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Found 290 results

  1. Major boat bug, UPLOADED IT TO YOUTUBE : this happens while jumping in a boat in front of a mast, the boat will sink and you will die! Please fix this, ME and my friend lost everything.
  2. Hi, I placed a metal container in the center of my large ship. When going into first person mode and walking into the metal container (side to side) the whole ship rocks violently. I've tested it against Pirate containers too and it has the same effect.
  3. Ashton Tryhuba

    lighting now working

    when I launch the game in the background ever thing is dark when I am in the game you cannot see anything in the night in the morning it is a tiny bit lighter but I cannot make out anything in the game there is also green flashing at my face sometimes
  4. Title says it. I seem to be randomly getting stuck in the looting animation (where your character is bobbing up and down) permanently. I'm not able to do anything or press any keys once this happens and the only way I've found to fix it is to relog. Anyone else experiencing this or anyone know a fix? Win10 64 bit FX-8350 R9 380 16GB DDR3
  5. I'm experiencing an extremely weird bug. If I mine any materials on the outer areas of my starter yland everything is fine. However if I move into the center of the yland and start mining the land stays untouched even though you can hear it mining. If you leave the area the notifications box appears saying what you have collected and if you walk back to the area your material is lying on the floor for you to collect. If I pick the items up it doesn't appear in notifications until you leave the area again?
  6. So I have been playing Ylands since about 2 days ago and I love the game very much! I have not had many problems or bugs at all until today. I was crafting something (I dont remember what) and the game wasnt registering that i had hit the craft button multiple times and then when i would try to equip things in my inventory it wouldnt work. 2 minutes later the items i was trying to craft showed up in my inventory and the items i tried to equip were all of a sudden equipped. I then thought it was fix but as i tried to mine, the ground wouldnt budge and no dirt or iron ore for example would appear. I would have to wait like 5 minutes for anything to happen. It makes the game impossible to play and I am really sad about it because i was really enjoying this game. Oddly enough, when I go to my kiln while this stuff is happening and i pull up the kilns crafting page, it will temporarily fix it for about 20-30 seconds and ill be able to mine for that long but then it will go right back to not registering my hits on the ground. Please help!
  7. Hi, So when I was playing the trail a week ago I noticed that i was getting 15 frames per second, My intel gpu is a Intel HD Graphics 4600 (Mobile), After that I tried switching my graphics to the AMD Graphics card and upon lauching th application it would crash. My driver said that Ylands.exe is not currently associated with a specific GPU. And with that here is the file dump. BTW my amd gpu is a AMD R9 265x. output_log.txt error.log
  8. Came across a locked stone chest. When attempting to open said chest, password prompt comes up. Save button works, Cancel button does nothing - more precisely it selects/re-selects the input text but does not cancel the dialog as expected. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  9. SenpaiCurse

    A bug and 2 suggestion

    So In the time I've spent playing I've only noticed a few things that I hope get changed. First off I noticed a bug It shows that my items are drifting off the inventory menu and are no longer accessible which is sort of a pain. Second, I'm hoping you guys implement a /spawn command or the ability to teleport to coordinators because I got lost at sea for 3 hours before realizing there was only a set amount of islands. Third I'm hoping that you guys can add a extensive crafting guide because I found myself just randomly attempting to craft things to hope I unlock the thing I'm looking for. Thank you guys for all your hard work! I will continue to follow the updates!
  10. My game sounds are working perfectly fine, but that is the only thing that is currently working when I launch the game. It's as if it is not launching my game but i do hear the music from the menu. Anyone with the same issue or related to mine? I already tried launching steam in admin mode, veryfing game files, restarting pc. Everything used to work just fine before the last update. Current version where problem occured: Version: 0.6.41974
  11. RobinKing

    Huge bug, Save has crashed

    I belive im the king of buggs. First i fell down to the void true the water and ofc i died, i made a New character and started, and ny old guy stands on the beach Alive? So i killd him and took my stuff, and now i cant Open my chests or leave the boat if i mount it? I have restarted the game but still the same, i can do everyting in other savings.. strange
  12. On occasion (almost exclusively when near land) a large square portion of the sea will disappear. The area still reacts accordingly but there is no graphical indication of the surrounding area. Best comparison is to minecraft when a chunk does not load. You can tell that an area will have the issue as the water does not flow the same as the surrounding water (for example if there is a storm) and is slightly lower. These spots will remain indefinitely (the two I came across have not corrected even with a reset) and can be moved through freely.
  13. After taming a horse and mounting it and riding it my controls were wonky after dismounting. For example, I could no longer look sideways with my mouse. and turning with keyboard keys became super sensitive. A light tape on the "D" key would sometimes turn me a full half-circle. Again in this situation I was not the one hosting.
  14. when you die on a ship, the headstones basically stop it and you have no way of moving. in this game is about exploration and trial and error. but if you are doing this on a ship you are fucked. the headstones weigh the ship down so much it wont move. we had a crew of 4 1 survived and somehow one headstone remains on the ship and it will not move.
  15. My friend and I kept glitching off of our ship when it was moving decently fast. It would lag a little bit and then we would fly through the railing on the ship.
  16. TeodorLB

    RESOLVED Didn't save

    there is a save option that pops up when you close your game save right? i clicked save yesterday, and opened it again ot play today, and everything i did yesterday is gone, is this some type of bug? or is there another way to save a game?
  17. Every time i die, I have one of two options.. "main menu" or "new game".. I don't respawn in the the world with nothing on starting island with the ability to retrieve my old body like in previous versions. Instead when I try to continue, I simply load the save point of my death. Please advise!
  18. Just noticed that the username that shows up on both the main menu and the coyn shop is really really weird for me. Have a look at this! What does it mean? It should just say handofthesly which is my Steam username (has recently changed from hannibal). Has it got something to do with the original standalone launcher and save files? If you know how to get it to just show my normal username would be awesome
  19. Returning to the game an hour or two after I was on it last and I loaded into my game but a lot of my progress was lost, so I returned to the main menu and I deleted my game save as I was a bit mad about losing 2 hours of progress but when I deleted the save another save replaced it but this save was 3 minutes after the save I just deleted, I then continued to delete my saves and each time the time was increasing by 3 which means my save is there somewhere but my game is not loading my latest save.
  20. Reinhard Schmidlin

    RESOLVED Error loading a save game

    I was really anxious about this game.The game went very well for a couple of hours.I decide to go to dinner and close the game, when Ireturned I load the game I had all my inventory but everything that I built was not there. My house, my ship,my crafting stations. , WTF?Is this a common bug or a weird one.I know that the game is in alpha, but man this sucks
  21. Tobi Noun

    Everything is black

    I do not have the best laptop, but the game should work for me. It does not matter which settings I choose, my gameplay remains black. Have taken screenshots of it and also uploaded to my profile. Can someone help me with what is possibly to stop, so that I can play?
  22. handofthesly

    Map tile bug

    My map seems to have glitched out a bit. There's one tile where it has duplicated the original area when the map was first created and pasted over the top of another area further North West. Dropping the map and picking it back up doesn't do anything, neither does restarting the game. Bizzare.
  23. Not sure if some of these are intentional but didn't see any mention of them on quick scan through of forums. when against anything (ground, bush tree) and you rotate the camera so you would be "Technically", looking through the object the view glitches into the ground(or object) and shakes on 80+ FOV burnt out fires show inventory but cant take from it. dying mid bow animation glitches the chars hands to like its holding a full drawn bow on respawn, fixes upon reloading into game constant humming when using a pick
  24. I was trying to join @A3_Melle's server since we have a little co-op kind of thing going but he recently put a password on it to prevent others from joining and this means I can no longer join(I know the password to the server dont worry ). The screenshot should provide enough information. Unfortunately if you click "Back" in this situation (2nd screenshot occurs) you will be forced to quit the game OR spam ESC + LMB and RMB. Second Screenshot:
  25. FlopjackFlumbery

    Game won't download

    I have downloaded the Ylands launcher, but it will not download updates. It says Download Failed Ylandslauncher.exe Createylandsdirectories.exe