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Found 403 results

  1. It happened twice on PA 7 ... after a shark battle the warning then associates itself with the conquering avatar.. and will not stop. I n case a) the person wuld approach me a and i get the warning ...he decided to kill himself and return ..and then it stopped. Now i ran into a land shark ..and disposed of it , but i get non stop predator sounds ..even inside my base... and it will not stop. Friend says it happens in his speakers whenever i am near .. and goes when i go. Log files attached have fun! output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. This is recent ... i am unable to interact with anything on my ship ..helm , anchor, ladder storage chests ..i get the message " object too far away" ...so i move closer and get tossed through all the barriers around the ships helm into the water! so i try to climb back aboard ... cannot use ladders - get the "too far away" message ... thankfully mr shark is not around. ( by barriers, i have a glass cage surrounding 3 sides of the helm ...) Got tired of multiple attempts with the same soggy result. So looks like i unable to use ship! Cannot unlock or use helm, anchor etc... Bummer! - there goes a day or more of exploration. until its rectified/fixed/ or whatever Logs attached. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  3. When using the locksmith table and chemistry workbench, the items when crafted stick at 00s ... and cannot be removed from the workstation. closing the interface and re opening it it shows "take all" but there's nothing on display. Trying to add more items give you the "workstation full " message .. a rejoin fixes it but is tedious when trying to craft a lot of items. I then tried to craft more charcoal from the kiln ..i added wood to feed it ..and the kiln disappeared.... nothing to light .. Someone else reported in discord a similar issue with their stove when trying to cook. I then unlocked my front door and the door disappeared! ..it was there but invisible ..i could lock, unlock, open or close it ..but i could not pass through it when " closed" but invisible. Then i had weapons objects disappear when being held. I could point a revolver, get the cross hairs and combat menu, but there was nothing showing in my hands. others could see the revolver. I swapped to a saber...i could not see it , others could. Both weapons functioned properly when used in combat Same with feeding ..i had empty hands yet others could see a fish or meat piece. Logs attached . it appears others had similar issues when i was offline according to logged discord chat ... and they gave up and went off to play another game! output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. Hello, Today I noticed that the healing wounds ability is not really working. I have made a sorrel poultice, which usually works at a slower rate but none of my hearts gained any healing. Then I created normal band aids but those did not move my hearts either. I also ate various items, which use to slowly move your hearts back up, but still nothing. Not sure if this is a healing wound issue or heart update issue. Nikki
  5. I bought some of the decorative items. I tried to place the suitcase sofa. It is transparent and doesn't have an option to sit on it. I love the decorative items. I want more! Also, some cute clothing items? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  6. Just had my first disconnect on a DS after starting up the 0.8 update. It didn't appear that anyone else was joining, and I was only fueling my stove at the time. Upon rejoining the server it had rolled back a few minutes to when I was locking my ship helm. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt DxDiag.txt
  7. When I host a server and try to sleep to get it to the next day time passes to slowly. Video is at normal speed to show this. Happens every time I host a server. I have hosted three different servers with two different time hour choices (sorry do not remember what I picked) in server creation. Every time I get this glitch when I the host sleep.
  8. What's up with the crazy memory leak and huge fps drops this is just making it unplayable . the fps just drops from 50-60 down to 1fps its not just now and then its every few minutes for me and who i'm trying to play with. and even if i try single player its just the same. hapens in the editor as well. and my game was up to 10+gb of memory usage and most the time its running at 7-8gb. YES I KNOW THIS A Early Access Game and i have played a lot of them they are full of bugs and things to be fixed but Ylands is just at the point of being unplayable to play with friends and even on my own im hoping a nice dev if there is any on here would like to help. my set up Processor: Intel Core i7 memory 16GB graphics GTX 970
  9. Here's a new one - started up a new test server using an editor-generated map. Things were working fine until one of our player testers crashed while on their boat and after logging back in, lost control of their character (flailing around endlessly unable to move). Ever since then, every time they attempt to log in, it gets to 100% and then locks up the server. The headless monitor times out whenever attempting to communicate to the server, and all other players lock up. The server process has to be forcibly ended and clients have to end their tasks as well to restart. The log has an error that is spammed repeatedly: [ER] [00:04:30.86] Exception in ExecutePlayerCommand.Move +t ylands.CharacterSimulationController.ApplyMotion (CharacterMovementInstructions, Int32, Boolean) ylands.CharacterSimulationController.SimulateDefaultMovement (Int32) ylands.CharacterSimulationController.SimulateOwner () Bolt.Entity.Simulate () BoltCore.Poll () BoltPoll.FixedUpdate () [EX] [00:04:30.86] System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. +t TerrainEngine.TerrainDatas.GetByteAndFloat (Int32, Int32, Int32, Byte&, Single&) TerrainEngine.TerrainBlock.GetByteAndFloat (Int32, Int32, Int32, Byte&, Single&, Boolean) ylands.SwimInfo.UpdateInfo (WorldEngine, Vector3, SwimInfo&) ylands.CharacterMotor.MoveAndUpdateWaterInfo (Character, Single, Single) ylands.CharacterMotor.Move_FreeFall (Character, CharacterMovementInstructions, Single, Nullable`1&, Boolean) ylands.CharacterMotor.Move (Character, CharacterMovementInstructions, Int32, Boolean) ylands.CharacterSimulationController.ApplyMotion (CharacterMovementInstructions, Int32, Boolean) Logged at ylands.CharacterSimulationController.ApplyMotion (CharacterMovementInstructions, Int32, Boolean) ylands.CharacterSimulationController.SimulateDefaultMovement (Int32) ylands.CharacterSimulationController.SimulateOwner () Bolt.Entity.Simulate () BoltCore.Poll () BoltPoll.FixedUpdate () As the log and save files are large, I'll zip it up and share the link with Ane. Hope this is something that can be addressed easily, as this is something that impacts the entire server rather than just one player.
  10. We all know the devs don’t want us using craftsman potions, but programming the NPCs to steal them... really! Seriously, I have been using them as currency - at a value of 1100 pebbles that is much more valuable than drinking them - and I noticed that if you have several in your inventory and trade just one of them, they can all disappear. This can happen even if they are kept in a potion belt (or crate). This doesn’t seem to happen with any of the other potions, and if you trade 2 or more different potions it depends which you move into the sell slot first - put in a craftsman potion THEN say a glow potion and your other craftsman potions will be safe. Put in the craftsman potion last and they can all disappear. I have not had it happen with any other items.
  11. I had a weird death the other day. When I finally got back to my protected base, it doesn't recognize me. I tried /killme and it did not fix it. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  12. Sorting World Name sorts the Game Name, and versa. No sort for Region. But Player sort works well and that is the important one.
  13. I went to play in (server eu 20) since I had a saved game, I was playing 45 min. I went for some resources, to return to my boat this was black, something very common is usually solved by restarting, but this time when getting close I got stuck I could not use the console to reappear on the beach, I could not use esc. My only option was Alt + f4, which gave an error and forced me to close the program. I know it's a known problem but it should not take long to fix it gives enough headaches. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt I thought it was a player coming in but I could not leave the console when trying to check it when I started again it was solved, I guess it was trapped in one of the elements that were invisible. this happened 10 minutes after re-entering. It's the first time that happens to me with the ship in motion the character is still happy believing he is at the helm. Another reboot Appears on the ship, but in another place, I sincerely believe that I will only dedicate myself to the editor, while MP is in this state.
  14. When a composition is shared in the workshop, the composition of the editor is eliminated. Personally I have no problem with this since I always have a lot of copies everywhere but it can be annoying to have to create the composicon again after uploading it to the workshop. I have also noticed that when trying to eliminate a large number of entities they can be duplicated and these duplicates can only be eliminated one by one. sometimes it is necessary to restart to be able to eliminate them in the editor
  15. If you open a container while in one of your containers in your inventory like the herb bag , seed box , soil box etc and transfer one of your items to the container content window on top of an item it transfers the item no matter what it is. eg: Stone,tools,food, etc
  16. So I was Ylands on my private server with some friends, then the game Lagged so much that I thought it crashed, so I task mangered and ended it. I try openning the save but its now stuck at 84%, how do I fix this? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  17. Hello, My savegame won't load. It starts the loading and gets the terrain finished then goes to the buildings load but won't complete. It stops and hangs at 96%. I am playing single player exploration. Recently, there was a crash. This is what the crash notice said. " Fatal error in GC. Get thread context failed. Crash_2018_03-04_181540. After the crash I reloaded the game and it worked for a while then the saved game wouldn't load anymore. I'm attaching the requested output files. Is there anyway I can get this game to load again. Mark Sanders output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  18. I was playing in MP on a dedicated server, I played about 6 hours, the textures of the animals appeared in black, and when the resources were clicked, they did not appear until I started the game. if you throw objects from the inventory the same thing happens. I have to say that I had never had this happen to me. I restart game
  19. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt I had something weird happen. I was pulling up to Honey Chicken's house on Foobar's MP server. I was having lag, so my character could only walk, not run. I had her anchor her ship. I sat her down on the deck, and closed the program so I could log back on to fix the lag. During the log in, it stalled, but I heard her die. When I finally got logged in, she was on an island that did not look like the island I had been at. It was a different biome. I circled the island and my ship and the person's base I was trying to visit were nowhere. My character spawned with all of her stuff still in inventory, but nothing in the toolbar. I ended up building a raft, and trying to find the island my ship is on. I found another island, also not the one I was looking for. I died. When I respawned all I had was my map and keys. I have no idea where, or where my loot is. I am still trying to find the raft I used to get there. I have no idea how to get back to anything familiar, since the map doesn't work in MP. I am hoping the admin can find me. I don't know how to get back.
  20. This all happened while i was asleep, during graveyard hours. Just another strange Early Access occurrence At some point after someone logged on, server threw this error: [EX] [01:48:17.87] System.NullReferenceException: TerrainEngine.GameObjectPoolInfo.CloseObject (GameObject) ylands.DelayedUnpooler.LateUpdate ()[MM] 17 [WN]U [-10:-03:-51.-92] Can not play a disabled audio source [EX] [-10:-02:-45.-26] System.NullReferenceException: TerrainEngine.GameObjectPoolInfo.CloseObject (GameObject) ylands.DelayedUnpooler.LateUpdate ()[MM] 7 [IN] [-09:-58:-42.-59] Response #125: 400 44B ... Now the server has Negative values? error is thrown twice and Response code is now #400, which means unable to connect to Ba servers, prior to this all connections are #200.. there is a player that is still connected, but doesn't stay online for long. These negative values i have never seen before, at some point it has steam issues.. [IN] [-07:-42:-17.-86] Response #258: 400 44B ... [ER] [-07:-42:-04.-68] SteamServersDisconnected result=k_EResultNoConnection ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager.OnSteamServersDisconnected (SteamServersDisconnected_t) Steamworks.Callback`1[Steamworks.SteamServersDisconnected_t].OnRunCallback (IntPtr, IntPtr) Steamworks.NativeMethods.SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks () Steamworks.GameServer.RunCallbacks () ylands.SteamIntegration.CommonSteamApi.RunCallbacks () ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager.Update () [IN] [-07:-41:-48.-95] SteamServersConnected [IN] [-07:-41:-16.-59] Response #259: 400 44B ... [IN] [-06:-56:-49.-66] Response #302: 400 44B ... [ER] [-06:-56:-03.-11] SteamServersDisconnected result=k_EResultNoConnection ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager.OnSteamServersDisconnected (SteamServersDisconnected_t) Steamworks.Callback`1[Steamworks.SteamServersDisconnected_t].OnRunCallback (IntPtr, IntPtr) Steamworks.NativeMethods.SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks () Steamworks.GameServer.RunCallbacks () ylands.SteamIntegration.CommonSteamApi.RunCallbacks () ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager.Update () [IN] [-06:-55:-47.-36] Response #303: 400 44B ... [ER] [-06:-55:-30.-06] SteamServerConnectFailure result=k_EResultNoConnection ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager.OnSteamServerConnectFailure (SteamServerConnectFailure_t) Steamworks.Callback`1[Steamworks.SteamServerConnectFailure_t].OnRunCallback (IntPtr, IntPtr) Steamworks.NativeMethods.SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks () Steamworks.GameServer.RunCallbacks () ylands.SteamIntegration.CommonSteamApi.RunCallbacks () ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager.Update () [IN] [-06:-55:-10.-91] SteamServersConnected Negative goes into Positive eventually [IN] [-01:-01:-24.-48] Response #646: 400 44B ... [IN] [-01:00:-23.-18] Response #647: 400 44B ... [IN] [00:00:40.42] Response #648: 400 44B ... [IN] [00:01:41.68] Response #649: 400 44B ... Still the #400 persists, meaning either the error has broken the server or there is some kind of issue at Ba I load up the game to see if the server was appearing on the list, it wasn't there.., And a final shutdown error: [IN] [01:27:45.42] DsState: Quitting [WN] [01:27:45.43] NullPersistentStorageManager WriteFile ylands.NullPersistentStorageManager.WriteFile (String, Byte[], StorageType) Analytics.OnSessionQuit (EventSessionQuit) EventDispatcher.DispatchEvent[EventSessionQuit] (EventSessionQuit) ylands.SessionLifecycle.DoExit (String) ylands.SessionLifecycle.Exit (String) ylands.Quitter.GracefulQuit () ylands.HeadlessServerManager.Shutdown () ylands.HeadlessServerManager+<DelayedShutdownCoro>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator, IntPtr)
  21. So I've been running a dedicated server for a week now, my power went out and so the server didn't get shutdown properly. Now I can't restart the server. I get a "Removed Server Process" notification in the monitor console. Haven't changed anything else at all. Tried deleting my log files, did nothing to help. I don't want to restart a new server since, there are 5 other people playing on my server and they've done a bunch of work. Any help? log_clean.txt log.txt
  22. Hello, When i place a Coral it appear black, but eventualy (refresh) the coral color come back withtout touching it.
  23. Was using hammer to remove some stone blocks just outside the PB limits....and took a break " to go fishing" ..... opened directory and equipped myself with the fishing pole, however on closing inventory my hammer was still in my hand and the fishing pole has disappeared from inventory ... and its not on the ground. Similar instances happened when building my ship ..i had used the hammer, then crafted some beams, equipped myself with the beams and proceeded to place them ... i aligned them up and selected place and the beam disappeared ... and in my hand was the hammer! all 5 of the crafted beams also disappeared from inventory. Anyone else having this or similar issues? The ship, by the way is in a dock that's within the PB range... and i am playing MP.
  24. I just updated to 0.7 and entered to my offline game when I saw this... I leave you a couple of captures and a copy of my DxDiag, in these you also can see how many resources the game is consuming, after seeing that I started to place blocks in one of my ships when the game crashed. It consume a bit less of RAM and also loads the world faster, maybe I can explore now. P.D: Those water blocks gave me a few ideas for decoration, it can be a good spot to build a pool , replacing water can be a good idea for incoming updates. DxDiag.txt
  25. I was playing multiplayer. And he died. A new character is not born in the same room. The screen is stopped output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt