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Found 1534 results

  1. Two Sandstone Medium Ramp blocks require the iron chisel as a material rather than a tool. The entire iron chisel is used to create a single Medium Sandstone ramp Block. There are two recipes this occurs for as far as I can tell, The plain Sandstone ramp and the convex corner ramp block. Both are medium recipes.
  2. Hey, I'm fairly new to the game having obtained it back last year - I've been casually trying to look for bugs as I've played though me and a few friends decided to make a server together for banter and fun - Though we then stumbled across a issue a very big issue - From the characters falling off the boat constantly and not being grounded on them to falling into the sea and being eaten alive we stumbled across the motherland - as we found a little shack with goodies to then my friend being eaten by a bear as I lay up in the roof section of the house crying like a girl we then set back to the ship hoping to find something else - as i right clicked onto the rope ladder to get back on the buggy boat I was immediately teleported back to the house i had just came from on the island we found my friend then done this and again we tried to climb back on which then proceeded to having us both fall through the world to dying to re-spawning at the original island or should I say Y-land? Our characters stood still as we re-spawned and we had to punch them to death to get our items "lucky" doesn't end there.. After taking a raft keeping a check on the directions we had taken I got the boat back "thank the lord" we then set sail again merely laughing about what happen but it did damper our mood slightly on wanting to play the game but we kept trucking on, we then found Canada which was something entirely new too us we were excited we found penguins and decided to genocide but sadly I smacked my friend with a war hammer by mistake and he died and re-spawned right back at the starter Y-land to then me dying by a polar bear and also going back to the starter island - my friend went REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee and logged off - I've now made a new game while he mildly comes on due to being salty - Though if you could look into this is would be great as these two bugs are literally game breaking causing you to feel exhausted with the game. Also I love this game keep it up and also for the love of god add stable slide doors, thanks. Side note, Make the V placing tool have a different pick up button when you place something when growing crops I'm picking my fences back up haha - Also maybe add in towns on islands and if you have the tech try making the game more expansive in the future with self creating biomes that is never ending mine-craft do it well.
  3. There is still a malfunction with certain selected objects, lets take the assets/props you can place for the stern and bow of the ship. These are large pieces that come in to customize and add to the ship hull, i'm not exactly sure why this happens, in early access games there are lots of bugs and sometimes games just flat out deteriorate as you play. When you select objects such as the ones I mentioned and hit the H key to select a rotation option, the entire object vanishes from the screen, anytime you select an option other that the default the hot key starts you on objects you want to place in the world go away, you have to go back and rebuild it to place it....then does it does it all over again. A restart is normally needed to fix these things but it doesn't always work. These are things I think need to be fixed asap. Thank you.
  4. I'm trying to make some stuff in the editor and add items inside the containers and BOOM ! game crashed not once but a couple times ...
  5. UrTypicalJedi15

    RESOLVED Inventory Glitch

    I was collecting quite a lot of resources so I decided to empty some out to collect others I needed. When I collected the items they went in my inventory, but instead of being placed in an empty slot, the items glitched into the bottom of the inventory. This would be fine, if I could still access them. I can't drag them around or use them at all. On top of all of that they still take up an inventory slot and I can't place another item in those slots to try and unstick the glitched items. I have tried many different ways to try and fix this and the only thing that works is killing myself and grabbing my items again and even then it happens again regardless of how empty my inventory appears to be. This might have to do with how fast I collect items, maybe I collect too many too fast and the collection gets screwed somehow but that's just a theory. If this could be fixed in the next patch or in a soon future patch that would really help. Thank you guys, I love the rest of the game and keep up the good work! I linked a photo, there are two items stuck at the bottom, a rope and unfortunately a saw, and I cannot access them.
  6. Hello, I am posting on the behalf of another user. Every attempt at logging in comes back with "Fatal Error 401: Unauthorized" He has attempted to do a password reset but it will not work. He is unable to login to the Forums, Bohemia Interactive and Ylands via Steam.
  7. This is like the other 503 fatal login error others were getting, but it's a 401 for me. I have not had any login issues in the past. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. Anyone else gettin constant fatal login errors? Everything worked fine yesterday. Is this a server error?
  9. I just load a save game, and I'm IN the ship.I don't know how to explain this bug more, just I cannot do any movements. One picture = 1000 words
  10. So I've been playing on steam past couple of days. Yesterday me and some friends start a life on NA explore 24. I logged on earlier today around 3pm PST and played for an hour fine, but now I've been trying to log into the server for about an hour and I keep getting the same error, "Player with current account in session". I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, but it seems like the server believes I'm still logged in even though I'm not. I don't share my steam account with anyone and there's no way anyone else has access to my account. idk if you guys need the log files you usually ask for, but here they are attached anyway output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. I've attached my save game where I've got a known hole in the world. I don't know if you can do anything with it after the fact but I was hoping it might help identify how it got there so you could potentially fix it. I put the instructions on how to find the hole in the zip attached but they are also included below. There is a fenced pen right next to the display block. Enter the pen and walk up to the display block. I have fallen into that hole twice now, both times on the horse that's right there also. Some history... when I first found the display block, it was partially "submerged" in the ground so I dug out around it and flattened the area. I'm pretty sure I must have walked across that area several times and never noticed myself falling into the void... I later found a horse, tamed it, and brought it back to the area and built a pen. That's when the trouble started... I fell through the world as I approached the block from inside the pen while on the horse. Once I fell in, I realized what had happened and found the /unstuck command here in the forums. I used it to spawn on the beach, returned to the pen, and proceeded to fall into the hole again. I have decided that I don't like falling into the hole any more so I am sending it to you for investigation. I have also attached the two logs you requested. The game never crashed, etc. so I'm guessing it has nothing of value but you asked for it... so I'm sending it to you. Good luck with the game. I'm enjoying it so far. Ylands savegame.zip
  12. Hi, With the Files I added in [YLD-8307] Ship get´s black, unfortunely there is another Issue. We cannot respawn in the game, you get stucked in the "New Character" Screen. We have seen that when you die no Tombestone is created and the Body is lying there. It´s possible to remove the body with the Editor and copy the Game back to the DS. But´s that not possible for everyone. I think it started, when I removed in Editor the false mounted Protective Barrier of a Friend, but I´m not sure. I have tried, you cannot spawn in the Savegame on singleplayer either. Thanks BR Chris
  13. beto12_sanfer

    RESOLVED Ship Wheel

    I traveled so far from my Island, to discover map. I arrived to Ice Island, all normally, but when i went to return to my island, the ship didnt twist, only go forward and backward. I decided to change the wheel, but when i gonna place it, the ship start do strange things Ylands_Ship_bug.rar
  14. Several crashes on Radeon RX 570. I had run the game on notebook with nvidia quadro - no problem. On PC with Radeon RX 570 - game randomly crashes - each time same error : Read from location 00000061 caused an access violation. I tested it with AMD drivers 17.2 (last official) and 18.1 alpha - same behaviour, crashes with same error. Dump in attachment. 2018-01-10_211944.zip
  15. revisoryvirus

    RESOLVED Here are some bugs

    Hey. I experienced a few bugs today, this is what happened. (single player exploring) My ship had problems with turning, and I didn't notice before I was stuck on a shoreline. Because I almost couldn't turn, I didn't back up. So I started digging my ship free. My rope ladder on the left side of the ship suddenly loosened from the ship and went through the sand, I could just spot it, and when I clicked on it, I got teleported to my other rope ladder on the other side of the ship. All I could do was to break it while it was still visible. (after a relog my ship was able to turn quickly again) Later I found "trasure" beneath the ocean. I got a lag-spike and died by a shark. I spawned by the nearest yland(Should I not spawn at my starter yland?) I made a raft and found my ship when I climbed the rope ladder on my ship the screen turned white, but I could see the head of my avatar. A short while after I was suddenly on my starter yland, I did not die. I made a new raft and found my ship again, but the same thing happened.(should have done a relog, but I was too tired to try again)
  16. Hello Ylands Team, I encountered a bug that I can't really explain. My ship almost got sunk because I tried to put a ylandium generator on it to power my lights? Please check the pictures attached because I can't really describe it myself. Regards, Felixanator output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  17. When trying to place the Ylandium generator (the small one or the big one), I always get the message "Location too far" even when i'm clearly in range. I can place other structures and station but it seems those energy station don't work. I tried to place them on different places and grounds. Sometimes it tells me there's not enough space, but it shouldn't.
  18. Please my girlfriend can't relog in the game we played for over 50 hours HELP ! She is stuck on Recalling Buildings at the loading screen when she tries to join
  19. I decided to build a ship together with a friend. we built it. But then when we decided to build a second mast, a bug occurred. Now when I try to build any element, writes:: "location is too far" or "there is not enough space". Even in the process of building the ship throws in different directions. Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia and use the translator) output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  20. As the title states, I believe the item labelled "wooden desk" -- which is a crafted 2x3 block of wood 1 tile thick -- is a typo and that actually a "wooden deck" is intended. This may seem a minor issue that has flown under the radar, but these wood pieces are among the most-used building items and mislabeling this piece will doubtless confuse a number of new players -- it certainly gave me pause when building for the first time.
  21. Just bought and downloaded the game on release, launching it instantly gives me an error message explaining there has been a crash and a crash report has been saved. I tried the usual steps, restarting PC, running as admin, verifying game files. I am hesitant to refresh my Graphics card drivers (Just did that a few days ago, download takes too long due to slow internet and I don't have time for it right now). I was told to disable Rivaturner, EVGA PrecisionX or MSI Afterburner. I don't know what these are, and my task manager is showing no such thing. Attached, the output_log file from Ylands_Data (as requested by a dev on Steam forums), WinRAR compressed crash folder. Note: I was also asked to include an "output_log_clean", but there is no such thing in my game files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  22. Editor maps sometimes say "Saved" but do not save at all.
  23. Hi Ylanders, how are you doing? I enjoy the game even in this Alpha phase, there are lot of glitches and stuff ofc but overall i'm loving the game so far. Yesterday i spend a few hours building a large double deck ship. Took me a lot of resources ( i mean a lot ), and finally i did manage to finish it. Proudly sailed off and in the first snowstorm i came across i went in my cabin to get cozy and sit next to a fire, but the snow was coming indoors so i couldn't light the wood. So i said i'd better head back, so i went out and started to go up the stairs when my character glitched and went into a twisted motion, like the one when you fall of a hill. I ... died Reason : falling from a high place of something. Lost my ship and stuff, but my worst regret was i didn't screen shot my ship. I wasn't angry, i know its alpha but i must post this for attention as a bug. I am most frustrated with the positioning of items atm and the terraforming which is a pain in the but hehe, especially the spade and shovel use and positioning, the dirt placement ( i like to build underground bases), and all those diamond shaped blocks and leftovers when trying to reshape. I have seen many other glitches and bugs but they are posted in these forums as well so i wont write them again. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy the game also, looking forward for new updates!! Take care!!
  24. Hi, This bug only happens when i create a new world in creative mode, normal mode is fine https://plays.tv/video/5a5175425543dcc1cd/-bohemiainteract-ylandsgame-whats-wrong-with-bug- I'm uploading the Dxdiag and log files you said me before on twitter, before opening the post, i reinstalled the game but the bug is still happening. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt DxDiagYlands.txt
  25. I attach 3 screenshots..... in the first you can see a tree stump. it is visible at a distance. Take few steps closer..and its invisible! ...step back and it re-appears! ... same effect from any angle. You can walk up to it while its invisible, yet stand on it! ... refer 3rd screenshot ..its physically still there which explains why my car did flips and turns...when traversing this area. Log files attached. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt