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Found 43 results

  1. Major boat bug, UPLOADED IT TO YOUTUBE : this happens while jumping in a boat in front of a mast, the boat will sink and you will die! Please fix this, ME and my friend lost everything.
  2. So I have been playing Ylands since about 2 days ago and I love the game very much! I have not had many problems or bugs at all until today. I was crafting something (I dont remember what) and the game wasnt registering that i had hit the craft button multiple times and then when i would try to equi...
  3. Hello together, i have a little problem. I would like to play the game togehter with a good friend. But its not possible that one of us create a game because if one of us want joining the other one, this wont work. Everytime the game says "host unreachable". This happens while joining. He isnt...
  4. TheIntelloBox

    RESOLVED Error

    Hi, I have this error : There should be 'Ylands_Data' folder next to the executable The folder Ylands_Data is next to the executable...
  5. Hello everyone ! Today I would like to ask you if there will be Ylands on Nintendo Switch soon? my PC is not powerful enough to play the game so I would be very happy to play Ylands in portable mode! Thank you for any answer... !
  6. 2020 Update: Dedicated servers have been DISCONTINUED. However, you still have options. Share games, buyable Nitrado/BI servers and locally-hosted multiplayer. You can only buy servers from Nitrado now. Nitrado sponsors P1 -- that is an affiliate link. Should you start a dedicated...
  7. Ummm... I seem to be missing something in my Exploration Map.:. SPOILER ALERT : BE AWARE As myself and my comrade are hammering through our exploration map, we have managed to get to a particular puzzle. As it has been enjoyable to play through... we find ourselves rather... well... frustr...
  8. Hello guys! Lets start with that, I have bought the game yesterday. It worked fine on ultra/very high settings. Today I wanted to play Ylands again. So I am launching settings and just out of curiosity turned options down to high to see how it will affect overall performance. I hit start button and...
  9. KrewNoob


    Could someone explain me this?
  10. DW's Gaming N Animation

    Adding Pics to Objects / Materials

    I think it would be cool to be able to add pictures like logos to building materials or all objects. What do you guys think?
  11. DW's Gaming N Animation

    P1 Geek Ylands Server

    I have been building and trying out the new Server function....well its New to me. Anyway, I've used the coyns in the game to buy a server and I put my buildings in there. If anyone wants to join the server and add to the city, you can find my server called P1 Geek Ylands. I' watch alot of Red E...
  12. MizzShadowCat

    How can i make a custom npc?

    Hello, well my question is just the title really. How can i make a custom npc and place it into my exsplore world? Any ideas guys?
  13. The islands (or are they ylands?) seem excessively close to one another, in some cases so close you can see one island's shore from another. For those of us who'd like travel to be a more meaningful part of the game, could we please get a world generation configurable option to increase the distance...
  14. Before saying anything, I don't know what the main purpose you guys are following with this game is, so I'm not sure if you wanna pursue simulation or you are creating a sandbox with no realism more focused on the amount of things you can do, but I have noticed you have put some hard work into makin...
  15. Found that with the seed container in inventory, can make a supply of infinite seeds by splitting the stack and equipping one to hotbar. I found that if you equip one stack, the game will use the equipped stack up but still register as having more of those seeds because of the other stack.
  16. Hello YLanders, it's me Smoothey I'm a youtuber that has around 50 subs on youtube, I upload all YLands on my channel but i tend to play solo as I have no friends that play this game ( ooof ) Anyways, I'm looking for some people to record with, I don't have a lot of requirement...
  17. ---Crow---

    Better mining?

    Back in the day, I used to play minecraft, this is primarily the reason for me purchasing ylands as I wanted another sandbox survival game to spend hours enjoying. I was thinking, currently the mining in ylands is ok, but I want that underground dusty feel as you mine for your precious iron or coppe...
  18. If you want to join a Ylands community server then click here.
  19. In Semi-Official Ylands Building Contest! #1 teams competed to build the best 1930's vehicle. Now we have to choose which are the best and which will win the prizes! #1 Topolino Friendly, reliable and sometimes upside down this little car zips past the competition! #2 Car A...
  20. Survivant/survivantes, bonjour, Je vous présente aujourd'hui notre discord Ylands qui est et resteras actif basé sur le jeu Ylands. Nous essayons de ramener le plus de joueurs possible afin de créer la plus grande communauté française. Dans ce cadre, je vous invite à nous rejoindre pour tent...
  21. RedEagle_P1.

    Good Builders Needed

    Hi all! We are looking for decorators and builders for something special. What we are using may or may not be used in an official ad (not by Bohemia but something else). If you can help, post: Your age: Screenshots of your best builds: How long do you have each...
  22. Just stumbled across this while googling Ylands. https://apkgk.com/com.yter.ylands It appears to be an Android app based off Ylands. I don't have an Android phone so can't tell if this is legit or not but I thought it looks unusual.
  23. Pharaun Mizzrym

    Official Item Suggestion Thread

    In this thread state an item you would like to see in the game. Please provide as close a picture to what you are imagining if possible. I would like to see: Teddy Bear ________________________________ More Containers Specifically of interest one for holding stones, ro...
  24. The new Ylands NPC update has a lot of people confused. If you are confused, please ask your question here! How do I find NPCs? Where do I find NPCs? How do I trade with NPCs? What do I trade with NPCs? How do I add NPCs to my map/world? How can I test out N...