys dont give us new multiplayer update!
  20. Hello guys, sorry i couldn't expain the issue better in the title, here is a decription of what happend: Everything started after i was in my ship with my horse and i got stuck (probably because of land underneath me, or because of the horse hitting the ship as this guy said here). I left the wheel and tried to see what's happening, some sharks were attacking the boat (with the jittery animation) i tried to use the wheel again to unstuck the ship but i noticed that as the ship was moving the horse was "floating" above the deck and moving to the opposite direction of the ship, like it wasn't attached to the ground anymore (before that happend i was traveling with the horse standing on the ship without this issue), when i moved my ship enough the horse was floating in the air above the water, i went back to "pick it up", i mounted it and moved a bit but i couldn't use the ship anymore because the horse would always be "floating" and moving outside of it. I tried to mount it again and i fell into the water with the horse, then i insta died from the sharks (5-6 of them). I made a raft and went there to rescue my items but when i clicked release control the raft controls were stuck on the left of the screen and i couldn't see my hotbar. Shark killed me, built a new raft, grinded for new armor and items but the same happend again, as soon as i reached the area and released the raft controls. Built a new raft and this time i went to main menu and back to the game, now i could use my inventory items i tried to kill the shark and then i jumped to find my items, new shark appears, instadead. New raft, new gear, back to the same area, main menu and back to the game and this time i used the ladder to go up to the ship i used the wheel and the controls bug happend again i couldnt release the ship. Back to main menu, back to the game and i tried to sleep, i was hungry i tried to eat but only the eat animation happend, i opened the inventory and i had less berries in there than the hotbar. I tried to open a whicker basket but only the sound of it was happening, i couldn't open it, i couldn't eat, i couldn't sleep, i couldn't use the wheel. Closing the game completely and coming back everything is the same and if i use the wheel the controls keep getting stuck and need the main menu and back to be able to release them but everything else is now always stuck (eating, using the baskets etc) and i can't do anything. Is there any hope to fix the save file or its doomed and i have to start over? Here is a 4 minute video i recorded to show you what is happening: https://youtu.be/YpKFpQIefVg Down below are the output files, dxdiag and screenshot with the horse issue that i think caused this bug. In the first screenshot the horse is "left behind" floating in the air as you can see in the second screenshot that i "picked it up" by moving the boat to where it was. The next screenshot shows the stuck controls on the raft and the last one the food issue with the unmatching numbers between the hotbar and the inventory. The output files are from the last time i closed the game to try everything again and record the video, if you want the previous output files from the previous time i closed the game i have kept those as well.
  21. Ylands.exe may create a file within the Steam installation directory which contains privacy sensitive information, namely: Steam Id Username E-mail First Name Last Name Address, ZIP, City & Country Activated Subscribed Last logged on date Account creation date Account update date Owned applications in Bohemia Store This information is logged in a file called output_log_clean.txt typically found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data\ Contents would read: [IN] [08.12.17 09:54:17:08] Request #2: GET https://api.bistudio.com/user/api/v1.0/user?client_id=%...&access_token=... [IN] [08.12.17 09:54:17:21] Response #2: 200 {"steam_id":"...","username":"...","email":"...","first_name":"...","last_name":"...","activated":...,"subscribed":...,"city":"...","address":"...","zip":"...","last_logged_at":"...","created_at":"...","updated_at":"...","ownedApps":[...],"id":"...","country_code":"..."} Please fix as soon as possible. Public References: http://steamcommunity.com/app/298610/discussions/0/1499000547474366484/?ctp=4#c1499000547481022086 http://steamcommunity.com/app/298610/discussions/0/1499000547474366484/?ctp=5#c1499000547481081249
  22. Firstly, I bought YLands with a friend and we're really enjoying the game so far.. what we've been able to play of it anyway. I'm not sure what of these issues are connected or caused by the same things so I'm going to just list the issues we've had preventing us from being able to play multiplayer thus far. I've done some searching through the forums here but haven't found an issue that was quite like this so I thought I'd post here as well. Primarily, when he connects to me (and the other way around, same problem) everything seems fairly ok until an issue like the horse camera bug strikes and we need to relog. When one of us disconnects from the other, the person's avatar that disconnected stays showing standing in world like the host doesn't properly recognize them as having left and then when they try to reconnect they never can. So, we can play fine.. until someone leaves. Then we're never able to reconnect on that world again. The horse camera bug (getting off a horse causing the camera to be locked in place and A and D causing the character to spin wildly) was the primary reason for needing to relog, but once we realized that was an issue we stopped getting on horses, obviously. Still though, games only being able to be played once is a pretty major deterrent from long term play. Hopefully we can get a response/fix/workaround soon because we're really excited to be able to work on a world long term. Anything else needed to help narrow down the problem with REconnections? Thanks output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  23. In multiplayer, the map doesn't save on clients. Every time I rejoin the game, the map gets reset. This doesn't appear to affect the host. This is almost game-breaking to me because not being able to progress my map exploration is such a letdown. Please prioritize this highly.
  24. nator316

    Dupe Glitch

    I continued to pick over 300 sticks from a single tree or rock in explorer mode.
  25. Hello, I bought Ylands 2 days ago. Since then me and my friends played 2 multiplayer games, saved both games and they both got corrupted and where unplayable the next day. This meant at least 10 hours of playing were lost. What happend was one of us got stuck en relogged. From that point on interacting(Forges, Furnaces, Wheels etc) didnt work and when I was controlling a wheel of a ship I couldnt get out of it and had to relog again. If the server completly stopped then the next day only the person hosting could join the game the others where unable to join the game. How can i fix this savegame so we can continue and if the savegame is unfixible, how can we make sure this doesnt happen again? Little example Thanks in advance. DxDiag.txt output_log.txt MAGHIER.rar