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Found 185 results

  1. Hi, With the Files I added in [YLD-8307] Ship get´s black, unfortunely there is another Issue. We cannot respawn in the game, you get stucked in the "New Character" Screen. We have seen that when you die no Tombestone is created and the Body is lying there. It´s possible to remove the body with the Editor and copy the Game back to the DS. But´s that not possible for everyone. I think it started, when I removed in Editor the false mounted Protective Barrier of a Friend, but I´m not sure. I have tried, you cannot spawn in the Savegame on singleplayer either. Thanks BR Chris
  2. Hello Ylands Team, I encountered a bug that I can't really explain. My ship almost got sunk because I tried to put a ylandium generator on it to power my lights? Please check the pictures attached because I can't really describe it myself. Regards, Felixanator output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  3. Hi Ylanders, how are you doing? I enjoy the game even in this Alpha phase, there are lot of glitches and stuff ofc but overall i'm loving the game so far. Yesterday i spend a few hours building a large double deck ship. Took me a lot of resources ( i mean a lot ), and finally i did manage to finish it. Proudly sailed off and in the first snowstorm i came across i went in my cabin to get cozy and sit next to a fire, but the snow was coming indoors so i couldn't light the wood. So i said i'd better head back, so i went out and started to go up the stairs when my character glitched and went into a twisted motion, like the one when you fall of a hill. I ... died Reason : falling from a high place of something. Lost my ship and stuff, but my worst regret was i didn't screen shot my ship. I wasn't angry, i know its alpha but i must post this for attention as a bug. I am most frustrated with the positioning of items atm and the terraforming which is a pain in the but hehe, especially the spade and shovel use and positioning, the dirt placement ( i like to build underground bases), and all those diamond shaped blocks and leftovers when trying to reshape. I have seen many other glitches and bugs but they are posted in these forums as well so i wont write them again. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy the game also, looking forward for new updates!! Take care!!
  4. Hi, I've never reported here before so bear with me please. I have been going through the painful process of getting my ship out of the too-shallow water I built it in and have suddenly begun to fall through my ship, the world, and eventually freeze to death (guess hell froze over). This has happened to me twice in a row. I've worked around getting stuck inside the geometry of my ship but this is new! I did a search and it seems that someone had a similar problem with an invisible ladder in their hut. I would attach my save files if I had any idea where to find them!
  5. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    KNOWN ISSUE Burnt Boat

    So this had happened on multiple servers and not just me but also the friends i play with. when going out of render distance of the boat it seams, it'll go black or become burnt. when this happens you cant use it or anything, and if someone is controlling the boat when this happens to someone. they become invisible or just a floating head anything attached to the boat disappears including dropped items, it all returns once you relog. So far only way to fix this is to relog.
  6. The other day, my friend and I were making a mast for a large ship, but when we got on it, it started sinking into the water and almost flipped over. The boat was anchored but when we unanchored it, it went back to normal. Fix this please, as it was quite annoying and happened many times.
  7. I have had this bug happen a few times. I can't place tall objects like large masts with sail (I haven't tried regular masts with sail) or wind turbines. These are the only ones that I have had problems with. It happens on multiplayer and singleplayer. it either says "location too far" or "Not enough space". It says "Not enough space" even when there is nothing wrong! It eventually works after getting off and on the world, but I don't know why that works. Its super annoying and makes it really annoying to get off and on a lot. Please fix this bug in the new update. I would appreciate it a lot! It has happened on multiple worlds, and on different computers, though I don't know if anyone else has had this happened. I use steam by the way. It happens almost every time.
  8. My sister is hosting the server, I am the client. We have both had issues getting stuck inside the ship when we somehow walk into it the wrong way. She was able to quit out and move the ship in the editor for her own character and once the ship was moved she was unstuck. My character got stuck in the ship and she can't find my body in the editor, so not sure if moving the ship this time will help or not. Being stuck in the ship appears to prevent my game from loading as well, unless that's something else that is totally unrelated. Update: After she tried moving the ship in the editor (though she still can't find my body), I was able to load in, but it demanded that I make a new character - and when I did so it did the "frozen at the character creation black screen" thing. So...not sure how to get into game now... ::sigh:: ...After, like, 30 hours of game play. I think there needs to be an "unstuck" command or something that we can somehow issue to the game to get ourselves out of these terrain glitches and such. Probably not an easy thing, by any means, to implement - but if it's doable, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated by the community. Another ship-related issue I keep having, as the client, is that every time I walk away from our ship to explore something and come back, it is just a dark black, seemingly un-rendered hull with no sails or ladders or any chests or anything built on it any more. The host, my sister, says it still renders for her and works okay, but it is just an empty black hull for me almost every time I walk away from it and return - so i can't access anything on the ship or even get on the ship itself, I just get stuck in it. ::shrug:: Not sure why that is. Attached are my own output_log and output_log_clean - not sure if those are helpful or if you have to have the host's logs. Thank you! output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  9. I've attached my save game where I've got a known hole in the world. I don't know if you can do anything with it after the fact but I was hoping it might help identify how it got there so you could potentially fix it. I put the instructions on how to find the hole in the zip attached but they are also included below. There is a fenced pen right next to the display block. Enter the pen and walk up to the display block. I have fallen into that hole twice now, both times on the horse that's right there also. Some history... when I first found the display block, it was partially "submerged" in the ground so I dug out around it and flattened the area. I'm pretty sure I must have walked across that area several times and never noticed myself falling into the void... I later found a horse, tamed it, and brought it back to the area and built a pen. That's when the trouble started... I fell through the world as I approached the block from inside the pen while on the horse. Once I fell in, I realized what had happened and found the /unstuck command here in the forums. I used it to spawn on the beach, returned to the pen, and proceeded to fall into the hole again. I have decided that I don't like falling into the hole any more so I am sending it to you for investigation. I have also attached the two logs you requested. The game never crashed, etc. so I'm guessing it has nothing of value but you asked for it... so I'm sending it to you. Good luck with the game. I'm enjoying it so far. Ylands savegame.zip
  10. Antimidation

    KNOWN ISSUE Water behavior

    I'm sure people have run into this issue where you dig on the ocean floor or dig somewhere where you interact with water and it leaves all these fractured spaces where you dug. I made the mistake of digging up sand near my coast and it seems to have caused the ocean to sink in parks but not stay even. I tried evening out the bottom of the ocean with the flat shovel but the area is still sunken....as if one huge swath of ocean is one step down from the rest. Any work around? Is water going to be more fluid in the future? I'd imagine it filling in any gap you were to dig but it acts more like jello.
  11. Build: Hosting Multiplayer: Not dedicated What Happened I was playing multiplayer (not using DS) with a friend and had just started using the Seed Packet Box. I placed 3 groups of 60 cotton seeds into the seed packet box and kept them in separate stacks, ready to plant 3 plots of 60 cotton. I dragged one of the three groups of cotton seeds onto my avatar from within my inventory to equip it, and used hotkey 0 to start planting. I found that the number of seeds in that hotbar slot did not decrement as I planted them. I assumed they were being fed in from the other groups of seeds in the seed packet box, but after planting all three plots with 60 seeds each, all 180 that I had, I still had two full stacks remaining in the seed packet box, and could still plant more. What I expected Planting seeds from the seed packet box should decrement the correct seed stack until it is gone, after which you can no longer plant until another is equipped. Steps to Reproduce Open the editor Place down a Seed Packet Box and 2 cotton seeds Test the scenario Pick up the seed packet box and cotton seeds Drop the cotton seeds into the seed packet box Enter the seed packet box and separate the seeds into two stacks Drag and drop one of the seeds onto the avatar to equip it Exit the inventory Switch to cotton seed on your hotbar Plant an unlimited number of seeds
  12. On 2 different saves/worlds now, I have built up from scratch and got to the point where it was time to try building a car. I'll place the chassis, but as soon as i attempt to place an engine, driver seat, etc., the part collides with the chassis and flips it or nudges it off the grid. i can use /unstuck 3 command about 5 times out of 10 to realign the chassis to grid, but it doesn't help. I'll attempt to place again and if i do get it on the chassis without flipping it, the grid will be red and will either say not enough space or too far away. after giving up on the car, I went to my ship to put engines on that instead and the engines collide with my ship now and send it all wonky. too far away, not enough space. Any advice? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  13. The map resets when you log out and in in multiplayer games.
  14. When using the control key to stack items in chests or an inventory in the editor they often don't stack.
  15. I have this glitch where all the sails,blocks, items, helm and v placed items that were placed on The Hull of my ship disappear, which leads to me being stuck in the middle of the ocean. I’ve exited the world and reloaded it and it takes a few tries until the blocks load back onto the hull, I have tried going out of view range and coming back to see if it was just a visual load in glitch but it still didn’t work. This is a great game and I really want it to be the best it can be.
  16. From time to time after moving or picking up items, items in my inventory appear out of the inventory tab and are now on my screen. These items I can not use or drag but do disappear when I exit my inventory. I’ve noticed this mostly happens in multiplayer. Please fix this.
  17. Hi y'all! First bug report so let me know if im missing anything. Earlier I came across a bug, when a seed container is in your inventory, and tall palm trees are in it, if it is equipped it plants with an amount more than you actually have. I.e. I had 3, and noticed it would let me place more. I'll try to recreate it/post an image next time im on. This was in a private mp.
  18. I just experienced a complete character wipe from a previous save game. At first i thought I had died but I remembered logging off on a dock I had built so sharks couldn't get me and this is a private game with a password. When i loaded the game it placed me in the character creation screen and every time I backed out and restarted the game it did the same thing again and again. I finally just recreated a character and it dropped me on my original starting island...all my structures were intact but all my crafting knowledge was gone, so I gathered materials for a little starter sail ship and set out to where i remember my main base being, everything was still there. The biggest down side is probably the loss of all the seeds I had collected along with all map data since the items my previous saved character had were all gone. Has anyone experienced this or has a work around perhaps to retrieve the lost character? If not, this should be on the list of priorities...losing character data is a huge blow to enthusiasm to play for people starting the game. I'll continue on to research more bugs. Thank you. UPDATE: I just had this happen again on the same game after managing to get most of my stuff back and also managing to find my home base islands, along with a couple other islands for materials i needed. This is a very devastating bug that discourages me to play adventure mode. I'll stick with Creative and the editor for now. I hope this one is at the top of the list of priorities.
  19. Antimidation

    KNOWN ISSUE Ship hull bug

    I have to admit having never running into this issue until somewhat recently. When you place the ready made hull of the ship down and attempt to build on it with the pointed bow piece and also the rear stern piece, the ship starts to flip around as if it's the piece your are placing instead....i never had this problem with the smaller ship hull, now that i've made the larger hull and attempted to build on it, this bug appears. I cannot build on the ship at all, every time i attempt to move the piece into place the entire ship flips on it's side or upside down or high in the air. To be sure I have reset my game and also made sure the anchor was down before building...none of these have fixed the issue. For now, is there any work around for this issue? I feel like this problem is pretty serious, especially when one of the main themes of the game is sailing.
  20. not sure if this has been submitted as i didn't see other poses regarding it (i didnt look to hard) so I will summite one as it is really annoying. not sure when or how it happens but its to often. item in the inventory get stuck off the inventory menu dialog page as you can see the cross bow and Flint lighter are below the menu, (have had it down as far as the quick slots at the bottem of the screen. These bugged items still are usable only if in a quick slot but you cant access them or remove them, only way to remove or fix this is 1. restart your game, or 2. if youre lucky and its in a quick slot. you can freeplace the item on the ground. interact with something while changing to a tool. then picking that placed item back up, bringing it back to a useable item back in your inventory. another bug related to this one is when you have these bugged items, it fills a spot in your inventory but has the item avatar off the menu. so you have a filled empty slot. As you fill up your inventory slots, sometimes it will permanently drop an item you tried to pick up with your filled inventory. These stone chunks you can not pick up and now litter my cave. you cant build over it either so this can screw up someones build if it happens in the wrong spot.
  21. My friend and I were playing a fairly new multiplayer world when the ladder in our hut seemed to disappear for both of us. I first right clicked it to see if it was still there and it teleported me a few feet down and I began falling through the world. I fell all the way until I hit the ground of a cave and died from fall damage. Then my friend went to investigate and he too fell to his death after right-clicking the ladder. Hope this will be fixed soon. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt BRENDAN_AND_NICK.zip
  22. A bug ocurred when I am playing in a server and I go to menu, more later, when I enter again in the server, the map restart and I dont know where I am. There is only one small point where I place myself, but everything else discovered by me is lost. This happened to me on a friend's server in the middle of the Sea Institute and I lost everything, but apparently, being the host, this does not happen
  23. So if you have 2 stacks of the same seed in the seed box, for example one stack with 5 cottons seeds and another with 20. When you start planting cotton with the 5 seed stack and when the stack finishes, it disappears from the box, but not from the quick access menu(or how its called?) and because there is another stack it lets you plant more plants without depleting the second stack. If you have only one stack of seed, after you plant them all, they will disappear from the seed box, but stay in your quick access belt. Any attempt to plant will tell you that it fails, but with a second stack it will let you plant however many you want. Which is not something bad because I find it weird, that you have to chose between the seeds or the fruit or plant. If you break a cotton plant for seeds you wont lose the cotton... I kind get why its done that way tho.
  24. Hi, I was playing with my friend in multiplayer. I got kind of lost and when I found our ship, It was completely bugged (see screenshots). I tried to run on the ship and got stuck. When I tried to write the unstuck command, my game got frozen in chat and then crashed completely. It only happened to me, my friend (as the host) saw the ship normally. Thanks. 2017-12-29_194208.zip output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  25. Earlier I was running across the field, I came close to the shoreline when I saw a shark try and get me. I ran on and when I returned he was half way up in the field near woods. I was not aware that sharks could chase me on to land...... See picture.