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RESOLVED Issue with Game crashing in Craftingwindow and Workaround
der_grinch_69 posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
Hi there I found and issue when the game crashes in crafting window. When i already had unlocked the large Ship and not having the main craftingcomponents (logs, planks, nails) in inventory and then search for "ship"or scroll down in the list to it, the game crashes. However, it will NOT crash if you have some logs, planks and nails in your inventory. Not sure if this issue might happen with other items but i would keep the basic crafting components for the desired item in inventory to prevent crashes hope that helps -
My experience: Often, when i go into the crafting menu, i crash. At first i just thought of it being a random crash, nothing special about it, so I just restart my game, but then I try again, and i crash again, then again, then once more, then again, i tried about 10 times before i just signed off and cooled down playing something else. I come back a couple of hours later or maybe the next day, getting on, trying to craft the things i tried yesterday, but no, crashed again. The Bug: Something in the crafting menu is definitely causing the crash, I have an idea what items that might be causing such a crash. How to trigger it: It happens mostly when i type in Sh when getting a Ship or L or La for Large Mast with sail, but ngs might be causing it, as far as i know this happens for only me in our group, and i have not seen anyone else report this. The crash happens in both Creative and Exploration while searching for the same things. the things that is not causing it: I have checked around, my PC is more that capable of handeling this game, and network can neither be the problem, as it is really good (75/75 Fiber). Task manager reveal that there is no stress on the game, running very smoothly, and there is absolutely no lag even on Ultra Setting, so i am assuming this to be a game bug. It is possible to play, crafting still works about half the time, but it gets annoying to crash and reload into the game and multiplayer all the time, and loosing saves in singleplayer. i hope with this semi detailed bug report this can hopefully be solved in a future patch, some bugs like invisible things on ships, or ship going black, it is early access so i don’t make myself mad over it, but fixing such a bug i feel is soon necessary to be able to progress is a very fun game.
So I started playing multiplayer with my brother and I noticed that the crafting recipies di not unlock when they should, as they did on singleplayer when I played by myself. Enyone know why, or how to fix the issue?
RESOLVED [YLD-7939] Game freezing in crafting menu
Flo Le posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
Hi, i have an issue with the crafting recipes in the crafting menu. Whenever i start a game and progress far enought, my game is freeting when opening the crafting menu oder scolling down in the crafting menu (depends on how much posible recipes i have in the menu) now i startet a game wirth only a very few ressources so far and the game is freezing when i try to open the crafting menu. All was good, as long as i had no lether in the inventory. With the lether in the inventory, my game is freezing again. i have a sceenshot (a very bad, i know, but i reacted to slow for a better one). The screenshot shows all the materials ia had. Without the lether, i could open the crafting menu and do whatever i wanted to do. There need to be a corrupted recipe, which needs lether. Please let me know, if you need any more Infomation about it. I realy want to get this fixed. I realy enjoy the game so far, but can't play it for long and can't realy begin to build much. Best regards Florian Lemmer PS.: I had an issue with the forum here the last time and sent you and email. Sorry for that. But now i am trieing to go the right way. -
CANT REPRODUCE [YLD-7822] CRASH - Crafting Beams
handofthesly posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
Hi there, Just encountered my first crash on the Steam Release Candidate. I just hit the craft button to craft a beam and it crashed, not sure if this was the cause though. I restarted the game and it took me back a tiny bit to before I started crafting blank paper sheets in the paper press so no idea if this was related. output_log.txt -
idea how to make crafting easier - searching item´s
Nomik posted a question in Suggestions & Feedback
Hello, I noticed, that player´s are often saying - game is little bit complicated. I was thinking how to simplified something and here is my first idea. This game have so much great item´s to craft, but if you want make (for example) 10 item´s, it´s sometime´s hard to remember all item´s which are needed. I lend you´r PIN from messages, and put it into window´s with item´s. (all engine´s, left corner) When you want craft it, just click on pin, to save recipe. Recipe will appear on orange line - miniature and pin will change color to red. When you choose all what you need (I make just 3 item´s for show you) you can go into container´s and start collecting item´s. When you forgot, what to take, just put cursor (no click) on recipe miniature and it wil scroll you list of required item´s. After you put cursor away, list will dissapear. (sorry, I haven´t cursor on image here) When you have all, miniature will be colourfull like in crafting and you can unpin it or leave it if you use it frequently. Great will be, when you will need just click on miniature and it will open window with recipe in crafting - becouse you spend time with searching recipe´s first time. What do you think? -
(I failed to notice the recipe that lets you craft 1 cloth for 2 wool. Which amounts to 9 cotton/flax mix saved, oops. Please disregard the following haha) Currently, it takes approx sub 2 seconds to plant and harvest cotton/flax (without travel time). It can be done en masse, which means returns are nearly exponential. It takes about 3ish seconds to harvest a single wool from sheep. This doesn't account for actually going to the sheep and attempting to connect in order to line up the tool tip with the shears, which are needed to craft beforehand. Once that is all said and done, you only get a single wool from a sheep. It takes two cotton/flax/wool in order to spool a single yarn. Which means, inherently, you're putting in tons more effort into wool for significant, almost unbelievably poor gains in comparison to the plant options. I propose an increase in order to balance out this. A 1-10 wool/yarn would be a great starting point. Considering how many sheep you'll likely have, maybe a herd of 10ish, that means at the end of a days work, you'd end up with 100 yarn, or 33 cloth. Which is about what you'd get from a day planting and harvesting. Cost for time and effort would be balanced. Thoughts?
I would like to see a wood mill machine to make wood materials (i.e. planks, beams, etc) faster from logs, rather than manual cutting with iron saw.
Hi guys, just a quick one. I enjoy filling the shelves of my house with books and writing notes on my adventures. Ive been wondering for a while; Why can't we craft and write our own books? This would be a lovely addition to Explore mode and a fantastic feature when crafting custom games on Editor. Written Books have proven very successful on Minecraft Servers. They've been used as Infomation Packs for new players, Background Lore for RPG based games as well as a load of other things! It shouldn't be too difficult to craft them, a stack of paper pages and maybe a scrap of leather for the cover? From a Dev point of view, this suggestion shouldn't be too hard to implement as the models are already present in the game. let me know what you think guys! ? Rob
Need More Info on Crafting Screen To Tell One Building Block From Another
NoPlayJack posted a question in Suggestions & Feedback
No matter how much I play and get to know the game, it's very hard to decide which item I want to craft from the crafting menu. That's because the only information the crafting menu gives you is what it looks like and how many it crafts. The problem is that it's hard to tell the difference between each item in the crafting menu. I'm sure you can come up with better ideas but here are some ideas that I have: - You could be able to click on each building block (before you craft it) and spin it to see exactly what it looks like - From the crafting menu, it would help if there were an indicator on each block to show if you've got any in your inventory. Maybe it shows the count in your inventory? - It would also be helpful to show the size of each item before you craft it. - From your inventory you should be able to click on a building block and there could be a "Craft More" button so you don't even have to go to the crafting screen -
Since the addition of Ylands latest features like Compositions and Blueprints players like myself have been able to create some amazing new content for the game! Like the Beach Sets [pictured below] which were but the simplest things to create using only a few awning blocks, a pole and a sleeping mat they didn't require much and so gathering and storing the materials to build them was no big deal. But then we get to the more elaborate creations like this pricy new Hot Air Balloon [also pictured below] which costs a whopping 13,000 + Cloth and other various materials to construct. Gathering that much fiber alone to make the Cloth is labor intensive but it can be done! The real problem is in the handling of the cloth; Cloth only stacks up to 10 per slot and even the largest storage container only has 18 slots...And if you do the math that means I'd need no fewer than 722 Storage Chests just to store the Cloth alone, nevermind the other various materials ...for that one balloon. With the Flying platform, I intend to build as many a 7 of these beauties from blueprints in the air and create a static "Hot Air Balloon Race" experience. That's a lot of Cloth! Not all the balloons are that expensive but to make my point we need higher stack counts just to prepare for such incredible undertakings! I for one, do not intend on running around all up and down to build these things. The ideal way to do it is to prepare and store the materials ahead of time and then dump them all into the Blueprint machine when you're finally ready. God forbid that we don't have higher stack counts when it's time for me to build the Zepplin!
Workstation/Crafting table sub filter in "Crafting"
Unchained posted a question in Suggestions & Feedback
Can a filter be added to the game for Workstations/Crafting tables/Smelter/etc. for the "Crafting" menu? So when we want a specific table sometimes one may forget the name of that specific table or don't know if it he/she can build it yet, so maybe adding that could help on the quick search of it.-
- Crafting
- Workstation
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Hi All, Something I really wish there was, especially with how many options there are, is to be able to hide certain item trees when in the crafting general menu. For example, with how much clothing, rugs, clay pots, etc there are, I would really like to be able to filter out items I know I personally will not make. I imagine it as the last little button along the top or bottom of the crafting general menu, a sort of "Hidden Items" tab that would allow you to hide/unhide things from the crafting. See photo for what I'm talking about. I only suggest this because with how many new items get unlocked with each new item found, I like browsing from time to time to see what's new for me to make, but it's hard to find things when sifting through 100 different clothing items that I have no interest in making, since I already have armor on.
Group/Stacked Crafting or Up-Gradable Crafting?
Kristin Mca posted a question in Suggestions & Feedback
One of my highest frustrations is that when you're crafting anything (food in the stove, anything in the forge, etc.) you can only do the 9 at a time. I wish there was a way to do stacks of crafting (like stacks of 10 or 25 glass in the kiln, stacks of ingots, etc) to make the process a little less babied. Even if stacks of 5 took 5 minutes, stacks of 10 10 minutes, that would be a major improvement. I say this because so many times I've terraformed or mined out an entire ore vein, only to come back to the forge and kiln and sit there, bored brainless, as the one-minute timer ticks over and over again. At least with stacks of 10, I could drop it and leave and come back. The upgradeable idea comes in for example, if higher quality crafting places (campfire -> cooking pot -> stove as I've seen in some games) have higher stack abilities, faster crafting, higher quality crafting, etc. Just another thought along the same lines! -
A minor suggestion: The game has 3 variants of step-stones, all of whom can't be crafted in exploration mode: They look great though, and come in really handy when building outside. A simple crafting recipe, e.g. making them from stone chunks with a hammer and chisel, and the possibility to switch between the 3 variants, like possible with other items, would be awesome
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- crafting
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Hi guys, I would like to ask if there is a way how to currently craft: 1) flags like on the enclosed picture 2) an armchair 3) iron shackles
[Suggestion] Bed respawn and costruction items
Tanker751 posted a question in Suggestions & Feedback
i just wanna ask if is possible to make all objects re-pickable at any moment? and can we respawn in the last bed where we slept? instead of the first island... -
How about a craftable buoy that we can place in the water to mark shallow reef in areas we frequent with our ships and boats. I think about this a lot when I am headed back from adventuring and avoiding the same areas.
RESOLVED Sandstone ramp blocks require chisel as material
RoraxPlays posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
Two Sandstone Medium Ramp blocks require the iron chisel as a material rather than a tool. The entire iron chisel is used to create a single Medium Sandstone ramp Block. There are two recipes this occurs for as far as I can tell, The plain Sandstone ramp and the convex corner ramp block. Both are medium recipes. -
Small, Medium, Large (S, M, L) in the crafting menu
RoraxPlays posted a question in Suggestions & Feedback
In the inventory you can tell if a block is small (1x1x1) or Medium (2x2x2) By a S or a M in the bottom right hand corner of the slot. This does not appear in the crafting interface and so there is not way to tell if you are crafting a medium or a small version of the block. Also names are vague all plain sandstone blocks are called "Sandstone Block" and all decorated sandstone blocks are called "Decorated Sandstone Block" It doesn't matter if they are a convex decorated medium ramp or a small plain ramp its all "Sandstone Block" or "Decorated Sandstone Block" -
RESOLVED "Wooden DESK" typo -- it's really a "wooden deck"
ez1 posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
As the title states, I believe the item labelled "wooden desk" -- which is a crafted 2x3 block of wood 1 tile thick -- is a typo and that actually a "wooden deck" is intended. This may seem a minor issue that has flown under the radar, but these wood pieces are among the most-used building items and mislabeling this piece will doubtless confuse a number of new players -- it certainly gave me pause when building for the first time. -
Just wondering where to find oriental stuff.. I've been playing this since it released on steam and I love it so much! I found out right away that there are oriental items! I've already made oriental chests plenty of times. But I don't know how to make anything else oriental. On top of that, I'm not sure if any oriental structures spawn... I've never found anything anywhere! Are there oriental structures you can stumble across? Will my oriental dreams ever come true? Hmmmm...
Hello again! Encountered a bug I havn't seen before. This occurs on OFFICIAL EXPLORE PA 15. I am trying to craft a Guardian Helmet. It appears in the crafting menu as craftable. I have all the ingredients. When I click to craft I get the "FAILED" message. I tried reloading the game, reloading Steam, loading another Yland and coming back to this one - nothing worked. This same server occasionally blocks me out of the crafting menu. When I click the tab it does not switch, and clicking the "O" hotkey does nothing. When this happens, reloading the server fixes this issue, but the Guardian Helmet remains uncraftable. Attached are my output files and DXDIAG report. Thanks! DxDiag Ylands.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
RESOLVED 54 hours of game and loving it, but I'm getting really sick of the inventory bug
DanMothe posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
This bug is still happening even after the update. It keeps happening a lot to me. I have to log out and log in every time this happen, it's annoying as hell. I can't move the bugged item and can't move other items to it's place -
Hi I have just starting playing the game and just to say that for an early access game there is a lot of content and so much to do. I was wondering if it was possible that withing the crafting and inventory system tabs that there are sub tabs for metal, wood, cloth, leather and so on to be able to narrow down the assets. Thank you