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Found 1534 results

  1. Josiah_Hallo

    RESOLVED Map do not work

    Hello Yland(team), i got an map and it can not work. if i try to log in he stop loading and say : "recalling buldings" furter he can not come.i am verry good and far now i cant log in. i am a little bit sad. Please help!
  2. Tango-b1e1359c36fb4273

    RESOLVED [YLD-8509] Request timeout

    This bug only actually started happening to me on a new installation after the latest update. This is a new machine for me and I'm using Win 10 this time, my previous machine used Win 7. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  3. hello can any dev help my problem? i lose all my item and i lose my current character after i logout.. when i try to login its required i must create new character and after i made a character i cant find any my item (i was logout in my home building) and in my new character i didnt get letter (usually get one after died) output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. the large ship still cant have things placed on it. it doesnt move around as much with the latest update when you try build on it, but it always claims location too far
  5. I've got just under 50 minutes of video showing the inventory and the tree stump glitch. I know they are both known glitches but you can never have too many examples. This is a new game that I just started a few days ago with the new update. Since the update the glitch has been happening less often but it's still happening enough to make me have to reset at least once per hour if not more often. (sorry about the echo in the audio quality, something must happened when i rendered it) 5:13 : Glitch Starts - Crafting or moving single cubes causes them to be glitched, its hard to see when it happens but the next time I open my inventory at 8:26 you can see it is glitched 9:25 : Moving rails around on UI causes the glitched cube icon to move to a diff spot 13:54 : Cube block is dropped but spot is now glitched and unusable 21:10 : Moving items around on UI glitches Axe 21:28 : Rainforest tree stump glitch 31:00 : Moving prop pack glitches 43:55 : Notice coal is also glitched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIj2mMSv9cs&t=7s
  6. Good afternoon, Still loving the game, just wanted to let you know I can reproduce the Server Connection Lost error 100% of the time with my character on the Social Survival P1 exploration map in multiplayer. It's not my server, but here are my log files. If you'd like me to reproduce this for you while you monitor, please let me know. I have the steps down (it's basically triggered in an area near my base). I can get it to lose connection 100% of the time, if I head that way. I hope this helps! Normally I am able to play MP games with Ylands without issue, and the occasional disconnect, but this I can reproduce 100% of the time. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  7. Ylands is a great game, although because of early access, it can have some phenomenal game breaking bugs. As the title says - my brother and I were playing in a ylands world, He had entered a raft, and then all controls were locked. he sailed into the distant ocean, unable to control it. I opened the world in the editor and found him and his raft. I deleted the raft moved him to our island and repositioned my boat because it hit a rock. I saved and joined the world. Upon entry I noticed 2 things. one, my boat was in its original position, no changes. My brother tried to walk, and all his controls were locked. I then went back into the editor, and spawned in a large boat to test. When I saved and entered the world, the boat had not spawned in, and my brother was stuck. Sorry for the long post, I hope to see this bug get squashed! Ylands is a great game, I honestly think its worth 20$ With much more content at a early release im exited to see what comes! Thanks - Crow
  8. Hello, So i managed to find a sufficient amount of Ylandium, and i have enough to build a charging station, unfortunately, wherever i try to place it, it shows with a RED grid all around, no matter where i go, outside, in my house, on top of my house, on my ship (even worse this makes my ship rock and roll like it s going to sink), on a mountain... You name it i tried it all, and when finally, even with the RED grid i try to click to place it,i get either "Location Too Far" even if i try to build just under my nose, or, "There Is Not Enough Space" even if i try to place it in the open... That is all in solo game because as some of you may know by now, MP is a NO NO for me as it is.
  9. Hello, I clicked on the Editor option in the Main Menu and then left the Editor without Saving anything (I didn't do anything in the Editor besides move the mouse around a bit and close to Main Menu without Saving). When I went back into my Single Player Exploration save, the character was completely bare with nothing from my character from before I exited last. My body and items were not anywhere to be seen from where I was standing. Now, I killed myself just off the shore and the screen just stays black after I choose to make a New Character. I tried closing the game and restarting it and it does the same thing. When I tabbed while in the death screen the Creator Cube/Crafting/inventory menu came up even though I'm not in creative mode. Can't respawn.
  10. I love this game and love the exploration side of it most. But this last time I was in the process of building up a large ship. I was about 2/3 finished when I was launched into the air. I was walking up stairs, wanted to jump one, and was launched into the air. When I came back down onto the ship I had lost three hearts and the ship leaned and shimmied to the side. I hit something else and died, plunging to the bottom of the water. That wasn't the awful part. My ship was completely turned onto its side. There is no way I can think of to fix this. I don't mind dying because I have become a pro at recovering from it. But I can't rebuild yet another ship. Can you please help me? Can you at least tell me what the heck happened that makes sense? My character has never been launched like that before today. Attached are the files requested output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. when launching the game the main menu is non responsive. https://gyazo.com/3ba246ecf36ebe3790cbec950504f349
  12. So I can't place a fore/ aft one my large ship. I was wondering if there is anything I can do to fix it?
  13. Encountered this strange bug when I updated the dedicated server to the new 0.63v2 version. I was using an existing single player save file for my private server and several of my clothing items changed colours. A pair of white flippers turned yellow, one white fur jacket and white fur pants turned black, and one white pair of boots turned green. The other clothing items were already black and didn't change colour at all. These items were in a chest on my ship as well as in my character''s inventory. First image is of the save in SP, the second is from the server. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  14. Hi, Well, we had problem with slots before during "drag and drop" - now we do not even have to do drag and drop! Picking up items or opening containers is messing with slots very well even without our help. Just walk around and pick some items, open inventory and... Surprise! Try to move something here and there, drag and drop and after a while you will find more and more "broken" slots. The only difference is: items are not showed at the bottom of the window, but one and a half to the right... Also... sometimes drag and drop "miss" and you have two identical items, both in the same slot, but not combined as one... Second strange thing is... Lanterns are not working from time to time. I have 20-30 lanterns right now, and some of these are "off" and after a while on again or "half-on"... or... bright red...??? So, I must say - It was better before... BTW. It was in my game before, I thought it was made for a reason, but it seem unlikely... I like to collect mushrooms, so I have few containers full of different kinds... And I have found a glitch or bug - the buggy/glitchy mushrooms are only cave mushrooms. For some reason, the same types cannot be combined together, thought they are clearly the same type (not similar in look, but exactly the same). I thought at the beginning that I can collect only one big mushroom in one slot, but then I realised that some mushrooms can be combined together and others not - thought they are of the same type, for example glowing mushrooms. So, In one slot I have one, in second one three, in third 2 identical mushrooms, but they cannot be combined. Maybe the same cave mushrooms, but from different bioms are tagged somehow and cannot be combined? Have a nice day, Bartosz
  15. Hi Devs I was playing and wanted to finally craft some clothes, I tried to craft a complete set of the Southern Uniform but I could not Equip the Shirt, there is no Issue with the Hat or the Pants but the Shirt doesn't equip. I have tried with both a Female and Male character but they both don't render. When I try to relog I get a black unrendered shirt in my inventory, but my character has a white shirt in third person.
  16. The oriental roof slope 2x2x1 has a wrong hitbox/collider model. It currently thinks it's a 1x1x1 sized block in the editor. You can place them into eachother (without freeplace), and because of this it's really hard to make good roofs because there's no blocks to place against.
  17. Maps do not work in multiplayer. With the map on the hot bar when a player plays it updates and works but upon logging out and back in on a dedicated server instance or a player hosted game, the map resets and does not save.
  18. Hello. When I want remove "energy beam" from the Energy switch, Node or Street lamp my game freeze and need start again. Destroying the switch or any item connected with that "beam" will help me without freeze. Game version: 0.6.42165 Thank you and I still love this great game output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  19. Hello, Already posted this in the 0.6 bugs thread, but this is apparently still persistent. I thought it had to do with my old map being from a few patches ago so I started from scratch on a new map. What happens: I'm building a ship. Save the game, close the entire game, start the game, load up my map, and certain blocks are moved/clipped into eachother, others have lost their paint. This happens mainly to blocks whose movement/placement I have undone (using ctrl+z), which i have deleted or which I have moved using the move tool. This all happens in the editor by the way. The end result is again a lot of lost time Here's my savegame + logs: NEW_SHIPTEST.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  20. Set up a splitter on my ship, when I connected a heater it wasn't powered. I tried to remove energy stream and game crashed to desktop. Reloaded tried removing splitter game crashed, tried removing in editor game crashed. If I try to interact with any of the items associated with the splitter the game crashes to desktop.
  21. According to the in-game help, the protective barrier, when active, will protect the plot owner from damage by other players while offline. However on the official NA 4 server I had an activated protected barrier and was within plot while offline and I was still PK'd. When I logged back in on the NA4 server I was even able to catch the name of the person that killed me.
  22. Hi all! When you are building anything, you can press H to rotate, and right-click to change the axes of rotation. However I noticed that when building items that are not crafted in-inventory, but build right into the world (like doors, braziers, crafting stations...), right-clicking in this scenario cancels the build, so we cannot change the axis of rotation. This makes it impossible to rotate these items on two axes, only in one. It also makes it impossible to make good-looking and functional double doors Is it possible to fix this? Thanks!
  23. My sister is hosting the server, I am the client. We have both had issues getting stuck inside the ship when we somehow walk into it the wrong way. She was able to quit out and move the ship in the editor for her own character and once the ship was moved she was unstuck. My character got stuck in the ship and she can't find my body in the editor, so not sure if moving the ship this time will help or not. Being stuck in the ship appears to prevent my game from loading as well, unless that's something else that is totally unrelated. Update: After she tried moving the ship in the editor (though she still can't find my body), I was able to load in, but it demanded that I make a new character - and when I did so it did the "frozen at the character creation black screen" thing. So...not sure how to get into game now... ::sigh:: ...After, like, 30 hours of game play. I think there needs to be an "unstuck" command or something that we can somehow issue to the game to get ourselves out of these terrain glitches and such. Probably not an easy thing, by any means, to implement - but if it's doable, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated by the community. Another ship-related issue I keep having, as the client, is that every time I walk away from our ship to explore something and come back, it is just a dark black, seemingly un-rendered hull with no sails or ladders or any chests or anything built on it any more. The host, my sister, says it still renders for her and works okay, but it is just an empty black hull for me almost every time I walk away from it and return - so i can't access anything on the ship or even get on the ship itself, I just get stuck in it. ::shrug:: Not sure why that is. Attached are my own output_log and output_log_clean - not sure if those are helpful or if you have to have the host's logs. Thank you! output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt