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Found 1534 results

  1. Hello, When i place a Coral it appear black, but eventualy (refresh) the coral color come back withtout touching it.
  2. During a DS game, we were using the trade window. There were too many items for how many open slots for the receiving player. Trade was started, but gave fail message. Trade window was closed, player went to clear inventory space. Player who was trying to send items did not receive items back after the close. Attempted to reopen trade window and nothing there so all items were lost.
  3. The collision is a bit to big for the lamp and you can't place anything above it.
  4. On our server we keep falling off the ship. Ill run to certain parts and it will teleport me off and to the left of where I was. I can run right through walls and out into the ocean. Doesn't matter how we get on the boat. i.e. ladder, pier, etc. Is this a bug or merely a latency issue? Makes exploring very dangerous.
  5. I think this may have happened to me in an earlier version of the game too but it happened again just recently. I was flattening the floor in my underground base with an Iron Shovel and my stone chest next to my blacksmith station disappeared. I checked up on the surface and it had somehow clipped through the earth and ended up on the surface with all of it's contents intact. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt DxDiag.txt
  6. Hey Dev's, not sure if it's been reported or not. But I was playing online with Stoutcrusher. Here's a short video link of what happened.
  7. I have been to 3 different yland cave systems,the longest one and the deepest one was the polar desert one.. there were no ylandium crystals or mutated animals in any of the cave systems and i cannot progress without ylandium dust
  8. I built a circular stairway which only allows one way movement. There seems to be plenty of head clearance on the way up. But coming down is impossible. Replacing stairs with half-blocks seems to solve the problem. Why is there a difference? Is this a bug?
  9. Im playing with friend on dedicted server he started(quake's world) and im expiriencing some problems. -sometimes i get bugged when i grab item from ground. Bugged in way- my avatar repeats grabing move, and its very hard to do anything else, i can walk(while still repeating the grab move) but i cannot use any items or grab anything, stops only after relog. For my friend looking at my avatar it appears like everything is okay. -when i enter crafting, or more commonly exit crafting into inventory, game crashes(this appears is known bug with old ATI radeon graphic cards, my computer is using one(HP pavilion dv6 3300se, ATI mobility radeon 6550)) -sometimes after game crashes its impossible to re-enter the world, game crashes when loading "raising oceans" hits 100% every time, the only way is to load last server world backup and run from that. This and more issues is going to report my friend who maintains the server. keep up great work, and if i missed some information key to resolve them bugs, let me know, I will do what i can to help. Ylands is great promissing game :-) Honza output_log_clean.txt error.log output_log.txt
  10. Jordan-290eb88b53a0e6d8

    RESOLVED [Ships] Block placement

    I've noticed that when building on ships the waves offset the placement of the block if the mouse is still. To combat this I have to keep the mouse moving while I place anything. Just wondering if anyone else experiences this or if a fix is being developed?
  11. This is more of a technical issue, rather than a bug. After doing some research, joining different servers and such, there is a big gap of waiting... Lets say you want to join a server that's well established, been around for awhile... (Example, my server) here is the break down of times per handshake event Establishing a Connection: ~5-10secs *There is a very long pause here looking at blue sky...( ~35s-40s of nothingness.. many would think server has lagged/crashed ) (During this time, people on the server, are frozen in-place, which makes a lot of them disconnect/frustrated/blaming me for bad server) Start of downloading data: ~45-50sec * this part is dependent of servers data ( ~15-20secs, could use improvements) Start of loading data: ~1:05m-1:10m Seeing your Character in-game: ~1:15m--1:20m (this is fine, computer dependent) Please have a look into this, especially the part of "nothingness" at least.. would be great to eliminate all of that time. PS: This is a DS also.
  12. Got the following thing happening while playing online with a friend.. when we stop the ship and we ancor it.. i did the ancor down while he was at the helm.. after we came back afther exploring the ship was bugged.. ladders says failed.. with dirt makes a ramp.. sails dont react to the controls. Just wanted to let u know.. great game over 500 hours. Got more bugs i know but not reporting them. Greetings
  13. I am posting this here, read why. After running a server locally for 3 weeks, the charging station started to act like it was on all the time. This was true with no power hooked up, and was rendered non-operable because of this. You could place a new one and the power would immediately be supplied without a link and the panel would rise. As soon as power was hooked up, the panel stopped rising but the noise remained. After about a week of this and constant host disconnect issues, I decided to just pull the savegame and move it to the local saves and run from there to prevent host disconnects. Low and behold, placing a charging station works great as expected. As of now, I would assume that this is related only to the dedicated server somehow.
  14. Hey there, when planting multiple oak trees (or any other tree) very close to each others (like 20-30 pieces) and then trying to chop the trees down there will be some trees which are not able to be cut into logs as the hitboxes cant be hit anymore. Restarting the dedicated server will fix that issue as it seems like the hitboxes will be recalculated.
  15. Hello there! Encountered a pretty dismal bug. Almost every time that I leave my house (on OFFICIAL EXPLORE EU 9), when I come back to the barrier zone the server kicks me out with "Host Unreachable" error. I then have to log back in and do it all over again, and next time I will leave the barrier zone and come back the game will probably kick me again. This is super reproducible and I attached the needed logs. Here's to hoping you can fix this without resetting the entire server, deleting a few days' work... Thanks! Kittemz output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  16. I've found that on an MP server that I am playing on that it now takes me two swings to get one hit on a tree and at least two, usually three pick up animation cycles to pick up logs, seed, etc. It usually takes two cycles to pick things like cotton or flax. That makes all of my harvesting take twice as long (if not longer). I'm still enjoying the game but my creative endeavors are screeching to a halt. output_log.txt
  17. Something is causing us to not take damage at all. I believe we figured out the cause. Everything worked fine for a little while, we took damage at the beginning, and died a few times to hunger while logged out. once we placed out protective barriers, it stopped us from taking damage inside it, like its supposed to, but we still took damage outside the barrier. Now, all of a sudden, none of us three take any damage whatsoever... fall, drowning, puma attacks, etc... If i type /killme, it fixes the problem, until I stay in my protective barrier long enough to where I would die without it. Once the barrier "saves my life", then I no longer take damage again. Its happeneing the exact same way with all three of us. we tried in 0.6 and 0.6.3 with the same results.
  18. Ever since the newest patch today I have not been able to move any items in my inventory. Right-clicking does nothing. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  19. Heyo, i started the buccaneer bay scenario as a singleplayer and there i have shot down the pirate ship. the rest of the ship still remained floating in the air. i returned to main menu, started the wild west scenario as singleplayer and in the water the pirate ship remains still were visible. after that i logged in to a multiplayer dedicated server and there the ground was sandy instead of green (remains from the wild west scenario desert ground?) and the pirate ship remains were visible partly in the ground of the island. unfortunately i did not make a screenshot but after i restarted the game everything was back to normal
  20. When sawing down a rubber tree, it is possible to extract infinite rubber with an iron knife (I didn't tested it with a tone knife). This occurs when the tree is down but still whole. (not cut in logs...)
  21. Every time i go on a cave and come back later to my ship everything on it is invisible like everything, sails, woodend block, railling, all you see is the wooden ship and that’s it
  22. Rawdeegaming

    RESOLVED Ship of Doom!

    I do not know what we have done, but the game has broken for me, not for other players though. I've built a ship and made cannons on it, while using a cannon, I suddenly got stuck in the ships hull. I tried /unstuck 0 and that made things worse. I cannot move, even after a relog, I am in the same position. I think we found a pretty critical bug. I am not sure if that's something you're interested in seeing logs from, or even joining the server and try and use the ship yourself. I just crashed the game for another player as well. Seems like I've made the ship of doom! If someone wants to see the bug in real life, I'll gladly give you our server name and password. After getting stuck, we managed to get free with /unstuck 0, but could not move from there until getting killed. Going over to the boat, will get you stuck again, just by being near it. For some odd reason, the VOD is not visible on the streaming page, I've asked support about it, cause everything was recorded. When I have the VOD, I'll post a link here. output_log.txt error.log
  23. When the ore is in soft soil like dirt or sand, it's possible to indefinitely dig with the pick and then flatten back the surface with the shovel. The ressource doesn't deplete. I just got 56 coal from the patch on the screen captures and the patch is still intact.
  24. I sent a tweet to @Ylandsgame and they responded sending me here when I had asked about reporting crash logs. These forms send me to https://support.bohemia.net/ That's great, confusing, but great. (Ylands is not listed as a reportable game for support so...) I move forward ignoring the no Ylands game anyways, putting the files together nice and neet, including my DxDiag log. And it doesn't accept the log format from the Ylands Crash Report. So, I love helping and being apart of developing a game, but there needs to be a better way, no, a more clear way on getting Ylands developers the information so that they can correct any type of error that the game might be having. It's the 1st Crash in over 175 hours of playing... So, the stability of the game is astonishing, as a cherry on top.
  25. This glitch keeps killing our servers ;-; Basically, this glitch [EX]U [03:52:10.36] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ylands.AnimatorExts.GetFloat (UnityEngine.Animator animator, AnimatorNameHash anh) ylands.CharacterAnimation.GetFloat (AnimatorNameHash hashId) ylands.CharacterAnimation.UpdateBow () ylands.CharacterAnimation.OnAnimatorIK (Int32 layer)