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Found 1534 results

  1. I am playing with my brother on multiplayer. He has problems with items on ship. He can not see items like lamp or chest on ship when I or he put it. Another thing is better optimization because I have low fps on medium settings. CPU: AMD Ryzen 1600, GPU: Radeon RX 580 8GB. I know It is obvious but I think it will be helpful. One small suggestion is make better stacking of items because it is not intuitive. You can improve building system becuase it is hard to place some items and camera in it because I can't see what I am building very well. Thank you for reading. Sorry for my not excellent english.
  2. Hello I just purchased game and I try to Play game and it' giving me a Fatal Logon Error. GameService/GetUserProfile: Code: -2 SO I Code: Message: Failed parsing response That' the exact error message I receive. Please let me know how to fix this annoying message
  3. Decided to save the book I found for later and dropped it while on second floor, book disappeared. Dropped a couple more items to test and they all disappeared. Cannot adjust angle or crouch to see if the items are under the bed.
  4. My experience: Often, when i go into the crafting menu, i crash. At first i just thought of it being a random crash, nothing special about it, so I just restart my game, but then I try again, and i crash again, then again, then once more, then again, i tried about 10 times before i just signed off and cooled down playing something else. I come back a couple of hours later or maybe the next day, getting on, trying to craft the things i tried yesterday, but no, crashed again. The Bug: Something in the crafting menu is definitely causing the crash, I have an idea what items that might be causing such a crash. How to trigger it: It happens mostly when i type in Sh when getting a Ship or L or La for Large Mast with sail, but ngs might be causing it, as far as i know this happens for only me in our group, and i have not seen anyone else report this. The crash happens in both Creative and Exploration while searching for the same things. the things that is not causing it: I have checked around, my PC is more that capable of handeling this game, and network can neither be the problem, as it is really good (75/75 Fiber). Task manager reveal that there is no stress on the game, running very smoothly, and there is absolutely no lag even on Ultra Setting, so i am assuming this to be a game bug. It is possible to play, crafting still works about half the time, but it gets annoying to crash and reload into the game and multiplayer all the time, and loosing saves in singleplayer. i hope with this semi detailed bug report this can hopefully be solved in a future patch, some bugs like invisible things on ships, or ship going black, it is early access so i don’t make myself mad over it, but fixing such a bug i feel is soon necessary to be able to progress is a very fun game.
  5. Hello, I received this game via steam a few days ago and played for 30 hours and decided to come on the forums. When attempting to log in using my steam account It gave me an error so I logged in using my twitter account. Then I linked my steam account to that account afterwards not knowing what would happen. In game at the main menu it tells you who you're logged in as, before I linked the steam account with the new account it was just my steam name but then I noticed it changed. Then I go to log in and realize my character was gone now this wouldn't be a big deal as I just killed my old self in-game but then I realized as well that I had lost all of my learned crafting recipes. Now I've tried to get the original account back but there is no way to find it as there was never any email setup with that "Ylands" account. Therefore I can't just log back into that original account and link it again. If anyone has any suggestions please leave them, Thanks! PeteFromStargate
  6. Hi, So when I was playing the trail a week ago I noticed that i was getting 15 frames per second, My intel gpu is a Intel HD Graphics 4600 (Mobile), After that I tried switching my graphics to the AMD Graphics card and upon lauching th application it would crash. My driver said that Ylands.exe is not currently associated with a specific GPU. And with that here is the file dump. BTW my amd gpu is a AMD R9 265x. output_log.txt error.log
  7. Cant retrieve items. Died trying to reach the floating energy thing in the air, got zapped and died. My items are floating in the air. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. I'm trying to play the game with my friend but for my friend it's unplayable because 80% of the time the things he craft would turn invisible! Cutting down trees also turns invisible. Another bug is climbing ladders will teleport him to another ship and dying will teleport him to a different island (he died on an island and not at sea) These are my logs, if you need my friends log I can send that also! Thank you for the awesome game! output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  9. Cooked Food Bug - On two separate occasions I was killed and all the (raw) food in my inventory was dropped onto my grave marker. When returning to my grave, my food had turned into it's cooked counterparts. Ocean Bug - On one game world I started a part of the ocean along the island was not loading, upon further investigation I walked into the part of the water that wasn't loading and there was in fact still water there. However the water inside the non-loaded part of the map was on a lower elevation compared to the rest of the ocean. Only the water was invisible, I could still see the sand and coral below. Terrain Bug - Parts of the terrain from time to time tend to disappear. This happens on a very small scale usually, normally a tiny triangular shape of the ground's mesh hasn't loaded and it is possible to fall through causing endless falling. This problem has only occurred for me when I start a project of mass terraforming. Animal Bug - Sometimes the animals become stuck. They do not react when I approach nor do they run when I attack them.
  10. Hello I purchased your game on dec 7 from steam and every time I try to login I get and fatal login error message. o/authentication/login code:-1 api code : message: cannot resolve destination host After looking on steam support you guys posted possible fixes like reinstalling steam, checking if its blocked etc. I have attempted all this fixes and none have worked , can you offer any more help or do I have to wait until some fixes come through?
  11. After the 12-9-17 update to version 0.6.42044, my game now crashes during a rain storm. I had a different save file originally, and i had happen to stop playing for the day when it was raining. I was inside a cabin. The patch was the next day, and when logged in, and opened the cabin door to leave, the game would freeze, then crash in about 5-10 seconds. I tried a range of graphics settings, and assured that my drivers were up to date. I started a new game, thinking it was a save corruption from the update. All was well on the new save file, until it started to rain while i was outside. It crashed, and the game had autosaved about 5 seconds before it started raining. I am pretty certain that its not a hardware issue on my end. I have an identical model card that I can test with, and can update if that affects the issue. Attached are the error.log and output_log.txt file from the latest crash folder, as well as a dxdiag.txt file from the system error.log output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  12. I'm having very serious Framerate issues currently. I've played Ylands before it was released on steam, and I used to have over 80 FPS all the time (despite some lag spikes here and there). Today I bought Ylands on steam, and when I launched it, I never get over 10 FPS (As you can see in my screenshot) despite my specs being way over the requirements. I've tried lowering the graphics to the minimum possible, changing my Nvidia settings, but I still can't manage to get better frames. I really would appreciate some help on this, because I don't want my money to go to waste on a game I really wanted to play. System Specs: -Windows 10 x64 -Nvidia GTX 1050 4GB VRAM -8GB RAM -DirectX 12 output_log.txt DxDiag.txt EDIT: If I run the game as admin directly from the steam game files, the game seems to recover the usual FPS. I still would like someone to help me figure out why launching it from steam destroys my FPS.
  13. Game loads to 98% then drops down to 96% and then freezes and won't load anymore. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  14. So me and my friend started playing today. And when it was time for dinner, we quit and it said that it saved the progress. Now when I continue in that world, my friend can't see it even though I've published it and I can't open any containers placed by him. Is this a know issue? How do we continue on the world that we've spent at least 4-5 hours on?
  15. I tried to play multiplayer with my friend but the game does not start at 100% loading. Is there no solution? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  16. Yesterday i played some hours on the EU Official 18 server, died and could not log in again. now when im tryin to connect it says "recalling buildings (100%)" but it does not go anywhere. any ideas whats going on?
  17. So here we are again with a new bug, after sailing to a different yland, I got off the ship then later when I wanted to get back on and sail on the game glitch. I got up the ladder then I saw nothing but stars, 3 seconds later I was back on spawn yland, created a small boat sailed all the way back to the yland where my ship was at, tried again and yet again I got spawned on spawn yland. So after playing this game for 35 hours I have 3 corrupted save game the only game that was working fine was this one and now i lost more then 15 hours off grinding. this save file is probaly also corrupt because I had to restart 4 times before my whole ship even was loaded in completly to later on screw me over and spawn me on spawn yland. Are there a lot off problems with MP?
  18. Posted on Steam discussions as well as Reddit, and either there's no information on my specific problem, or my GoogleFu is failing me. Installed game a few hours ago, via Steam. Started up, launcher appears, I check my settings + hit play. That's as far as I got. Game went to black screen, mouse cursor has 'loading' anim, and my CPU response drops to bare minimum. I wait five, ten minutes, nothing happens. Clicking, alt-tabbing, pressing any keys bring up the Windows 'X is not responding' dialog, and ask to close/wait. Waiting does nothing, so I do it again and close. Searching the official forums doesn't give me anything useful, all the other black screen/freeze issues are with people who are non-Steam users, or have no trouble with the launcher. I've searched all files/folders relevant to any game installs on this system, there's no YlandsLauncher.exe, and trying to start Ylands.exe brings me round again. I have verified through Steam, says all is correct. Considering a refund. Log files are no help, I've searched the only log file I could find in Ylands_Data, and it says the game has no problem initializing, gives no indication of program failure or closure. System Info: AMD X4 860K 3.9Ghz Unlocked NVIDIA GTX 1050 Ti 4GB 8GB DDR3 RAM Windows 10 (updated to at least Nov 30) AFAICT latest VC, DirectX, C++ There is no output_log_clean file to upload. This is the only log I can find, which is associated with this software. output_log.txt
  19. So I started playing multiplayer with my brother and I noticed that the crafting recipies di not unlock when they should, as they did on singleplayer when I played by myself. Enyone know why, or how to fix the issue?
  20. My friend got stuck in the ship then died of being to cold after restarting the server the next day, he was able to connect but not able to create new character or respawn. In the editor I was unable to find is ID/character so I could delete it saying it didnt exist. We tried hosting by different people but it didnt work.
  21. Me and my friend discovered some bugs while playing Multiplayer (I try to recreate these bugs with screenshots and videos later): The wooden raft begins to float in the air when the water level gets lower due to digging and building. Sometimes when picking up items, plants etc. you're character gets stuck in the picking up animation or completely freezes. Map resetting when disconnected (known bug) The water has a very weird behavior when the sand beneath it is modified. Sometimes it completely disappears. It also sometimes generates holes in the water. Every time i walk past a sail on a ship i get teleported to the side and fall from the ship. The ship is a little glitchy in general, when im not in control of the ship. (This doesn't happen to the host) Another bug from the ship is that when i climb up the ladder, it keeps the swimming animation until i jump. (This is only visible for myself, not for other players) Sometimes items that are picked up or crafted are not visible until you scroll the inventory. These are all bugs we found for now, im gonna update this post if we find more.
  22. I'm not sure if this is intentional behavior or not. Sewing kit completely disappears after making a sail (large or small). I would expect making a sail to consume the life of the sewing kit and for it to be 'broken' if it's reached the end of it's life after making a massive object like a sail, however the sewing kit completely disappears from the inventory.
  23. Hi There, I am having issues with placing anything in my world. All items placed, rotate along the red line 90 degrees in the direction of the arrow, please see picture 1 with the grid. Picture two is once the LMB is clicked to place the item and it snaps 90 degrees as explained in the previous sentence. This happens with s team engines, logs, blocks, etc. I cannot build anything. Please, advise. FYI, of course crafted items such as work benches, chests etc. are fine. I have the latest Nvidia drivers, and I just bought and installed the game yesterday via Steam.
  24. Me and my 2 friends have been finding it incredibly hard to actually join a game together without it saying 'Host Unreachable'. We have spent a good hour or so retrying and retrying and my friend has gotten lucky so it seems and has connected however i'm still stuck, any suggestions? P.s. I am from EU region and they are both from NA.
  25. @ Ylands team, please make the chat scrollable in single player or multiplayer, so that we can see previous messages that already scrolled out of the screen/chat. Make it adjustable to x lines definable in the settings (10/20/30 lines) right now if you miss a message there is no way to go to back messages and read it again.